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Summer Jobs and Internships | Undergraduate Programs | Short Courses

Summer Jobs and Internships:

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Location Title Closes Posted
Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences Fall REU, Marine Science, Oceanography 5/31/21 5/14/21
Kansas State University REU, Stream Microbial Ecology 4/4/21 3/19/21
Kansas State University REU, Konza Prairie LTER 4/4/21 3/19/21
Oregon State University REU, forest ecophysiology and ecohydrology 4/1/21 3/19/21
Oregon State University REU, fungal and forest ecology - tree microbiome 4/1/21 3/19/21
University of Texas at El Paso REU, Chihuahuan Desert Biodiversity 3/19/21 3/3/21
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium REU, Changing Coastal Environments 3/1/21 1/5/21
University of Vermont REU, Site Crop Diversity and Rural Livelihoods in Vermont and Uganda 2/28/21 2/8/21
Consortium for Plant Invasion Genomics Summer Undergraduate Research Positions (24) 2/28/21 1/14/21
University of Toledo REU, Environmental Challenges and Sustainable Solutions at the Lake Erie Land-Lake Interface 2/28/21 1/8/21
University of Wyoming REU, Plant Ecology in Flagstaff Arizona 2/26/21 2/8/21
University of Arkansas REU, Ecosystem Services 2/26/21 2/8/21
Harvard University Harvard Forest Summer Research Program 2/19/21 1/28/21
Eastern Kentucky University REU, Disturbance Ecology in Central Appalachia 2/19/21 1/5/21
North Carolina State University et al. REU, Tropical Ecology and Evolution at El Verde Field Station, Puerto Rico 2/15/21 1/14/21
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center REU, environmental change in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems 2/15/21 1/5/21
University of Virginia REU in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 2/15/21 1/5/21
University of California at Berkeley REU, Tropical Ecology and Plant Ecophysiology 2/12/21 12/29/20
University of Wisconsin-Madison REU, Plant and Climate Change Ecology 2/1/21 1/14/21
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies REU program in Translational Ecology 1/29/21 1/5/21
Miami University REU: Ecology in Human-Dominated Landscapes 1/15/21 12/29/20
University of Nebraska - Lincoln Plant Biology REU: Expanding Opportunities in Agricultural Sciences, 1890-1862 Land Grant Universities  11/20/20 11/20/20

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Summer Jobs and Internships | Undergraduate Programs | Short Courses

Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences: we have funding from the National Science Foundation, (NSF Award number OCE-2050858), for the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program to support nine x 12-week internships for undergraduate student research at BIOS during fall 2021 (starts August 30, ends November 19). An REU internship at BIOS is a great way to gain the experience necessary to embark on graduate studies or careers in oceanography and the marine and atmospheric sciences. Students will conduct individual research projects in a collaborative team environment under the expert mentorship of BIOS faculty and staff. This year's REU research projects will be based around the following broad research themes: Coral Reef Systems Ecology, Plastics in the Marine Environment, Biological Production and Exports: Assessing the Biological Carbon Pump in the Sargasso Sea. Throughout the semester, REU students will give presentations that outline their research topic, methods, and results, including a final presentation to BIOS faculty, staff, and visiting students. REU students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of field excursions to learn about Bermuda's natural history, flora and fauna. We also offer a program of career development workshops and seminars hosted by BIOS faculty. Funding includes return air travel from the U.S. to Bermuda, accommodation and meals. Each successful REU applicant will also receive a competitive stipend. (Medical/travel insurance is the responsibility of the student). Further information on the REU program at BIOS can be found here including a link to the online application form, past student testimonials and details of potential projects. To be eligible, applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, over 18 years of age and enrolled in a program of undergraduate study immediately before and after the program dates. We urge all successful applicants to arrange for independent study credit through their home institutions. Underrepresented groups, and students attending colleges or universities where research opportunities in STEM are limited, are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants are ineligible if they have participated in a prior NSF-funded REU in Ocean Sciences. Application deadline is May 31, 2021. Questions? Contact us at Posted: 5/14/21.

Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies: The Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook NY is now accepting applications for the summer 2021 REU program in Translational Ecology. Application deadline: January 29, 2021 Midnight EST. Dates: June 7 to August 13, 2021 (10 weeks). Eligibility: Undergraduate freshmen, sophomores, juniors or first semester seniors. Must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. or its possessions. The Cary REU program welcomes participants of all races, religions, sexual orientation, age and ability status. Students from groups traditionally underrepresented in ecology and first generation college students are particularly encouraged to apply. Stipend: $5,500 participation stipend, plus $1800 room and board stipend and all travel expenses covered. Pairs of students will join teams of 2 or more mentors to conduct individual research projects of their own design in collaboration with their research team. Research project areas for the summer of 2021 include: · How ecosystems influence arthropod vector populations and potential disease transmission risk · Understanding the intersection of global change, conservation, and disease risk · Projecting future tree lines in Alaska · Environmental history of an urban-suburban watershed in Dutchess County, NY · Are symbiotic nitrogen-fixing trees in the Anthropocene shifting functions? · Vertical dimension of microbial community assembly and function in forests · Examining the effects of global change on streams of the Northeastern US · Urban forest ecology in New York City Feel free to contact me for more information about the program at Posted: 1/5/21.

Consortium for Plant Invasion Genomics: The Consortium for Plant Invasion Genomics (CPING) is seeking applicants for 24 in-person undergraduate research positions for Summer 2021. Each student will be paired with a CPING mentor and will gain experience in field collection, use of herbarium specimens, genomics, and bioinformatics. Specific projects will vary by CPING mentor, but students will form an interactive cohort that will receive training in career development, research best practices, and scientific communication. The CREU session will run from June 1st – August 12th, 2021, which concludes with a professional conference at which students can present their work. Research sites span 20 mentor labs across 14 U.S. states. Undergraduates in their second year and beyond (including graduating seniors) with interests in invasive species, botany, and/or genomics are encouraged to contact individual CPING mentors prior to application. List of mentors can be found here: ( Students are encouraged to contact potential mentors prior to applying. Due to funding restrictions, students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, but students who come from underrepresented groups in STEM, have limited research opportunities at their home institutions, and/or live or study in EPSCoR states are encouraged to apply! Successful applicants will receive a stipend of $4k, another $2k for travel and living expenses, $1k in research funds and full travel funds to the CPING annual conference in August 2021. Applications are due February 28th, 2021. Posted: 1/14/21.

Eastern Kentucky University: Disturbance Ecology in Central Appalachia. NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program at EKU is seeking applicants for a summer REU program. The theme of the research is disturbance ecology. Students will work at Lilley Cornett Woods, a field station with old-growth forest in eastern Kentucky, and in Daniel Boone National Forest. This is a 10 week program running from May 24 - July 30, 2021. Research projects for summer 2021 include studies of fish, salamanders, aquatic invertebrates, copperheads, migratory birds, small mammals, pollinators, old-growth forest, geohydrology, ecological resilience, remote sensing, and GIS. Students will be paired with faculty mentors and work closely with agency professionals. Students will develop research skills including communication, data collection and management, analysis, and writing, while also learning to work in remote field locations. Students will also participate in professional development workshops and recreational trips. Student benefits include a stipend of $6000, housing, a food allowance, travel costs to and from EKU, research travel during the summer, and research supplies. To be eligible, students must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or permanent resident and an undergraduate graduating no earlier than Fall 2021. We especially encourage applications from underrepresented minorities, veterans, persons with disabilities, first generation college students, financially disadvantaged students, and students from colleges with limited research opportunities. Covid-19 related restrictions may create limitations for housing and travel. Applications are due February 19, 2021. Participants will be selected by March 15, 2021. More information including the application can be found at Questions can be sent to David Brown or Kelly Watson at Posted: 1/5/21.

Harvard University: The 2021 Harvard Forest Summer Research Program is now accepting applications from a diverse group of undergraduate students to join an immersive research experience. The 2021 program will be VIRTUAL. This 11-week paid virtual internship (May 24 – August 6, 2021) is coordinated through Harvard’s world-class ecological research hub in Petersham, Massachusetts. The program seeks to support students in conducting research and building their careers through Research, Education, and Community. Undergraduates from all U.S. colleges and universities are eligible to apply but must be U.S. Citizens or Resident Aliens. The strict application deadline is Feb. 19, 2021. Posted: 1/28/21.

Kansas State University: The Molecular Microbial Ecology Lab is pleased to offer the opportunity for a current undergraduate student to conduct full-time research in Summer 2021. Research will center on diversity and function of microbial communities in streams across a gradient of land-use, including a combination of field and laboratory work, with specific research questions to be determined based on goals and experience of the successful candidate. The REU student will receive an $8,000 stipend, paid in 3 installments over the summer, and $1,000 for research supplies. The opportunity is supported by the KS-NSF-EPSCoR Microbiomes of Aquatic, Plant and Soil (MAPS) Systems project. To apply, please send an email titled "Application: Stream Microbiome REU 2021" to Dr. Lydia Zeglin (, with email text serving as a cover letter summarizing (1) your motivation to apply, (2) your relevant experience, and (3) your future professional goals, and with a resume or C.V. document attached. Please include the names and contact information of two references in the resume/C.V. document. Send this application by April 4, 2021 for full consideration. Posted: 3/19/21.

Kansas State University: The Konza Prairie Long-term Ecological Research (LTER) program is soliciting applications for 5 NSF-funded REU projects for the summer of 2021. Applicants will be matched with one of 6 Konza LTER investigators. Projects will take place at the Konza Prairie Biological Station, located near Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. Projects will vary in subject matter but will include field sampling and laboratory-based experiments. Applicants will also gain valuable professional development and science communication skills. Students will receive a $6,600 stipend for the summer. Underrepresented minorities are specifically encouraged to apply. For more detail, follow this link. What is the application process? 1. Read project descriptions at the link above. 2. Fill out application form. Please have ready a non-official transcript and reference names and contact information before applying. The application deadline is April 4, 2021. If you have specific project-related questions, please direct them to the individual labs listed at the link. If you have questions regarding the application process, email Posted: 3/19/21.

Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium: The LUMCON invites highly motivated undergraduates to apply for Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) positions in our NSF-sponsored summer 2021 REU program in Interdisciplinary Research Experiences in Changing Coastal Environments. REU participants will spend ten weeks (June 7th - August 13th) at LUMCON conducting independent research projects with guidance from scientific mentors / mentor teams and participate in a series of career and skill-building workshops and activities while interacting with peers participating in other aspects of LUMCON's summer programs. Each student is paired with a scientific mentor(s) based on mutual research interests. The REU program is designed to give students a meaningful, hands-on research experience that takes advantage of state-of-the-art methods and technologies available at LUMCON. This summer, mentors are interested in supporting interns to conduct research in a number of topic areas, including: biogeochemistry, habitat forming species, dissolved organic matter cycling, microbial ecology, coastal geology and sea level rise, invertebrate diversity and ecology, disturbance ecology, ecosystem ecology, wetland science, and oil spill impacts. Candidates must be available for the entire ten week period. Successful applicants will receive a $600/week stipend; room and board at the Marine Center in Cocodrie, LA; funds to support transportation to and from LUMCON; and funds to support their research. The ideal candidate should be interested in pursuing a career in coastal and/or marine science, creative, hard-working, detail orientated, dedicated, and comfortable working as part of research team. Experience with field or laboratory research is a plus but not necessary. To be eligible you must be returning to an undergraduate degree program in the fall (e.g., if you will graduate in May or June, you are NOT eligible). Students from underrepresented groups in sciences, from small colleges, and first generation college students are encouraged to apply. Deadline: March 1st 2021. For details and to apply, see: Questions about the program and/or application process should be addressed to LUMCON's REU Site Program Director, Dr. Brian Roberts, at Posted: 1/5/21.

Miami University: The “Ecology in Human-Dominated Landscapes” Research Experience for Undergraduate students (Ecology-REU) at Miami University, Ohio, will begin recruiting students for the 2021 summer program. Undergraduate students will have the opportunity to partake in independent research, receiving guidance from experienced faculty mentors and field experience at sites such as Miami University’s Ecology Research Center (ERC), Hueston Woods State Park, and more. The objective of our REU program is for students to develop hands-on research to understand the ecological effects human activities can have in our changing world. Research projects may be available in areas such as community ecology, limnology, behavioral ecology, microbiology, conservation genetics, ecotoxicology, and more. Our program has run for almost 20 years, and you can check previous Research Experiences Here! Duration of the program: - 10 weeks, between May 31st and August 6th Eligibility criteria: - U.S Citizen, National, or Permanent Resident. All students are welcome to apply, and we encourage students from historically under-represented groups in STEM to apply as well as students from institutions with little research opportunities and/or in financial need. - Students must be enrolled for Fall 2021 at their home institution. - Prior coursework in ecology and environmental science is recommended. Support: - Funding for research - Summer stipend - Room & Board at Miami University - Paid travel expenses Application process: - Resume or CV - Contact of two references whom you have asked to write recommendation letters - Personal statement of interest - Unofficial/official transcripts of previous and current college/university you have attended Apply online. Review of applications will begin on January 15th, 2021. Posted: 12/29/20.

North Carolina State University et al.: We are now accepting applications for summer 2021 - internship in Tropical Ecology and Evolution at El Verde Field Station, Puerto Rico. The program will run from May 31 - August 6. Application deadline: 15 February 2021. The program will offer students the opportunity to have hands-on experience fields such as: Aquatic insect ecology, Plant Population Ecology and Invasive Species Biology, Riparian Ecology, Macroinvertebrate Ecology. Students receive a stipend for the ten weeks duration of the program. If an onsite program is possible, we will cover round-trip plane ticket from home institution to Puerto Rico, up to a maximum. Otherwise, we will run the program online. The National Science Foundation funds the program. The program is limited to undergraduate students pursuing a bachelor degree at a college or university during summer 2021 who are US citizens or permanent residents. Additional details at Posted: 1/14/21.

Oregon State University: We are seeking applicants for an NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) position in summer 2021 to do tree physiology and ecohydrology research at the AmeriFlux Metolius site (US-Me2), a Ponderosa pine forest on the east slope of the Oregon Cascades near Sisters, Oregon, and also at the NEON Wind River experimental forest, an old-growth Douglas fir/western hemlock forest in the Columbia River Gorge near Carson, WA. This project will focus on better understanding the properties of plants, ecosystems, and climate that govern ecosystem evapotranspiration (ET). The REU student will play an integral role in data collection and analysis. The student will be trained to collect field measurements including leaf water potential, leaf photosynthetic rates, and soil water retention curves. The student will have the opportunity to participate in multiple field campaigns throughout the summer collecting data with a team of researchers. The REU student will be asked to focus on one research question relating tree transpiration data from sapflow measurements with above and below canopy evapotranspiration measurements to identify the relative contributions of soil and canopy evaporation, understory evapotranspiration, and tree transpiration to total ET fluxes and investigate how these relative contributions change throughout the growing season. This research will contribute to a larger project leveraging networks of eddy-covariance measurements that span a range of ecosystems and combining them with new stable isotope measurements of carbon and water indicative of biophysical function. The project is focused on better understanding the drivers of ET partitioning and guiding management activities aimed at improving ecosystem resilience and our ability to predict land-atmosphere water exchanges now and in a warmer climate. The goal of this program is to provide undergraduate students an opportunity to participate in 10 weeks of mentored, paid, independent research. The program includes an opportunity for the student to interact with a variety of scientists, including OSU faculty and graduate students conducting research in the area. Participants will work with the PI's (Dr. Chris Still and Dr. Stephen Good) and a postdoc (Linnia Hawkins) working on the project. The REU student will conduct supervised and guided research and be encouraged to tailor the research project to their own individual interests. The position will be based at Oregon State University in Corvallis, OR and travel will be required for multi-day trips to the field sites. This position lasts for 10 weeks, starting in May/June 2021 (dates flexible), working 40 hours/week. The student will be responsible for: 1) conducting independent but mentored research in the context of a larger project; and 2) writing a final research report on their research experience. Housing on Oregon State University Campus housing and a weekly stipend of $600 will be provided ($6000 total stipend). There are also some funds to defray the cost of traveling to Oregon State University. Position Requirements: Applicants should have a valid driver's license, and ideally the ability to carry a heavy pack (40+ lb) and be comfortable spending long days on their feet in the field. The position will involve working in inclement weather. University COVID-19 policies will be observed at all times, and COVID-19 precautions and contingencies will be in place for all field work. Students with experience and/or interest in plant physiology, field measurement techniques, and data analysis are particularly encouraged to apply. Eligibility is limited to currently enrolled undergraduates that have a graduation date no sooner than fall 2021. All applicants must be U.S. Citizens or permanent residents. Women, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply. To apply: Please submit a brief cover letter (1 page) indicating your interest, experience and professional goals after graduation, curriculum vitae or resume, transcripts (unofficial are acceptable) and 3 professional references (names, addresses, phone number, and email address) as 1 document to: and . Please include in the subject: REU 2021 Application. Only complete applications will be considered. Review of applications will start Apr. 1st, 2021. Posted: 3/19/21.

Oregon State University: Seeking two summer students to contribute to tree microbiome research in the Busby and Still labs, Corvallis campus. Students will be supported by the National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates program and will be affiliated with the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest LTER. The REU students will contribute to ongoing efforts to characterize the canopy microbiome - communities of fungi and bacteria living in and on needles - of Douglas fir trees using microscopy, culture-based methods, and molecular tools (e.g., DNA extraction, PCR, sequencing). In addition, the students will test whether needle fungi contribute to water uptake in the form of dew using controlled greenhouse experiments. Students will monitor leaf physiology metrics and hyperspectral imagery before and after simulated dew deposition that occurs during drought stress. Students will participate in weekly lab group meetings and will have an opportunity to present results of their summer research. The positions include both remote and in-person activities, with COVID precautions in place in the Busby and Still labs. The full-time positions are for 10 weeks, roughly from June-August 2021 (start date is flexible). Students will be provided with a stipend of $5500. Eligibility is limited to currently enrolled undergraduates that have a graduation date no sooner than fall 2021 (no graduating seniors). All applicants must be U.S. Citizens or permanent residents. Students from traditionally underrepresented groups in science are encouraged to apply. To apply please send a cover letter outlining your interest and relevant experience, CV, and contact information for three professional references to: and with the subject "LTER REU application." Review of applications will begin on April 1. Posted: 3/19/21.

Smithsonian Environmental Research Center: SERC in Edgewater, Maryland is recruiting students for internships during the summer of 2021. In accordance with COVID-19 safety precautions; we will be unable to provide on-site housing for students, so we are interested in students who live locally and would be able to commute to the SERC campus multiple days per week and students who are interested in virtual internship opportunities. We offer undergraduate and beginning graduate students a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the fields of environmental research and education. The program enables students to work on specific projects while getting experience in valuable lab techniques all under the direction of the Center’s professional staff. The program is tailored to provide the maximum educational benefit to each participant. SERC is focused on understanding the causes and consequences of environmental change for marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems. Interns at SERC conduct independent projects over 12-16 weeks utilizing our 2,650-acre research site on the shores of Chesapeake Bay to provide novel insights into some of the most profound issues challenging our world today; including habitat loss, climate change, and invasive species. The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center has maintained an REU site since 2001 and those students sponsored have used our professional-training programs as a steppingstone to pursue advanced careers in the environmental sciences. Application to the SERC Internship Program consists of on-line registration, Student copy of transcripts, personal essay, CV or resume, and two letters of recommendation using the Smithsonian On-line Academic Appointment (SOLAA). Summer (May-August) deadline: February 15. For more information email: Posted: 1/5/21.

University of Arkansas: We will support the training of 10 degree-seeking undergraduate students for 10 weeks during the summer of 2017 (May 24 to July 30). Room and board will be provided as well as a $5500 stipend during the program. If an on-campus program option is not allowed due to COVID-19, we will be hosting a virtual REU. This opportunity specifically welcomes Native American undergraduates from Native-serving two-year colleges, four-year universities, and research universities. However, all undergraduates are welcome and encouraged to apply. Students will participate in structured lectures combined with laboratory and field research, and cultural enrichment activities that emphasize the process of science, the ethic of sustainability, sustainability of food, water, and energy systems, and the cultural connections of ecology with tribal traditions. Students will develop and complete an independent research project with the aid of their mentor(s), attend and present at a professional meeting, and complete a manuscript. Students will participate in responsible conduct of research training and ethics modules interspersed throughout the program. TO APPLY please submit an application by February 26, 2021. Two letters of recommendation need to be emailed or mailed directly from letter writers. Student participants will be selected by a committee composed of project principal investigators (PIs) and mentors. More information about the program is available by visiting , or by contacting the PI (Dr. Michelle Evans-White at or the co-PIs (Dr. Kusum Naithani at and Dr. Marty Matlock at Posted: 2/8/21.

University of California at Berkeley: The Macrosystems Ecology Laboratory is seeking an undergraduate student to carry out independent research in summer 2021 as part of an ecology project supported by the National Science Foundation. This Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) will support one student as part of a broader team. The nature of the REU program will depend on the COVID-19 pandemic. If international travel is feasible and ethical, the project will be based in Ghana and will focus on tropical forests from the coast to the interior. If international travel is not possible, the project will be based at the University of California Botanical Garden in Berkeley, California. If neither is possible, the project will be offered as a remote internship instead and will focus on analyzing already-collected datasets. More information. How to apply Fill out the web application. The application requires the name of one professional reference. Deadline Friday, February 12, 2021 at 11:59PM (Pacific time zone). Application review will commence immediately; late applicants may or may not be given consideration. Posted: 12/29/20.

University of Nebraska - Lincoln: Undergraduate Research in Plant Biology. REU: Expanding Opportunities in Agricultural Sciences, 1890-1862 Land Grant Universities. UNL's Center for Plant Science Innovation welcomes applications for their new Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. Gain research experience in the plant sciences and engage in professional development during the summer 2021. Students from 1890 Land Grant Universities are especially encouraged to apply. Read here about the REU program and possible research projects and mentors In addition to research experience and professional development opportunities, REU students will receive: - Competitive stipend: $5,000 - Suite-style room and meal plan - Travel expenses to and from Lincoln - Campus parking and/or bus pass - Full access to the Campus Recreation Center and campus library system - Wireless internet access. For more information, contact Nicole Busboom, Posted: 11/20/20.

University of Texas at El Paso: REU Opportunity Summer 2021: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Chihuahuan Desert Biodiversity. DEADLINE MARCH 19, 2021. The UTEP Department of Biological Sciences invites applicants for the NSF sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Chihuahuan Desert Biodiversity. This is a 10 week summer program. The goal of this program is to provide undergraduate students with experience in hypothesis-driven collaborative research utilizing field based and/or laboratory methods and fully engage students in projects associated with the ecology and evolution influencing Chihuahuan Desert biodiversity. The program provides: - High quality research experience in ecology and evolutionary biology in the field and/or lab - Research opportunities at the Indio Mountains Research Station (IMRS), a 40,000 acre facility controlled by UTEP and/or other Chihuahuan Desert field sites - One-on-one and group mentoring from active research faculty in multidisciplinary fields - Training in bioethics and other relevant professional skills The program includes: - $6000 stipend for 10 weeks - Housing in shared apartments and field station - Travel reimbursement of up to $600 For more information on the program, research projects or to apply please visit: Enquiries: Posted: 3/3/21.

University of Toledo: seeks students for our Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program, “Addressing Environmental Challenges and Proposing Sustainable Solutions at the Lake Erie Land-Lake Interface”. We are seeking 10 students to join our team from May 24 - July 30, 2021. Students will work in laboratories at the University of Toledo's Lake Erie Center, Main Campus, and Health Science Campus either remotely or in person. Due to the continued pandemic we anticipate customizing the REU experience for each student and faculty combination to come up with the most suitable format. Options may include an entirely remote format (no travel to Toledo), partially remote format (some travel to Toledo), or a traditional on campus format. Students will address complex challenges at the land-lake interface to understand how natural resource use impacts biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and public health, with the goal of advancing environmental sustainability. Students will be paired with faculty and graduate student mentors from the Departments of Environmental Sciences, Geography and Planning, Public Health, Medicine or Engineering, and will conduct independent research in ecology, limnology, remote sensing, medicine, public health or engineering. Experiences will introduce students to the diverse habitats and ecological challenges facing Lake Erie, and students will receive training in research ethics, experimental design, data analysis, writing scientific papers and applying to graduate school. Students will write a final report and present their research at a public poster gala. Applications will be accepted from students in any relevant major to research harmful algal blooms, water quality, invasive species, natural communities, habitats, land use and nutrients. Rising juniors and seniors are preferred, rising sophomores will also be considered. Students must not have graduated before the start of the Summer 2020 term. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent legal residents. Students from underrepresented minority groups, women, veterans and first-generation college students are especially encouraged to apply. Students will be selected based on academic excellence, a letter of reference and a demonstrated interest in environmental issues, and will be matched with a mentor based on indicated preference for research areas. Apply at: by February 28, 2021. Questions regarding the program or application process should be directed to Posted: 1/8/21.

University of Vermont: We are now accepting applications for a Summer 2021 NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program based at the University of Vermont and Sterling College. This REU will provide eight American undergraduate students from diverse academic backgrounds an opportunity to conduct interdisciplinary research on the ecological, economic and cultural roles of on-farm crop diversity in rural Vermont and rural Uganda. Under the eight-week summer REU program students will receive training at the University of Vermont (UVM) in rural development theory, social survey research methods, spatial analysis using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and written and oral communication. Working remotely with partners in Uganda students will collect and analyze original farm, household and spatial data from smallholder farms and surrounding communities, and work closely with faculty mentors to prepare presentations and manuscripts on links between crop diversity and livelihood outcomes. Completed applications including 2 letters of recommendation can be submitted online via Review of applications will begin on February 28th. The 2021 Summer REU Site program will run from approximately June 14-August 9, with some flexibility depending on Covid-19 travel restrictions, safety precautions, and quarantine needs. All travel costs will be covered by NSF and the summer program includes a generous stipend. All participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents enrolled at a U.S. college or university at the time of the program (seniors graduating in Spring 2021 are not eligible). Posted: 2/8/21.

University of Virginia: Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. University of Virginia's Blandy Experimental Farm has a wonderful opportunity for undergraduate students to gain research experience during summer 2021 in ecology or evolutionary biology. The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) fellowship is open to applicants from any college or university. The REU program emphasizes experimental ecology and evolutionary biology including a wide variety of topics such as plant-animal interactions, pollinator behavior and ecology, insect population ecology, and ecosystem ecology. Successful applicants will receive a stipend of $575 per week (over 10-11 weeks), additional money for food, and free housing. Each student picks a research mentor from our pool of faculty members and graduate students and then conducts a novel research project. The students will gain experience in experimental design, data collection, analytical techniques, and written and oral presentation of findings. REU students also benefit from several professional development workshops. This is a wonderful opportunity for an undergraduate student contemplating a future in science. The application deadline is Feb 15, 2021. Further information and application: Posted: 1/5/21.

University of Wisconsin-Madison: The Damschen Lab is seeking one paid Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) student for the summer of 2021. The NSF REU provides up to 12 weeks of full-time work (40 hours/week) with a $7,200 stipend ($600/week), a $1,000 housing allowance, and travel reimbursement of up to $600. The goal of this program is to provide students with experience in hypothesis-driven collaborative research utilizing field-based and laboratory methods and to fully engage students in a range of plant ecology research projects. Climate is changing faster in winter than any other season in many temperate regions. At the Damschen Lab, we are using a combination of field experimentation, laboratory growth assays, and functional trait analyses to understand the consequences of winter climate change on tallgrass prairie plant communities. With guidance, the REU student will develop a research question related to these topics. Weekly duties will be a combination of field work (~50%) and independent project/lab work (~50%). Learning outcomes include: 1) training on field and lab safety and scientific ethics; 2) experience generating and testing hypotheses, collecting and analyzing data, and summarizing findings; 3) training in marketable skills such as plant identification, survey methods, and functional trait collection protocols; 4) networking with professors, post-doctoral researchers, and other students in ecology; and 5) assistance with career planning. Eligible students must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and enrolled as an undergraduate in the fall of 2021. Ideal candidates will demonstrate: an interest in plant ecology, botany, field research, and/or outdoor activities; the ability to take direction and learn from others; strong work ethic, self-motivation, and critical thinking skills; and a desire to learn and develop research and professional skills. The Damschen Lab aims to make science and ecology more inclusive of people of all identities, and we strongly encourage people of color and people of all genders, sexual orientations, and cultural backgrounds to apply. Applications: In lieu of a cover letter, please fill out the following form, which will provide space to upload a resume/CV and list two references: We will begin review of applications in February. Questions about the program and/or application process should be addressed to Katherine Charton at Posted: 1/14/21.

University of Wyoming: We will work with this student to develop and conduct their own research project related to the ecology or ecophysiology of herbaceous species found within the study area. The overall goals of the project are to determine the links between functional traits and fitness across soil and climatic gradients. The student will spend the summer in Flagstaff, AZ working with Dr. Daniel Laughlin, PhD student David Atkins, and collaborators at Northern Arizona University. The REU student will join others at varying career stages (undergrads, graduate students, and professors) in a richly collaborative environment. The student will receive guidance on the design and completion of an independent project. The REU position is supported by the NSF's Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program which requires that the student must be enrolled as an undergraduate through at least August 2021 (i.e., you cannot be graduating in May 2021). The REU student will receive a stipend ($6000), and funding for costs associated with travel expenses (up to $750). It is typical to work M-F during the field season. We would like to work with students at any stage of their undergraduate career. The ideal candidate will have experience identifying herbaceous plant species, motivated to work in both the field and the lab, and interest in working with plant functional traits. We are especially interested in working with students from under-represented groups in the STEM fields, first generation university students, and students from non-R1 universities where research opportunities may be less prevalent. To apply, email David Atkins ( by Friday February 26, 2021 with a copy of your CV or resume, a one-page statement of why you are interested in this REU opportunity, and the names and email addresses for two references. Please use the subject line "REU Application" in your email. Posted: 2/8/21.

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