Positions in Physiological Ecology and Related Areas

Viewing the job ads:
Please select a position level in the frame to the left. To see new positions, be sure to hit the reload/refresh button in your browser every time you visit our site. These listings are not exhaustive and represent those that have been submitted, plus selected ones posted to e-mail groups. Featured positions at the top are from researchers who are actively engaged with the Ecophys community and are seeking the type of job seekers who visit our site, so pay special attention to these and please mention that you saw the ad on our site. The listing tables are sorted first by review or closing date, then by posting date, but can be resorted by clicking the column titles. Make sure you apply at least 1 day before the date listed, since sometimes they mean the last day to apply is the day before that date (it is often unclear). Better to be safe and apply as early as you can. If no review date is specified, we assume the review date is the same as the posting date - you should assume that applications are being accepted immediately and apply as soon as possible. In the full listings below the table, we try to group faculty and postdoc positions by area of research, with physiological ecology positions listed first. Graduate, staff/technician, and undergraduate positions are sorted alphabetically by sponsoring institution.

Salary, benefits, and hiring policies are only mentioned in a job ad when they are specific and/or markedly different from the rest. Since almost all faculty or postdoc job ads include the phrases "Application review will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Salary is negotiable commensurate with qualifications. Excellent health and retirement benefits. A background check is required for employment. Equal Access/Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.", these are not included in the individual listings. It is safe to assume that this language applies to all US ads on this site, unless otherwise specified. You can read the full policies of each employer on their respective websites. Canadian job ads include language similar to "The University of X is committed to employment equity. Members of designated groups (women, aboriginal people, people with disabilities and visible minorities) are encouraged to self-identify in their applications. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply: however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority." Graduate student ads almost always contain phrases like "Our university is located in the best city/region in the world, with abundant recreational opportunities and vibrant culture. Salary is competitive and includes health insurance and tuition waiver. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled." These are always deleted, since they pertain to almost all ads unless otherwise specified. We assume you know how to google basic information about universities, cities, and hiring policies. For any job, you should assume that review begins immediately unless otherwise specified.

Posting instructions:
To list a position here, please send an email with the job title and brief ad (plain text in the body of an e-mail message is best) to Will Cook. Please specify which page you would like it to appear on. We don't currently list volunteer or near-volunteer positions (e.g., minimal stipend interns, B.S. positions paying <$15/hr with no benefits) or Adjunct Instructor positions. If the full job ad is available online, please send the link. All ads are edited to make them as concise as possible while still being human-readable. Ideally, the word count should be above 100 words but below 250. Superfluous verbiage will be ruthlessly deleted; excessively lengthy job ads will not be posted. (A common example: "How to apply: Applicants should apply at https://jobs.fsu.edu" will be trimmed to "Apply at https://jobs.fsu.edu".) To mark a position as filled, just send us an e-mail with a copy of the ad pasted into the body of the email. We'll add [position filled] to the ad and gray the text. We don't remove old job ads so that people searching for jobs can review what's been advertised in the past.

Position type

Payment for featured positions:
If you would like us to feature your job ad, we ask that you make a payment to help us keep this site running. Once we receive payment, we'll list the job ad at the top under "Featured Positions" for 3-4 months, or longer if desired. Please select the appropriate job level above to pay by credit card via Paypal. Invoices available by request. Thanks for your help - we can't do it without you!

Suggestions for improving this site are welcome. Thanks!