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Staff/Technician Positions

positions lasting 1 year or more, mostly with benefits
titles marked (MS) require a master's degree, not necessarily an MS
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Location Title Closes Posted
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Field Research Specialist in Biogeochemistry  7/4/22 6/27/22
Colorado State University Forest Monitoring Program Manager 6/13/22 5/20/22
University of California, Irvine Research Specialist, radiocarbon dating mass spectrometry  3/7/22 3/7/22

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Location Title Closes Posted
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Field Research Specialist in Biogeochemistry  7/4/22 6/27/22
Klamath Bird Observatory Ecologist and Partnerships Coordinator (MS) 6/27/22 6/8/22
Makah Fisheries Management Green Crab Biologist and Technicians - European green crab management 6/15/22 6/8/22
Colorado State University Forest Monitoring Program Manager 6/13/22 5/20/22
Lincoln Park Zoo Associate Population Biologist (MS)  6/8/22 6/8/22
University of Georgia Research Professional, Georgia Coastal Ecosystems LTER Program 5/31/22 5/11/22
University of Wyoming Wildlife Data Analyst (MS) 5/24/22 5/12/22
Rice University Lab manager, population and community ecology 5/6/22 4/7/22
Michigan State University Research tech, Kellogg Biological Station 4/30/22 3/22/22
Xerces Society Inland Northwest Pollinator Habitat Specialist (Food Industry/Supply Chain) 4/25/22 4/7/22
Michigan State University Fire ecology/biogeochemistry lab manager 4/15/22 4/7/22
US EPA Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds Hypoxia - reducing nutrient loads to improve water quality 4/15/22 1/27/22
Florida State University Research Technician, global change impacts resilience and ecosystem function in coastal ecosystems  4/7/22 4/7/22
University of Saskatchewan (Canada) Research Technician, Insect Ecology  4/7/22 4/7/22
Western Washington University Shannon Point Marine Center Laboratory Manager 3/30/22 3/9/22
University of California Riverside Assistant Director, James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve  3/22/22 3/22/22
University of Nevada Reno Field and lab technician, Watershed and Aquatic Ecosystem Ecology 3/21/22 3/9/22
University of Georgia Research Technician/Professional - Forest Ecophysiology & Ecosystem Ecology  3/15/22 3/15/22
Montana State University Research Associate: Plant genomics and evolutionary ecology  3/10/22 3/10/22
USDA-ARS Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit Physical Science Technician, cranberry farm research, Massachusetts 3/10/22 2/28/22
Florida State University Field Biologist, field surveys for invasive plants 3/10/22 2/28/22
Marine Biological Laboratory Research Assistant, seagrass and macroalgal ecology and (eco)physiology  3/9/22 3/9/22
University of California, Irvine Research Specialist, radiocarbon dating mass spectrometry  3/7/22 3/7/22
Dauphin Island Sea Lab Lab Technician, animal-sediment interactions 3/7/22 2/23/22
North Carolina Dept of Natural and Cultural Resources NC Land and Water Fund Field Representatives (2) 3/3/22 2/23/22
USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station Post-fire Science and Monitoring (MS) 2/24/22 1/14/22
USDA-Agricultural Research Service Botany Field & Lab Tech, Seed Enhancement Technologies, Oregon (2 positions)  2/23/22 2/23/22
Allegheny College Assistant Research Scientist, Watershed Conservation and Research Center  2/23/22 2/23/22
Arizona State University Lab Manager, Global Drylands Center 2/22/22 2/14/22
Ohio State University Aquatic Ecology Research Assistant 2/14/22 1/27/22
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies Program Manager of Watershed Health (forestry & wetlands focus) (MS) 2/7/22 1/14/22
Washington State University Agricultural Research Technologist (2), physiology, apple and pear tree crops 2/3/22 1/11/22
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Field Research Specialist in Biogeochemistry 2/3/22 1/27/22
National Audubon Society Senior Manager, Coastal Resilience, New York (MS)  1/31/22 1/31/22
USGS South Florida Field Station Wildlife Biologist, Everglades invasive species work 1/30/22 1/11/22
Marine Biological Laboratory Research Assistant I, Plum Island Ecosystem Long-Term Ecological Research site  1/28/22 1/28/22
Florida International University Research Assistant in Coastal Wetlands  1/27/22 1/27/22
The Nature Conservancy Forest Ecologist, Oregon (MS) 1/26/22 1/11/22
University of Wisconsin - Madison North Temperate Lakes LTER Research Specialist 1/25/22 1/18/22
Purdue University Lab Technician, plant ecophysiology, genetics, agriculture  1/21/22 1/21/22
US Army Corps of Engineers River/Ecological Engineer (MS) 1/19/22 12/27/21
Virginia Commonwealth University Senior Research Technician, biodiversity monitoring (MS)  1/18/22 1/18/22
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Biometrician, Nongame Wildlife 1/18/22 1/11/22
Proteus (New Zealand) Biometrician/Ecological Statistician (MS) 1/18/22 12/22/21
University of California, Berkeley Fire Ecology Researcher (MS) 1/18/22 12/21/21
Woodwell Climate Research Center Research Technician - Arctic Eddy Covariance Flux 1/15/22 12/20/21
Dauphin Island Sea Lab Research Technician, coastal fisheries ecology and estuarine water quality (MS) 1/15/22 11/23/21
Grand Staircase Escalante Partners Conservation Programs Manager  1/14/22 1/14/22
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Research Techician, ecosystem responses to warming and elevated CO2 in tidal wetlands  1/14/22 1/14/22
University of Kentucky Research analyst - herps and aquatic ecology (MS)  1/14/22 1/14/22
Washington State University Molecular Lab Manager - tree and ornamental plant health  1/13/22 1/13/22
University of California San Diego Research technician in river ecology  1/13/22 1/13/22
University of Maryland Statistical Programmer/Research Technician, animal tracking datasets  1/13/22 1/13/22
Marine Biological Laboratory Information Manager, Plum Island Ecosystem Long-Term Ecological Research site  1/11/22 1/11/22
Southwest Conservation Corps Ecological Monitoring Program Coordinator - Colorado 1/10/22 12/29/21
USDA-Agricultural Research Service Ecology Technicians, Burns, Oregon 1/6/22 12/29/21
Massachusetts Department of Fish And Game Endangered Species Review Biologist  12/28/21 12/28/21
Idaho State University Reynolds Creek Collaborative Science and Outreach Coordinator 12/21/21 12/1/21
Colorado State University Ecological Analyst 12/17/21 12/8/21
New Hampshire Audubon Director of Lands & Ecological Management 12/15/21 11/29/21
Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration Ecological Restoration Specialist - Ecohydrology (MS) 12/14/21 12/1/21
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium Research Technician in Coastal Ecosystem Ecology and Biogeochemistry  12/13/21 12/13/21
Santa Barbara Botanic Garden Lichenarium technician  12/10/21 12/10/21
Xerces Society Endangered Species Conservation Biologists (2 positions) 12/10/21 11/19/21
University of Vermont Monitoring Coordinator and Research Specialist, Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative  12/9/21 12/9/21
National Park Service Endangered Plant Species Technician 12/2/21 11/23/21
University of Missouri-Columbia Senior Research Specialist in Limnology  12/1/21 12/1/21
Cleveland Metroparks Stream Restoration Ecologist 11/30/21 11/15/21
Florida International University Research Technician in Spatial Ecology  11/24/21 11/24/21
University of Montana Project manager, mycorrhizal networks and forest ecophysiology  11/23/21 11/23/21
Santa Barbara Botanic Garden Rare Plant Technicians (4 positions)  11/19/21 11/19/21
US Army ERDC-CRREL Research Scientist, Soil Microbiology 11/12/21 10/5/21
Northeastern Illinois University Naturalist, Gensburg-Markham Prairie 11/1/21 9/9/21
Penn State University Laboratory Manager, Stream Ecology 10/15/21 9/9/21
LI-COR Applications Analyst, Photosynthesis  10/8/21 10/8/21
LI-COR Applications Analyst, Eddy Covariance  10/7/21 10/7/21
University of North Carolina Greensboro Research Technician, environmental drivers of food chain length in river networks  10/5/21 10/5/21
Archbold Biological Station/University of Illinois Research Technician, environmental sustainability of sugarcane for biofuel production 10/4/21 9/29/21
Auburn University Research Assistant in Water Quality 10/1/21 9/9/21
Susquehanna University Ecologist, Freshwater Research Institute (MS) 10/1/21 9/9/21
North Carolina Botanical Garden Natural Areas Steward 10/1/21 9/9/21
Dickinson College Academic Technician, Environmental Studies 10/1/21 8/12/21
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center MarineGEO Data Technician 9/30/21 9/9/21
University of California, Los Angeles Research assistant in plant community ecology 9/24/21 9/9/21
University of Michigan Food Web Laboratory Analyst 9/2/21 8/11/21
University of California, Santa Barbara Junior Specialist, experimental field marine ecology 9/1/21 8/11/21
University of New Mexico Herbarium Collection Manager (MS) 8/30/21 8/12/21
Kansas State University Environmental Sciences Program Administrator 8/24/21 8/12/21
Yard Stick PBC Soil Carbon Field Specialist  8/22/21 8/22/21
University of Michigan Modeling Data Analyst, Great Lakes 8/21/21 8/11/21
Woodwell Climate Research Center Research Assistant - Rangeland (MS) 8/20/21 8/11/21
University of Wyoming Ungulate Ecology Technician 8/20/21 8/11/21
University of New Mexico Facilities Services Manager/Sensor Network Technician, Sevilleta Field Station 8/18/21 8/12/21
Florida State University Conservation Data Manager, Florida Natural Areas Inventory 8/18/21 8/11/21
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Science Communicator 8/16/21 8/12/21
Marshall University Academic Lab Manager, Biology  8/12/21 8/12/21
Bard College Research Technician: plant-fungal interactions  8/12/21 8/12/21
NatureServe Science Project Manager and Data Quality Coordinator (MS)  8/12/21 8/12/21
Virginia Tech Research Associate - data manager and field research manager, salamanders, turtles, insects (MS)  8/11/21 8/11/21
University of Florida Research technician in spatial eco-epidemiology of tick-borne diseases  8/11/21 8/11/21
Princeton University Research Assistants - biodiversity, flies, grasslands 8/1/21 7/23/21
Brown University Lab Assistant - Molecular Ecology and Food Webs  7/23/21 7/23/21
University of Louisiana at Lafayette Research Laboratory Technician - phytoplankton ecology  7/23/21 7/23/21
Roger Williams University Shellfish Field Technician 7/23/21 6/30/21

Older listings: 2020-2021 | 2019-2020 | 2018-2019 | 2017-2018 | 2016-2017 | 2015-2016 | 2014-2015 | 2013-2014 | 2012-2013 | 2011-2012 | 2010-2011 | 2009-2010 | 2008-2009 | 2007-2008 | 2006-2007 | 2005-2006 | 2004-2005 | 2003-2004 | 2002-2003 | 2001-2002 | 2000-2001 | 1999-2000

Allegheny College: a small selective national liberal arts college, invites applications for the position of Assistant Research Scientist for the Watershed Conservation and Research Center at Allegheny. This is a grant-funded, 12 month hourly wage appointment, with subsequent appointment contingent upon external funding and performance reviews. The assistant research scientist reports directly to the Research Scientist of the Watershed Conservation Research Center. Our mission is to engage in strategic conservation activities and train future watershed stewards to protect, restore and enhance our land and water resources for future generations in the upper Allegheny River basin, focusing on the French Creek Watershed. A B.S. or B.A. in environmental science, biology, ecology, applied conservation or a closely related field is required. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Posted: 2/23/22.

Archbold Biological Station/University of Illinois: Archbold’s Buck Island Ranch (BIR), and the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment at the University of Illinois (UIUC), Urbana-Champaign seeks a full time technician. Archbold operates a full scale working cattle ranch at BIR, which provides a unique platform for long-term agro-ecology research. The successful intern will be supervised by Drs. Evan H DeLucia (UIUC), Elena Blanc-Betes (UIUC), Nuria Gomez-Casanovas (UIUC) and Elizabeth Boughton (BIR). The overall goal of the project is to investigate the environmental sustainability of sugarcane for biofuel production. Our objectives are to: (1) Characterize the impact of sugarcane cultivation on the regulation of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs; CO2, CH4 and N2O) compared to managed grazed pasture; (2) Quantify the efficiency at which sugarcane and pastures use water; and, (3) explore the impact of sugarcane cultivation on nitrogen and phosphorus losses versus pasture. This is a non-tenured, full time, 12-month position, and can be renewed annually for an additional two years, contingent on progress, and the availability of funds. The successful candidate will assist with the maintenance of eddy covariance towers, and with sampling of field experiments at BIR in Florida, U.S. The balance of the technician’s time will be spent in the laboratory for the following: analyzing soil, water, gas, and plant samples; preparing field supplies; maintaining field instrumentation related to this project (including eddy covariance, canopy and soil chambers); processing data. Depending on experience, there is also opportunity to assist with data compilation and analysis. Required qualifications: A bachelor’s degree in biology, environmental science, chemistry, or related field; basic computer skills (MS Word, Excel). Preferred: Research experience in the field and in the laboratory related to biogeochemistry (e.g., trace gas flux measurements, soil and water sampling, gas chromatography, eddy covariance); experience working on farms and with farmers; experience working in subtropical and tropical sugarcane plantations and rangeland. Demonstrated knowledge of troubleshooting environmental monitoring equipment is desired. The position is located at BIR, a 10,500-acre cattle ranch near Lake Placid, FL, with shared housing available on site. This is a full-time position, although the duties of the jobs may change as contract or grant turnover occurs. Competitive salary with full benefits. Applicants should send 1) a letter of application, 2) a resume or CV with relevant coursework and experience, and 3) names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses for three references to Dr. Nuria Gomez-Casanovas at Application deadline is October 4, 2021. Contact Dr. Gomez-Casanovas via e-mail for more information. Posted: 9/29/21.

Arizona State University: The School of Life Sciences is looking to hire a Research Specialist (Lab Manager). This position supports the field and laboratory work of the Sala Lab and partially support the functioning of Global Drylands Center. Under the lab manager part of this job, they will perform a wide variety of standard laboratory and field experimental procedures during field season in several locations in New Mexico, Utah, Nevada and Arizona requiring ingenuity, resourcefulness and adaptability to special and changing needs of research. In addition, the lab manager oversees the functioning of the lab and purchasing of supplies. Under the Global Drylands Center functioning, they will maintain web site, assist in the purchasing of supplies and in the event organization. Salary Range: $34-46k per year; DOE. See the full job ad for details. Close Date: 22-February-2022. Posted: 2/14/22.

Auburn University: One Research Assistant position in Water Quality is currently available to support several projects focused on the abiotic and biotic factors mediating freshwater harmful algal blooms in aquaculture ponds and drinking water and recreational reservoirs. The incumbent will participate in field sampling, conduct lab analyses (i.e., phytoplankton and zooplankton enumeration, algal pigments, nutrients), ensure proper maintenance of laboratory equipment, and maintain inventory and order supplies. Prior experience with analytical analyses, such GC-MS and HPLC, is desirable. Minimum qualifications include a BS (MS preferred) in biology, chemistry, ecology, limnology, or related field. Prior experience in field and laboratory water quality research and analytical chemistry is required. Salary is dependent on qualifications and experience. Annual salary range is $28-46k plus benefits. Exact start date is negotiable, but a preference would be given to candidates available no later than 1 February 2022. The position is for one year and may be renewable pending available funds and performance. For full consideration, please apply by 1 November 2021. Applicants will be required to submit a statement of research interests and experiences and CV. Additional information, including contact information for three references and copies of transcripts, is also requested at the time of application. For more details about the application process, please visit For more information about the position or our lab, please contact Alan Wilson at Posted: 9/9/21.

Bard College: One year, full-time (with benefits) research technician for plant-fungal research based out of Bard College, Annandale, NY. Position available starting Sept 1, 2021. The research project is focused on plant-soil interactions, and work involve fungal culturing, DNA barcoding, seed germination trials, and plant-soil feedback experiments. Experience with preparation of samples for DNA sequencing (i.e. DNA extractions, PCR, gel electrophoresis, PCR cleanup) is required. The technician will be responsible for coordinating daily operations, maintaining equipment, recording data, and managing undergraduate research teams. Proficiency with database management in Excel is necessary, and experience conducting statistical analyses in R is desirable. Occasional in- and out-of-state travel may be required, occasionally conducting physically rigorous work in a variety of weather conditions. The technician must have excellent organizational and communication skills. Master's degree preferred. At minimum, technician must have a bachelor's degree in biology or allied fields, a valid driver's license, and experience conducting or managing research projects. To apply, please submit a cover letter, resume, and the contact information for three references to Posted: 8/12/21.

Bird Conservancy of the Rockies: seeking a dynamic and forward-thinking Program Manager of Watershed Health (forestry & wetlands focus) to oversee the supervision, coordination and implementation of our Private Lands Wildlife Biologist network along the Front Range, San Luis Valley and South Platte corridor of Colorado. The Program Manager, based in our Fort Collins, CO office, will remotely supervise five Private Land Wildlife Biologists implementing on-the-ground conservation projects. We are seeking an individual who is passionate and knowledgeable about the resource concerns, human dynamics and project implementation of habitat conservation in forested and wetland systems. Qualified applicants will have a graduate degree in forestry, watershed science, wildlife management, ecology, natural resources, or related field or equivalent work experience or a combination thereof, have at least one year of supervisory experience of full-time staff or two years' supervisory experience of part-time staff, and an understanding of both the Farm Bill and Colorado's State Wildlife Action Plan. See the complete position description. Deadline: February 7, 2022. Posted: 1/14/22.

Brown University: The Kartzinel Lab is recruiting to fill at least two positions involving Molecular Ecology and Food Webs. Lab Assistant position: collaborate on multiple NSF-funded molecular ecology projects involving the molecular ecology of food webs, diet-microbiome linkages, and conservation genetics. A PhD student: lead a long-term and NSF-funded collaboration with the National Park Service to understand plant-herbivore interactions in Yellowstone National Park. Please contact the PI about applying in Fall 2021 to join the 2022 cohort. For more details on the lab's research projects, current membership, and instructions on how to apply, please visit: Posted: 7/23/21.

Cleveland Metroparks: The Stream Restoration Ecologist develops and implements hydrologic and natural resource related assessments, natural recovery, and stream restoration projects due to altered urban environments throughout Cleveland Metroparks and the watersheds of Northeast Ohio. This includes developing stream restoration concept designs and cost estimates, watershed management plans, stormwater mitigation protocols and projects and performing watershed evaluations and modeling to maximize water quality services provided by the natural resources of the region. The Stream Restoration Ecologist will oversee the Watershed Volunteer Program Coordinator and be responsible for budgets, grants, scheduling, agency and staff coordination, long-term monitoring and assisting with regulatory permitting. Bachelor’s degree, Masters preferred, from an accredited college/university in stream ecology, fluvial geomorphology, hydrology, or closely related field. Five years practical experience in watershed hydrology research or management, applied ecology, or restoration of stream and terrestrial habitats, or any equivalent combination of education, training, and experience which provides the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities for this job. For details and to apply: see this link and search for "Stream Restoration Ecologist". Deadline: November 30 2021. Posted: 11/15/21.

Colorado State University: Forest Monitoring Program Manager. Salary Range $62-68k. Under the direct supervision of the Associate Director of Science and Data, this position is responsible for the development, oversight, and administration of a Forest Monitoring and Data Analytics program for the Colorado State Forest Service. This program will include ecological data production, data management, and data analysis. The position will coordinate field data collection and monitoring protocols, and train employees in these methods. In this role, they will also serve as the professional, science based point of contact and liaison for Federal, State, and local governments, non-governmental organizations, and other partners at Colorado State University. The Forest Monitoring Program Manager will be responsible for administration of a budget ranging from $500,000 to $1 Million (spanning multiple years of funding) and managing contracts that support the Science and Data Division. Program leadership responsibilities include making recommendations and providing expert advice on the development and application of monitoring processes, protocols and solutions to mission critical resource management issues. This includes climate adaptive management recommendations and support of the Colorado Forest Action Plan. This position will be responsible for developing new and integrating already existing reporting systems to meet agency enterprise needs and local/state/federal grant reporting requirements. They will manipulate and analyze data to support resource management decisions for multiple resource, jurisdictional, and ownership units spanning large geographical regions. They will collaborate with other Colorado State Forest Service Divisions, supporting projects and natural resource management decision making. The Manager is a member of the CSFS Management Team. The Management Team coordinates work effort across all program areas for efficiency, effectiveness and cohesiveness of program delivery and outcomes. The Management Team’s role is to allocate and manage resources to ensure agency goals and objectives are achieved on time and within budget, address operational and program issues, and ensure that policies and practices are implemented consistently. The Management Team carries out agency priorities established by the Leadership Team. The Manager is also responsible for the supervision of their assigned staff, including, but not limited to, regular performance evaluation, team building and team meetings, professional development, and conflict resolution. The Manager must be self-directed and innovative. Required: - A Bachelor’s degree (or greater) in forest ecology, forestry, silviculture, fire ecology, statistics, data analytics, natural resource management, or related biological or physical sciences. - Four years of experience that includes application of monitoring and data analysis in the management of natural resources. - Experience in program and budget management that demonstrates successful project planning and accomplishment. - Experience with supervising temporary and/or permanent staff. - The successful candidate must be legally authorized to work in the United States by the employment start date; Colorado State Forest Service will not sponsor a visa for this position. Preferred: - Masters (or greater) in forest ecology, forestry, silviculture, data analysis, natural resources, or related biological or physical sciences. - Demonstrated experience and knowledge in forest health monitoring including field data collection, data analysis, sampling methods, creating monitoring plans, and writing monitoring reports that effectively communicate key results to diverse audiences. - Familiarity in forest carbon accounting - Experience with geospatial technology including ArcPro, ArcOnline, and global positioning systems - Experience working with remotely sensed data - Knowledge of University, State and/or Federal data and information management policies and processes - Knowledge of local, regional, and national interests, concerns, issues, and goals related to natural resources management and climate change. - Ability to communicate effectively in writing and verbally with diverse groups and individuals including professional experts, scientists, natural resource managers, and staff at all levels to advise on and promote program goals and objectives. - Experience with group facilitation and problem-solving techniques to plan and conduct workshops, meetings, and training for natural resource and technical professionals. - Experience with management principles and practices related to program and workforce planning, supervision and training of employees to promote a well-trained and qualified workforce. - Demonstrated ability to work cooperatively and effectively in teams, advancing outcomes with internal staff, external partners, and cooperators. - Demonstrated ability to work independently and at a high level of proficiency. - Evidence of a commitment to enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion. For details and to apply, see: To ensure full consideration, applications must be received by 6/13/2022 Posted: 5/20/22.

Colorado State University: We are excited to announce a job opening for an Ecological Analyst that will participate in research efforts to understand impacts of climate change, natural resource management, and disturbance on forest and rangeland condition as well as carbon storage. This position will work as a key team member on an exciting variety of projects for a variety of stakeholders including landowners, natural resource managers, government agencies, and non-profits. The Ecological Analyst will contribute to field efforts and will apply geospatial analysis skillsets. To see the full job description and apply, see: Job is based at CSU in Fort Collins, CO. Applications are due December 17. Posted: 12/8/21.

Dauphin Island Sea Lab: A full-time lab technician position is available to work with Dr. Kelly Dorgan on animal-sediment interactions. Research will focus on the impacts of infaunal organisms on the physical properties of sediments. The technician will be responsible for setting up and conducting laboratory experiments, developing and trouble-shooting methods, helping with field work, processing infauna and sediment samples, and maintaining equipment. The technician will also be responsible for general lab management, including purchasing supplies, doing paperwork, and organizing field and lab work. This position will also include some data analysis, and experience with Matlab, R, Arduino, ImageJ, or other computer programming languages would be useful but not required. I am ideally looking for a highly motivated recent B.S. graduate who is interested in gaining research experience before applying to graduate school. Applicants should have a BS in biology, marine science, or a related field, some previous research experience, and interest in marine invertebrates and/or sediment processes. This position is for a year, with extension dependent on funding and job performance. Our interdisciplinary approach to science benefits from a lab group with diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and experience. Students with strong backgrounds in biology or marine science who also have expertise in other sciences (math, physics/engineering, geology, etc.), creative writing or arts, or technical skills (workshop, electronics, etc.) are especially encouraged to apply. We are strongly committed to increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in marine sciences. We welcome candidates who understand the barriers facing traditionally underrepresented groups in higher education, and strongly urge candidates who have engaged in professional and/or public service contributions that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion to apply. Dauphin Island Sea Lab is located on Dauphin Island, AL, a barrier island on the Gulf of Mexico, ~45 min drive from Mobile, AL. Start date: Spring 2022, negotiable (within April 1 - June 15). The application form is available at For any questions, contact We will begin reviewing applications March 7. A short list of candidates will be contacted in mid-March for additional information (including CV). Posted: 2/23/22.

Dauphin Island Sea Lab: We are hiring a research technician at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab through the NOAA RESTORE Oyster, Blue Crab, Spotted Seatrout project. Primary responsibilities will involve the set-up, maintenance, and execution of laboratory mesocosm studies testing the physiological tolerances of fisheries species (finfish and crustaceans) to multiple environmental stressors, and leading field surveys, and managing laboratory work to measure major stressors in the Mobile Bay estuary. More information on the position and how to apply. Position inquiries can be directed to Review of applications will begin January 15, 2022. Posted: 11/23/21.

Dickinson College: The department of Environmental Studies at Dickinson College (Carlisle, PA) is seeking an Academic Technician to support our vibrant and growing program. The Academic Technician provides academic and technical support for coursework, laboratories, and research; communicates with prospective students, student majors, and alumni; and coordinates department activities. Along with relevant skills, the position requires a bachelor's or master's degree in environmental science or a related field. Please see the following link for more details and to apply: Review of applications will begin on 10/1/2021. Questions can be directed to Deb Peters, department coordinator ( Posted: 8/12/21.

Florida International University: We have an excellent opportunity for a young professional to conduct field research and laboratory activities in Everglades National Park, south Florida under supervision of Dr. Edward Castaneda in the Wetland Ecosystems Research Lab. We are looking for an individual to help with all aspects of research in mangrove and marsh ecosystems. Candidates with a strong background in ecology and/or coastal wetlands are encouraged to apply for this position. Candidate must have a B.S. degree in Ecology, Biology, Environmental Sciences or Earth Sciences. Candidate must be able to work efficiently both independently and as part of a team under the difficult weather conditions often found in south Florida. Organizational and problem-solving skills are essential. Candidate should demonstrate experience operating field vehicles (trucks with trailers and marine boats) or show keen willingness to learn. The position will involve field activities working with wetland vegetation, soils, and water quality instrumentation, including multiparameter sondes, and troubleshooting equipment at remote field sites. Laboratory activities include sample preparation and processing of plant and soil material according to standard protocols. Candidate will help with database maintenance, perform quality assurance on data, as well as contribute to report writing and graphical presentation of data. Proficiency of Microsoft Office and statistical and graphical packages (e.g., R, Delta Graph) are preferred. This position will be based at the FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus in Miami, FL, USA. The position is available immediately. A valid United States driver's license is required. Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply to Job Opening ID 526040 at and must submit a short letter of interest and resume. Application materials should also be emailed as a single pdf file to Dr. Edward Castaneda ( Posted: 1/27/22.

Florida International University: The Spatial Ecology Lab in the Freshwater Resource Division of the Institute of Environment at FIU (Miami, FL) is seeking to fill a Research Technician position. The research technician will be responsible for planning, organizing, and conducting research project-related field campaigns to support research projects within the greater Everglades ecosystem. Preferred candidates for the research technician position either have an MS in geomatics, remote sensing, Geographic information sciences, ecology, or related field or a BS in the same fields with at least three (3) years of ecological fieldwork and/or surveying experience. Desired skills include scripting in R and/or python, database management systems (preferably PostgreSQL + PostGIS experience). The candidate has to be willing to get helicopter crew member certified and airboat driver certified to conduct surveys in remote areas within the greater Everglades ecosystem. The research technician will join the Spatial Ecology Lab at Florida International University as a full-time employee with benefits. The position is available for at least two years. Employment extension is contingent upon satisfactory performance and future research funding. Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply to Job Opening ID 525392 at Required documents for the application package are a cover letter, resume with academic course work and field survey experience, and three letters of reference. Job Summary: - Takes the lead in planning, organizing, and conducting field campaigns in support of funded research projects in landscape and vegetation ecology. Conducts real-time kinematic surveys for vegetation mapping, and terrain elevation modeling. - Takes the lead in lab and field survey equipment maintenance. - Takes the lead in data management of research projects in collaboration with PI and Co-PIs. - Takes the lead in permitting fieldwork with local agencies. - Participates in data analysis and methods development in remote sensing, and geodata processing. - Participates in grant report writing. - Assists in training of graduate and undergraduate students, post-doctoral research associates, and co-investigators in field surveying methods. - Day-to-day management of lab-related databases and websites. Posted: 11/24/21.

Florida State University: The Shantz lab at FSU's Coastal and Marine Lab is looking for an organized and enthusiastic individual to join our team as a research technician. Our research focuses on understanding how global change impacts resilience and ecosystem function in coastal ecosystems. As part of our lab, the research technician will assist with field and lab projects, conduct data entry and analysis, and be responsible for managing lab supplies to maintain operations. An ideal candidate will be able to start by May, must have an AAUS diving certification by the start date, and be must able to pass the Florida Boaters Safety Course as well as pass an on-water operation, launching and towing check conducted by the FSUCML Boating Safety officer within 1 month of hire. The Shantz lab is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment and members of groups historically under-represented in science, as well as those who have demonstrated commitment to fostering and promoting the values of diversity and inclusion are particularly encouraged to apply. Details and application instructions can be found at under Job ID 51422. For questions, please reach out directly to Andy at Posted: 4/7/22.

Florida State University: The Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) is looking for an entry to mid-level field biologist whose primary responsibility will be field surveys for invasives plant species. The selected candidate will also assist with other FNAI projects including rare plant and animal surveys, vegetation monitoring, and natural (vegetative) community mapping, as their abilities permit. This position requires extensive travel and field work in remote locations across Florida throughout the year. Salary: $32-40k. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Closing Date: March 10, 2022. Posted: 2/28/22.

Florida State University: The Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) is looking for an experienced, organized, and detail-oriented data manager to guide all aspects of data collection, processing, storage, visualization, and reporting in our office. This position will manage FNAI’s Biotics data management system, develop and oversee methods of secure and efficient mobile data collection, develop customized data reports and graphics from a variety of data sources, write protocols for data entry and QC, provide data management related training and support to FNAI scientists, and export data products for use as contract deliverables. This is an essential, long-term position in our office, and we are looking for someone with a sincere interest in our conservation mission who can learn and solve problems independently while managing multiple work priorities. Salary: ~$50k. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Closing Date: August 18, 2021. Posted: 8/11/21.

Grand Staircase Escalante Partners: GSEP is seeking an outgoing, energetic, and technically proficient person to join our team leading conservation programs dedicated to supporting the health and sustainability of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and the region. Applicants must have 3-5 years professional experience in natural resource management or conservation. The Conservation Programs Manager (CPM) reports to the Executive Director (ED) and will lead conservation work aimed at developing and implementing science-based strategies that protect and restore the health of the land, including ecosystem conservation, riparian restoration, native vegetation projects, supporting wildlife habitat and connectivity, research projects to increase knowledge of natural resources, and fostering scientific, social, and political networks to advance Monument science. Program work is diverse, ranging from technical analysis to collaboration around ecologically-based land management and watershed restoration, innovative financing, and organizing and communications for public engagement and advocacy. Reaching out to and coordinating with government agencies and their employees with expertise relevant to developing a strong science program in the Monument will be an important area of responsibility. Must be able to work independently and maintain coordination with field staff working on landscape restoration projects within and around Grand Staircase. Team leadership and management skills are essential. Compensation: $55-67k plus benefits. You can find the full job posting, including duties and qualifications, at Posted: 1/14/22.

Idaho State University: The Reynolds Creek Collaborative Science and Outreach Coordinator will serve as the primary point of contact for university research collaborators to facilitate execution and documentation of collaborative research experimentation, servicing of field monitoring programs, and conducting outreach activities associated with Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed (RCEW) and Critical Zone Observatory (RC-CZO). The coordinator will work under the direction of the Reynolds Creek Research Coordination Committee as a liaison between Idaho State University and the USDA-ARS, Northwest Watershed Research Center (NWRC). Key responsibilities include: Science Project Coordination, Experiment and Project Documentation, Field and Laboratory Data Collection, Data Management and Analysis; Outreach Activities See full job ad to apply by Dec 21, 2021. Posted: 12/1/21.

Kansas State University: The College of Arts & Sciences is hiring for an Environmental Sciences Program Administrator. This role is available for a new interdisciplinary Environmental Sciences program. This position will be responsible for advising, teaching, recruiting, and program management. This position is a full-time, term appointment. Funding for this role has been secured for up to three years and may be renewed after that depending on departmental needs. Screening of Applications Begins: Immediately and continues until position is filled. For best consideration, apply by August 24, 2021. Anticipated salary is $50-65k annually - based on training and experience. For more information please see Posted: 8/12/21.

Klamath Bird Observatory: hiring a full-time Ecologist and Partnerships Coordinator. See the full announcement for details. Note: this staff position does not need a background in ornithology. We are seeking applicants with expertise in Natural Sciences, Forestry, Natural Resource Management, Ornithology, Climate Science, Social Science, or similar fields. Salary: $46-47k plus a 15% cash benefit (in lieu of health/retirement benefits). Location: Ashland, Oregon; regular travel required. Review of applications will begin June 27th. Posted: 6/8/22.

LI-COR: Applications Analyst, Photosynthesis. Primary Work Location: LI-COR, Lincoln, NE. Overview: Provide daily technical support to researchers and scientists; participate in technical sales, marketing and product development processes as needed. Qualifications: - MS degree in biological, agronomic or physical sciences, with special emphasis in photosynthesis research preferred, OR BS degree in biological or physical sciences with applicable experience using LI-COR Environmental instrumentation. - Minimum of two (2) years of research experience in an appropriate quantitative technical area involving environmental instrumentation, with preferred experience in photosynthesis, including plant gas exchange and leaf chlorophyll fluorescence measurements. - Experience, or interest and aptitude for providing high quality, responsive customer service. - Familiarity with the techniques of environmental instrumentation fundamental to plant physiology, ecology, agronomy or related field. - Familiarity of mathematical and physical principles as they relate to instrumentation and biological or environmental issues. - Experience with computers and software, networking & communications. - High problem-solving ability, good attention to detail - Ability to manage projects and manage multiple priorities - Self-starter, motivated - Ability to prepare and give presentations in one-on-one settings or small groups. - Excellent communications skills in English (verbal and written) - Team Player. Enjoys and works well with other people in a team environment - High ethics, integrity, honesty, and patience - Dependable, positive attitude and good attendance - Able to travel (US and international). Responsibilities: - TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Provide daily technical assistance to researchers and scientists, communicate with LI-COR scientists and engineers to analyze technical applications and recommend solutions. Analyze and resolve problems relating to instrument use and maintenance, especially for photosynthesis products, including plant gas exchange and leaf chlorophyll fluorescence. Assist with LI-COR training courses for customers and business partners. - MARKETING: Participate in developing and reviewing technical and promotional literature. Assist in marketing process by helping gather and assess information about customer needs, competitors, and market trends. - PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Make recommendations for product improvements. Participate in product design teams as needed. Assist in writing and developing Technical Notes. Assist Product Managers with testing new instrumentation, evaluating software, and recommending applications. - TECHNICAL SALES: Support the technical sales by maintaining customer contact records, explain product benefits and features, recommend instrument configurations, and generate price quote requests and sales orders. Participate in technical presentations for customers, workshops, demonstrations, and exhibitions (U.S. and international). To apply see: We anticipate filling this role ASAP and salary would start at a minimum of $55k. For questions, email Posted: 10/8/21.

LI-COR: Applications Analyst, Eddy Covariance. Primary Work Location: Lincoln, NE. Overview: Provide daily technical support to researchers and scientists; participate in technical sales, marketing and product development processes as needed. Qualifications - MS degree in biological or physical sciences, with special emphasis in micrometeorology, natural resources science, or agronomy research preferred, OR BS degree in biological or physical sciences with applicable experience using LI-COR Environmental instrumentation. - Minimum of 2 years of research experience in an appropriate quantitative technical area involving environmental instrumentation, with preferred experience in eddy covariance flux theory and measurements. - Experience, or interest and aptitude for providing high quality, responsive customer service. - Familiarity with the techniques of environmental field instrumentation fundamental to the relevant scientific discipline. - Familiarity of mathematical and physical principles as they relate to instrumentation and biological or environmental issues. - Experience with computers and software, networking & communications. - High problem solving ability, good attention to detail - Ability to manage projects and manage multiple priorities - Self-starter, motivated - Ability to prepare and give presentations in one-on-one settings or small groups. - Excellent communications skills in English (verbal and written) - Team Player. Enjoys and works well with other people in a team environment - High ethics, integrity, honesty, and patience - Dependable, positive attitude and good attendance - Able to travel (US and international) Responsibilities: - TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Provide daily technical assistance to researchers and scientists, communicate with LI-COR scientists and engineers to analyze technical applications and recommend solutions. Analyze and resolve problems relating to instrument use and maintenance. Assist with LI-COR training courses for customers and business partners. - MARKETING: Participate in developing and reviewing technical and promotional literature. Assist in marketing process by helping gather and assess information about customer needs, competitors, and market trends. - PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Make recommendations for product improvements. Participate in product design teams as needed. Assist in writing and developing Technical Notes. Assist Product Managers with testing new instrumentation, evaluating software, and recommending applications. - TECHNICAL SALES: Support the technical sales by maintaining customer contact records, explain product benefits and features, recommend instrument configurations, and generate price quote requests and sales orders. Participate in technical presentations for customers, workshops, demonstrations, and exhibitions (U.S. and international). To apply see: We anticipate filling this role ASAP and salary would start at a minimum of $55k. For questions, email Posted: 10/7/21.

Lincoln Park Zoo: The Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Population Management Center (PMC) at Lincoln Park Zoo is a specialized team of scientists advising the cooperatively managed AZA Animal Programs (Species Survival Plans (SSPs)), with an ultimate goal of improving the viability of zoo and aquarium animal populations. The Associate Population Biologist provides scientific analyses and guidance to the SSPs, collaborates with staff at zoos and aquariums around the country to support the management of ex situ population, and collaborates on software and research related to the management of small populations of animals. To learn more and apply, please see the full job ad. Posted: 6/8/22.

Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium: Research Technician position in Coastal Ecosystem Ecology and Biogeochemistry available immediately. The Roberts Lab of Ecosystem Ecology and Biogeochemistry at the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON) is seeking a research technician to join our interdisciplinary research team. We are looking for a highly motivated, enthusiastic, and organized individual to participate in field and laboratory work in wetland, estuarine, and coastal marine ecosystems. Current projects include a large scale marsh mesocosm oiling experiment and studies of the relationship of human disturbance to ecosystem services (focus on sediment biogeochemistry and primary production) in offshore sand shoal habitats; coastal wetland carbon exchanges (CH4 and CO2 fluxes) and vegetation dynamics; wetland food webs in natural and created marshes influenced by river diversions; living shoreline restorations; and wetland and coastal estuarine biogeochemistry. The research technician will support the field and laboratory analytical activities associated with these projects. The ideal candidate excels in both independent and collaborative settings. The ability to work in a group setting is essential, as the technician will work collaboratively with PIs, post docs, graduate and undergraduate students, and other research technicians on the various projects. Qualifications: The candidate must have a B.S. in ecology, biogeochemistry, marine science, wetland science or a related field. Familiarity with wetland and/or boat-based field sampling is desired. Experience with field and laboratory analytical instrumentation including gas flux analyzers, nutrient autoanalyzers, TOC/TN analyzers, elemental analyzers, and/or gas chromatographs is desired. The candidate will be expected to participate in field work that may require physical effort to transport equipment in field sites that are accessible only by small boats and/or work offshore. The position requires high organizational and communication skills as well as significant database management capabilities. The positions are available immediately and the initial appointments are for a period of 1 year with possible additional support dependent upon funding and satisfactory performance. The position will be based at the LUMCON Marine Center in Cocodrie, LA. To Apply: Send a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and the name, address, phone and email contact for at least three individuals qualified to comment on scientific and work qualifications to Dr. Brian Roberts ( with "Coastal Ecology and Biogeochemistry Technician position" in the subject line. For questions or more information contact Dr. Roberts by email or phone (985-851-2821). Posted: 12/13/21.

Makah Fisheries Management: The Makah Tribe, located in Neah Bay, WA, is looking to hire a Green Crab Biologist and two Technician II positions to assist with European green crab removal trapping, research, and management. The positions are full-time with benefits and are currently funded through June 2023. In the past, we have been able to extend positions with new grants or other funds. To read the full position descriptions and fill out the employment application form, please visit: Applications will be accepted through June 15, 2022 and we hope for positions to start as soon as possible. Questions about the position, about moving to/living in the Neah Bay area, or about working for the Makah Tribe may be directed to Adrianne Akmajian, Posted: 12/9/21, revised: 6/8/22.

Marine Biological Laboratory: The Teichberg Lab at the MBL Ecosystems Center seeks a Research Assistant (Level I/ II) to contribute to the research team working on seagrass and macroalgal ecology and (eco)physiology. The overarching goal of the research is to investigate the response of marine plants to environmental change (including eutrophication, climate change, and ocean acidification) and link plant responses to ecosystem function. Research in restoration ecology working with local stakeholders with the aim of finding potential nature-based solutions is also planned. The research assistant will work in the Ecosystems Center with a primary role in the setup and maintainence of a marine experimental tank facility in the Marine Resource Center. The Research Assistant is also expected to support field sampling campaigns, field and laboratory experiments, and sample analyses in the laboratory. Funding support is initially available for 2 years, but an option of extension may be possible through successful third party funding. At the level of RA II, the person is expected to work independently and supervise RA I or lab assistants, assist with some data analysis and statistics, and support write up of co-authored publications and grant proposals. More information and application instructions: Posted: 3/9/22.

Marine Biological Laboratory: The Ecosystems Center is seeking applicants for an entry-level Research Assistant I position with the Plum Island Ecosystems Long-Term Ecological Research (PIE-LTER) project. The LTER project is directed at understanding how the structure of the estuarine-marsh ecosystem will change over time in response to climate, sea level, and land use change, and to understand what consequences these changes will have on ecosystem function such as productivity and trophic dynamics. Research is conducted in the watersheds of the Parker and Ipswich Rivers as well as in the marshes, tidal creeks and bays of Plum Island Sound, MA. We seek an individual with some experience working independently, preferably in science, (such as a senior thesis or REU project), but who is also good at working as part of a team. Applicants should have a demonstrated aptitude for earth sciences (biology, chemistry, ecology, physics), with coursework that includes laboratory and field components. Applicants should be comfortable working outdoors in the environments described above. The successful applicant will gain broad experiences in careful laboratory analyses as well as in field techniques through strenuous field work. . During the field season (mostly spring through fall) candidates are expected to spend up to two weeks a month at the field station. Experience with small boats and trailering boats is desirable. See: Posted: 1/28/22.

Marine Biological Laboratory: The Ecosystems Center is seeking a highly motivated individual to serve as the Information Manager for the Plum Island Ecosystem Long-Term Ecological Research site (PIE-LTER). The successful candidate will be responsible for curating and archiving a wide variety of data sets from researchers, oversee the collection and QA/QC of data from a number of sensors in the field, maintaining the public facing web site, and supporting researchers in information management. While the Information Manager's primary responsibility will be IT oriented, some field work at PIE will be encouraged. The position will be at an RAII or RAIII level depending upon experience. See: Posted: 1/11/22.

Marshall University: The Department of Biological Sciences seeks to fill the position of Academic Lab Manager III. The person selected for this position will be responsible for coordinating lab activities for our introductory majors and non-majors courses. In addition, they will be responsible for mentoring, training and supervising our graduate teaching assistants. There may be opportunities to teach lecture courses, as well. We invite candidates with Bachelor’s degree or equivalent (or preferably a Master’s) in Biology or a closely-related discipline to apply. To apply, please visit Posted: 8/12/21.

Massachusetts Department of Fish And Game: We have a great, permanent job opening in our 28-person Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. See: Endangered Species Review Biologist - (21000AWP). This position reviews forest cutting plans and other related activities across the entire state, with a lot of field time as well as office work. It is a unionized position with great benefits. Salary starts around $62K and goes up rapidly with time in the system. You'd be working tangentially with all our biologists but in our Environmental Review section. I'd love to see someone with solid botanical skills hired for this. Posted: 12/28/21.

Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration: we seek a motivated and enthusiastic Ecological Restoration Specialist - Ecohydrology to join the team! The Ecological Restoration Specialist - Ecohydrology coordinates and supports technical aspects of ecohydrology and its application to ecological restoration projects within DER's Engineering and Ecohydrology Practice. The position will coordinate collection and analysis of streamflow and ecohydrology data to inform sustainable water management and ecological restoration actions in streams and wetlands in Massachusetts. Work will involve installation and maintenance of field monitoring equipment, field measurements, technical support, data analysis and modeling, program development, and outreach and education. The position will be based in DER's Boston office and will comprise in-office work, telework, and fieldwork. View the job announcement to apply. For more information about the position, please contact Kate Bentsen at First consideration will be given to those applicants that apply within the first 14 days of the posting on 11/30/2021. Posted: 12/1/21.

Michigan State University: The Miesel Fire and Ecosystem Ecology lab in the Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences seeks one full-time laboratory manager / lead research technician. Research in our group focuses on understanding (1) how fire and forest management influence soil, vegetation, and ecosystem processes; (2) how pyrogenic carbon and biochar affects soil carbon and nutrients; and (3) soil spectroscopy for improving soil and plant sample analysis. This position will be responsible for assisting with overall laboratory management, maintaining experiments, and coordinating and conducting laboratory analysis of soil and plant samples. Responsibilities will be primarily lab-based with occasional work in the field, greenhouse, and/or other experimental facilities. A major part of the responsibilities will focus on assisting with coordinating project logistics, measurements and data management for a new study investigating soil responses to wildfires. This position will interact with and support graduate students and provide training and oversight for undergraduate student assistants. Additional responsibilities may include contributing to data summaries, project reports, and literature reviews. Opportunity to participate in manuscript development and/or field measurements and monitoring in wildland fire study sites may be available for interested candidates. Skills and Experience: We seek enthusiastic applicants with a strong background in ecology, biogeochemistry, soil science, environmental science, plant biology, or related discipline. Recent MSc graduates and/or BSc graduates with additional relevant experience are encouraged to apply. Priority will be given to applicants with previous experience performing soil and plant sample analyses and measurements of soil processes but training will be provided for new methods. The successful applicant will be self-motivated, highly organized, able to work well independently and as part of a team, and have excellent communication skills. A valid US driver's license is required. Compensation is commensurate with experience. Apply at to position number 768860. Application review will begin April 15. The position is available beginning Spring 2022 (May start dates preferred). A complete application includes: (1) a cover letter that includes a statement of interest in the position, a summary of your past research experiences including specific field measurements and/or laboratory procedures you have experience with, and how this position would contribute to your career goals; (2) a resume or CV including a list of relevant coursework; and (3) names and contact information for three professional references. All questions about the position should be directed to Dr. Jessica Miesel at Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Posted: 4/7/22.

Michigan State University: We are looking for research technicians to work at the Kellogg Biological Station. Technicans will work on three long term experiments, including the Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER), Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (GLBRC) and Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) projects. This is a great opportunity to learn about experimental research in ecology. Technicians will collect samples of soil, water, gas, and plants from research plots in all three projects. They prepare samples for laboratory analysis and archiving. They are responsible for entering associated data into spreadsheets. Routine laboratory and field project maintenance, installation and removal of field equipment, and organization of research materials is also a priority for technicians. Technicians will have an opportunity to work with many undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs associated with the experiments. Qualifications: Associates or bachelor's degree in biology, botany, forestry or another related field. Candidates must be efficient, detail oriented, able to work well with others and motivated to work outdoors, regardless of weather. Apply here: Closes: Apr 30, 2022. Posted: 3/22/22.

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources: We are hiring a biometrician to provide statistical analysis and study design expertise in the Nongame Wildlife Program. This 3-year position will provide high-level technical advice regarding sampling design and statistical analysis for research, monitoring, and survey projects on Species in Greatest Conservation Need. A successful candidate will have strong experience in statistical analysis of large, complex datasets; power analysis and design of wildlife studies; analysis of population trends and dynamics; modeling of habitat relationships; and relating research findings to adaptive management. This position will join a highly collaborative team of biologists in the Nongame Wildlife Program and Minnesota Biological Survey and provide key guidance for future conservation work outlined in Minnesota’s Wildlife Action Plan. Applications are due January 18. To apply, submit materials through; (‘search for careers’ (external or internal), then Job ID 51223). Questions about the posting may be directed to Posted: 1/11/22.

Montana State University: Our research group (Thum Lab) is seeking a motivated and creative Research Associate to assist with accomplishing deliverables for a federally-funded research project integrating ecology, evolution, genomics, and management of invasive plants. The project is well-suited to people with backgrounds in either basic or applied biology. Lab members work on focused projects but also have latitude to develop their own projects under the lab framework. This position is full time (with benefits), and available immediately. The start date is flexible. To apply, please call Dr. Ryan Thum at 406-994-4039, or email a current CV and concise statement of interest to Successful applicants will be self-motivated and disciplined, committed to reaching goals, and enthusiastic about academic research and culture. Applicants should have good written and verbal communication skills and be able to work both independently and collaboratively with other lab members and labs. A Bachelor's degree in biology, genetics, ecology, plant sciences, or a similar field is required. Applicants with a Master's degree in a related field and/or experience with (or strong desire to learn) experimental design, laboratory benchwork, bioinformatics, and/or data analysis and visualization will be especially competitive. Posted: 3/10/22.

National Audubon Society: Audubon New York and Connecticut Conservation team is hiring a Senior Manager, Coastal Resilience based on Long Island, New York. The Senior Manager, Coastal Resilience will be responsible for leading Audubon's efforts to restore, enhance, and manage priority coastal habitats for the benefit of salt marsh-dependent bird species and to increase coastal resilience on Long Island. The position is part of the Audubon Connecticut and New York conservation team and will be based at the Theodore Roosevelt Audubon Center and Sanctuary in Oyster Bay, NY. See the full job description for details and to apply. Posted: 1/31/22.

National Park Service: currently recruiting for a GS-05 Biological Science Technician to help with our Threatened and Endangered Plant Management Program. This will be a term position and we have funding for 3-5 years. Starting salary is at a GS-05 step 1 level, $39k/year. The position is based out of our Headquarters building in Williamsport, Maryland. This is open specifically for recent graduates - up to two years since graduation. This is a great position focused on some extremely unique and significant plant species and communities! The C&O Canal NHP provides habitat for over 200 rare, threatened, and endangered plant species and multiple globally rare plant communities. However, many rare plant species are at risk from habitat loss and other threats and are being pushed toward local extinction. This position will actively manage plant populations and expand efforts to improve the resilience of rare plants through population augmentation and site-specific protection measures. The position will work closely with NPS and the Mt. Cuba Center conservation garden to monitor endangered plant species, collect fruit/seed for propagation at Mt. Cuba Center greenhouses, and outplant back in the park to support local populations. Experience with plant species identification is required. Responsibilities: - Identify threatened plant species of the eastern US - Identify conservation threats and management actions needed to conserve threatened plants and their habitats, including potential for ex situ propagation or in situ protection - Organize and schedule field work logistics based on phenology of threatened and endangered plant species - Monitor trends in rare, threatened, and endangered plant species - Collaborate and communicate with technical scientific experts in various agencies and other organizations - Present technical information on behalf of park - Identify restoration needs for successfully restoring native plant communities. Apply: USAJOBS - Job Announcement. Closes: 12/2/21. Questions -- Posted: 11/23/21.

NatureServe: seeks a highly collaborative, efficient, and effective scientist with project management experience to manage a variety of conservation science projects and coordinate with colleagues and partners to ensure data and product quality meet NatureServe's high standards. The Science Project Manager and Data Quality Coordinator plays a key role in NatureServe's Science Division. In their role as Science Project Manager, they manage a portfolio of major grants and contracts that help our partners from federal, state, and provincial governments, industry, and nongovernmental organizations apply NatureServe's data, analyses, and scientific expertise to support their conservation and resource management activities. They manage and help develop all aspects of projects to deliver the highest quality products on time and within budget. They manage client relationships to identify business opportunities and to ensure that project deliverables meet client needs and have high conservation impact. They also work with and coach NatureServe staff to identify and apply best project management practices and software to effectively manage our projects. In their role as Data Quality Coordinator, they work with NatureServe and NatureServe Network staff to assess and document the quality of NatureServe Network data and coordinate efforts to improve it. FULL JOB POSTING. Posted: 8/12/21.

New Hampshire Audubon: Are you looking for a rewarding career in the Northeast managing/stewarding lands? NH Audubon is a state-based, environmental nonprofit organization that is completely independent from National Audubon. We rely on members and donors to support our charitable mission: connecting people to nature, researching and conserving species in peril, managing 10,000 acres of wildlife sanctuaries throughout the state for habitat and recreation, and advocating for sound environmental policy in the NH legislature. We are currently searching for our next full time, permanent Director of Lands and Ecological Management - could it be you? This position will support the mission of New Hampshire Audubon: to protect New Hampshire's natural environment for wildlife and for people, by managing ecosystems and habitats within the legal interests for all of New Hampshire Audubon's statewide system of land and property holdings including wildlife Sanctuaries, conservation easements and management agreements. This position supervises Sanctuary staff and volunteers. See more about our lands. 35 hr/wk, salaried position with competitive benefits package. See full job description and instructions to apply. Review starts December 15. Posted: 11/29/21.

North Carolina Botanical Garden: Natural Areas Steward. The NCBG has been a leader in native plant conservation, horticulture, and education in the southeastern United States for more than 50 years. As part of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, we further the University’s tripartite teaching, research, and public service mission through our own mission to inspire understanding, appreciation, and conservation of plants and to advance a sustainable relationship between people and nature. As a garden focused on conserving the biodiversity of southeastern native plants, we recognize that just as biodiversity is critical to a healthy ecosystem, diversity in people and perspectives makes our organization and community stronger. NCBG is committed to creating an environment in our gardens and natural areas where everyone’s voice is heard, and everyone feels safe and welcome. The primary purpose of the Natural Areas Steward is to assist with the management of ~1100 acres of conservation lands including natural areas, preserves, and parks, and private lands where the North Carolina Botanical Garden Foundation, Inc. holds legal agreements, including conservation easements. The Natural Areas Steward will maintain and enhance the conservation values of these protected properties by on site land management, engaging in restoration and management activities including, but not limited to: seed collection, plant propagation, prescribed burning and mowing, invasive plant control, trail construction and maintenance, conservation easement monitoring, and volunteer supervision. The position will work in coordination with the NCBG Director of Conservation under the supervision of the Natural Areas Manager, and with the support of other team members in the Garden’s Conservation program. For details and to apply, see Closing Date: 10/1/2021. Posted: 9/9/21.

North Carolina Dept of Natural and Cultural Resources: NC Land and Water Fund Field Representatives (2 vacancies, representing the Eastern and Central regions) (accepting applications through 3/3). Field Representatives serve as the organization's eyes in the field and liaison with partners. They need to be comfortable making a presentation in front of the Board of Trustees and equally so walking through the woods in July. This can be a challenging position, but one that is also fun and rewarding. The successful candidates will have experience with land conservation, be familiar with the principles of stream and wetland restoration, and be extremely comfortable working alone or with partners in all the off-trail, outdoor environments North Carolina has to offer. They should be tactful, outgoing, and detail-oriented. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Recruitment Salary: $42-63k Posted: 2/23/22.

Northeastern Illinois University: The Biology Department at NEIU invites applications for a Naturalist at Gensburg-Markham Prairie. Located in Markham, Illinois, this 110-acre tallgrass prairie remnant is a Dedicated Illinois Nature Preserve and a National Natural Landmark. The successful candidate will be responsible for creating and executing a management, stewardship, and ecological restoration plan and for aiding in research, educational, and community outreach programs. DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES - Site Stewardship & Ecological Restoration (50%): Make management decisions based upon accepted ecological principles; collect and distribute native plant seeds to accelerate the restoration of disturbed plant communities; translocate and monitor imperiled plants and animals; remove and herbicide invasive plant species that have encroached upon the preserve; assist in planning and execution of prescribed burning of the preserve. - Education and Outreach (20%): Provide on-site public lectures and trail guide service; participate in seminars sponsored by colleges and professional organizations. Direct public relations activities involving the local community, municipal and public utility representatives, and print and electronic media. - Research activities (15%): Collect and analyze scientific data required for management, assist with monitoring plants of concern; support curation of specimens; seek external funding to conduct conservation-related research and activities at Gensburg-Markham Prairie and in the Chicago Wilderness region. - Site Maintenance (15%): Maintain an accessible trail system, repair fences, installs signs, and maintains tools and equipment. Coordinate such maintenance with partner institution The Nature Conservancy and local municipalities. QUALIFICATIONS - Bachelor's degree in one of the field biological or environmental areas or -OR- at least 4 years experience in ecological land management and restoration activities, with increasing levels of responsibilities -OR- equivalent combination of education and experience. - Prescribed burning experience and NWCG certification(s), or willingness to learn and use. - Skill in identifying Midwest US plant species, or willingness to learn. - Awareness of environmental and/or social justice related work. - Strong written and verbal communication skills. - Ability to work out of doors in all seasons SALARY: $48-52k. TO APPLY: Go to for application instructions. Review of applications will begin on November 1, 2021. Posted: 9/9/21.

Ohio State University: One full-time position for a research assistant is available in the Aquatic Ecology Lab. The Research Assistant will work on a project focused on understanding the role stream and river phosphorus cycles play in shaping nutrient export to Lake Erie. The Research Assistant will work closely with other team members and assist with field surveys, laboratory experiments, sample analyses, laboratory maintenance, data analyses, and undergraduate student mentorship. DUTIES: 60% Laboratory analyses and experiments: Analysis of soluble and particulate carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus samples; analysis of chlorophyll-a and organic matter samples. The Research Assistant will also perform laboratory measurements quantifying sediment phosphorus cycling. 30% Conducting field surveys and laboratory experiments: The Research Assistant will take part in a spring survey of streams in northwest Ohio as well as other more routine sampling of streams within the region. 10% Data analysis: Data-related tasks will involve preparation and analysis of existing stream metabolism and phosphorus cycling datasets. Depending on experience and interest, the position will allow for involvement in analyses and potentially manuscript writing. EXPERIENCE: Applicants must have completed a bachelor's degree in biology or a related field (ecology, natural resources, fisheries). Further education and/or experience is preferred. Candidate must be self-motivated, willing to work both independently and in a team setting. Preferred qualifications include: a) training and interest in aquatic ecology; b) experience with laboratory analysis of soluble (NH4, NO3, and SRP) and particulate nutrients (carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus) samples with an autoanalyzer; c) experience with the R statistical computing environment and an introductory-level understanding of statistics; d) prior field and laboratory experience. OFFICIAL TITLE: Research Assistant I-B/H. SALARY: ~$15-17/hour, depending upon experience. This is a one-year position that may be extended depending upon performance and funding availability. Apply here. Please direct questions to Jim Hood ( We will start reviewing applications on 14 Feb 2022. Posted: 1/27/22.

Penn State University: The Allen Lab at Penn State is recruiting a Laboratory Manager, a Graduate Student, and a Postdoctoral Researcher. Lab research projects center on understanding how natural and anthropogenic disturbances influence community structure and function in streams and rivers. Details for each position are below. To indicate your interest in one of these positions, complete this form: Questions can be sent to Laboratory Manager: Two years of funds are available for a full-time laboratory manager. The responsibilities for this position will include, helping to test and develop DNA metabarcoding protocols, field sampling of streams for benthic macroinvertebrates and environmental DNA, and assisting with general lab maintenance and upkeep. This position will require a Bachelor's or Master's degree in science. A degree in biology, ecology, microbiology, or environmental science; and experience with molecular lab techniques, is preferred. The Laboratory Manager would start in Spring 2022 (January preferred), expected salary range is $35k-50k/yr, depending on education and experience. Application review will begin October 15 and continue until a suitable candidate is found. Posted: 9/9/21.

Princeton University: The Levine Lab (Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology) is seeking multiple full-time research assistants to contribute to three projects: (1) data extraction & databasing as part of a biodiversity and land-based climate solutions analysis, (2) experimental studies of competition between evolving Drosophilid fly species, (3) experimental tests of the processes maintaining plant diversity in California grasslands. Candidates will be selected based on their ability to contribute to one or several projects, depending on their interests and background. We aim to have the successful applicants start September 15, 2021 (with some flexibility), and the contract will be for one year. The project timeline requires full-time work, and is unable to accommodate part-time work spread over a longer period. The work is based on campus at Princeton, though the California field work will involve extended trips to Santa Barbara county and the meta-analysis will require trips to NC State University to work with Dr. Will Petry. Remote work is only an option for the first several months. Salary ~$40k, includes benefits. Qualifications: The candidate must be abe to work independently, manage time, and communicate progress & obstacles. We expect all applicants to have college/university-level coursework in biology, zoology, botany, ecology, environmental science or related disciplines. For those primarily interested in the land-based climate solutions analysis, we expect experience reading & summarizing information from primary scientific literature or online databases. For those interested in the fly or plant competition studies, we expect experience working with insect or plant populations in the field or lab. To apply: Email the following materials as a single pdf file to Dr. Jonathan Levine at + Cover letter briefly outlining your interests in the position and relevant background + Curriculum vitae (CV) or resume outlining your relevant course and/or work experience + Contact information (name, affiliation, email address) for two professional references Please use 'Application: Levine Lab' as the email's subject. Application Review will begin Aug. 1. We strive to offer avenues for professional growth through this position. These positions are particularly well-suited for individuals who have recently finished their bachelor's degree and are contemplating pursuing a graduate degree (Masters or Ph.D.) or a career in research. The successful applicant will engage in our weekly lab meetings and we will offer mentoring and advice to aid with graduate school applications if so desired. Posted: 7/23/21.

Proteus: Proteus is a statistical consulting company that specialises in ecological and wildlife applications. We work on a wide range of projects, on many different species, and are seeking a motivated individual to join us in a full-time Biometrician\Ecological Statistician role. The position involves working as part of a team to deliver to clients the results from appropriate data analyses and advice on study design. Direction will be given on the types of analyses required for specific projects. The successful applicant will be expected to work independently with occasional supervision. Analyses may be varied in nature, although mark-recapture, distance sampling and occupancy modelling projects are a core area of business. The position requires contributing to the preparation of reports and presentations to communicate findings to clients in written and verbal formats, and to liaise directly with clients. The position is located at the Proteus office, at the Invermay Agricultural Research Centre (near Mosgiel, New Zealand), although working remotely (even from outside New Zealand) may be considered for the right person given the current situation with COVID-19. For more information go to: Applications close 18 January 2022. Posted: 12/22/21.

Purdue University: We are recruiting a lab technician with the Wang Lab to help manage group experiments (field, greenhouse, wet lab) and day-to-day lab organization. Research in this group relies on physiological measurements of crop plants grown under controlled environments and field settings in addition to some wet lab approaches. Our group currently has 4 graduate students and 4 undergrads with several new members joining later in 2022. Apply here. Posted: 1/21/22.

Rice University: The Miller Lab in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology program invites applications for PhD, lab manager, and REU positions. Research in the lab focuses on population and community ecology, particularly demography, population dynamics, and species interactions. We work primarily in plant systems, including plant-animal and plant-microbe interactions, and our work involves a combination of field experiments, statistical modeling, and theory. Lab manager: We are recruiting a full-time lab manager who would oversee undergraduate personnel, plant ecology research projects, and data management. The position would include work in the field, greenhouse, and laboratory, and would require day trips and multi-day travel to field sites and natural history collections. Required qualifications include a Bachelor's degree in ecology or related disciplines, including field experience and basic knowledge of molecular techniques (DNA extraction, PCR, gel electrophoresis). Experience with plant propagation, GIS, statistics, and computer programming are desirable. The position is ideal for a recent college graduate interested in gaining research experience before applying to graduate school. The initial appointment will be one year in duration, with possible annual renewal. Starting wage is $15/hour and a full-time appointment (40 hours/week) includes fringe benefits. Summer start date (June-August 2022) is preferred. To apply, please send a CV, statement of interest, and contact info for three references to (Please include "lab manager applicant" in the subject) no later than Friday, May 6. Posted: 4/7/22.

Roger Williams University: we are hiring a fulltime and permanent shellfish technician position (CEED Research Assistant I) starting this fall (preferably sometime in September). The CEED Research Assistant I works with the regional shellfish community and provides technical assistance to enhance shellfish production by participating in on-going shellfish field research, and maintaining the RWU dockside shellfish nursery and experimental aquaculture farm. Additionally, the Research Assistant I works with the CEED Shellfish Group to identify bottlenecks, design experiments and seek external funding to enhance shellfish production. Significant overlap occurs among multiple shellfish field projects. The Research Assistant I works closely with the RWU Shellfish Hatchery, including assisting in hatchery operation during the production season. Supervision and training of Student Assistants is part of the normal job duties. See the full job ad for details and to apply. We will start reviewing applications after July 23. Posted: 6/30/21.

Santa Barbara Botanic Garden: I (Rikke Reese Naesborg, Tucker Lichenologist) am hiring a technician to help me in the Lichenarium at Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. Please review the posting and apply here. Posted: 12/10/21.

Santa Barbara Botanic Garden: The Rare Plant Conservation Team is hiring FOUR Rare Plant Technicians with a start date of January 2022. We’re looking for two technicians at level 1A, one technician at level 1B, and one Master’s level technician 2. The level 1 positions are great opportunities for early career botanists and ecologists who want to get more field experience and contribute to conservation across California. The level 2 position is designed for a midcareer scientist interested in leading field teams, managing projects and building on their existing conservation and research experience. Our work spans from California’s Channel Islands to the Eastern Sierra Nevada. Tech level 1A: Fieldwork focus March – September, conducting rare plant surveys and making conservation seed collections. Overnight camping and long field days will be the norm, eligible for overtime pay. On-site work is largely focused on seed cleaning and curation, as well as herbarium specimen curation, with some potential for nursery work. Tech level 1B: Focused on nursery work, growing and propagating plants for restoration and seed increase, conducting seed viability tests, and conducting some local field work with few overnight trips. Tech level 2: Master’s level work, will take a leading role in planning and executing field work for Seeds of Success collections, help manage seed viability testing, and contribute to technical reports and peer-reviewed publications. Please visit The Garden’s website for application details. Reach out to Heather Schneider ( with questions. Posted: 11/19/21.

Smithsonian Environmental Research Center: The Biogeochemistry Lab at SERC is hiring a Research Technician to support and enhance experimental research on ecosystem responses to warming and elevated CO2 in tidal wetlands. This is an entry-level position starting in April 2022 that seeks a motivated individual who will contribute to research efforts in a multidisciplinary environment. Tasks include, but are not limited to, collecting and analyzing field samples, maintaining and upgrading experiment infrastructure, and operating laboratory equipment. Applicants must be detail-oriented, organized, and able to work on several projects at once. In addition, applicants must be able to work outside in all environmental conditions. Qualifications include experience working in a field and laboratory setting on environmental, ecological or biogeochemical projects. We are particularly interested in experience processing biomass samples, measuring water chemistry, and using instruments designed for soil, water, or gas. SERC is located in Edgewater, MD. This is a one-year, entry-level position that will begin October 2019. To apply, please email a copy of your resume, a 1-page cover letter describing how your experience and interests meet the requirements of this position, and a list of 3 professional references (with email and phone contact information) to Genevieve Noyce at Posted: 1/14/22.

Smithsonian Environmental Research Center: MarineGEO Data Technician. Salary: $39-49k. Location: Edgewater, Maryland, USA. Application Closes: September 30, 2021. The Smithsonian Institution's MarineGEO program seeks a motivated data technician to join our team. MarineGEO is a global network of partners using a standard toolkit of observations and coordinated experiments to understand how biodiversity and ecosystem health are changing in coastal marine ecosystems as they face global change pressures. The Data Technician will support MarineGEO's data processing, analysis, and sharing goals. Duties include processing data submissions from MarineGEO partners, maintaining databases and R-Shiny web interfaces, assisting MarineGEO scientists to develop standardized protocols and data sheets, and contributing to the overall scientific quality of the operation. The Technician will work with the MarineGEO Director and Data Coordinator to ensure major data sharing and analysis goals of MarineGEO are met in a timely and effective manner. Requirements: - Bachelor's degree, Associate's degree, or equivalent combination of education and experience in biology, ecology, environmental science, geography, computer science, or related discipline - Coding experience in languages like R or Python - Ability to communicate and collaborate effectively with an interdisciplinary and international team. Desired Experience (at least some of the following): - Implementing data integration, cleaning, and quality assurance - Using GitHub to facilitate collaboration - Managing large or complex datasets - Familiarity with the science of coastal ecology, biodiversity, climate change, and experimental and/or monitoring research - Designing R Shiny apps - Producing field and lab data. This position is Smithsonian Trust employment and offers paid leave, health, vision, dental, and other benefits. Proof of authorization to work in the U.S. is required. This is not a federal position. To Apply: Please submit a single PDF including a one-page cover letter and two-page resume to with the subject line "MarineGEO Data Technician" by September 30, 2021. Posted: 9/9/21.

Southwest Conservation Corps: permanent Ecological Monitoring Program Coordinator to start approximately February, 2022. Reports to: Ecological Monitoring Program Manager. Starting Salary: Grade B, starting at $17.10 per hour, plus some overtime at x1.5/hour. Location: Durango, CO (remote start available). Status: Full-Time, Non-Exempt. Benefit Eligible: Health, Vision, Dental, Long-Term Disability, Retirement, Paid Time Off. The Southwest Conservation Corps (SCC) is a program of the non-profit service organization, Conservation Legacy. SCC provides youth and young adults opportunities to complete conservation projects on public lands. While serving with SCC, members receive training on job skills, conflict resolution, leadership, teamwork, and environmental stewardship. Members receive a weekly living allowance, training, and an AmeriCorps Education Award (for qualifying individuals). SCC was awarded a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) grant from the Colorado (CO) and New Mexico (NM) BLM State Offices to support small corps teams. Under this grant, SCC and sub-recipient Rocky Mountain Youth Corps (RMYC) work collaboratively with BLM personnel to complete vegetative, soil, and stream resource surveys according to the Assessment, Inventory, & Monitoring (AIM) methodology across CO and NM with many BLM Field and District Offices. At SCC, this cohort of crews and staff is known as the Ecological Monitoring Program.  The continuation of this initiative and this position is funding-dependent. The Program Coordinator selects and hires candidates for the seasonal ecological monitoring crews that are remotely based out of BLM Field and District Offices across CO and NM (winter). The Coordinator facilitates onboarding and training of Crew Leaders and Members at the beginning of the field season (spring-summer), then performs supervisory, supportive, and administrative tasks related to the Program, traveling to most crews (summer-fall). They also attend internal developmental meetings and functions throughout the year. To Apply: Send cover letter and resume/CV to Cassandra Owen at Subject line in this email must include “Applicant”. Please include in your cover letter any information or stories you feel are pertinent and demonstrate your readiness to step into the role. The cover letter must include a response to the following prompt:  Please provide examples of your experience working effectively with a diversity of communities, including those specific to BIPOC & other underrepresented populations, in personal and/or professional contexts. We will begin reviewing applications and reaching out to top candidates for interviews the week of January 10th, 2022. Interviews will be scheduled to be held between January 26th and February 11th, 2022. Posted: 12/29/21.

Susquehanna University: Freshwater Research Institute has an opening for an Ecologist. The full posting and application can be found at: The Freshwater Research Institute (FRI) Ecologist contributes to FRI programs and operations in support of University and FRI strategic goals, with a focus on student development, collaborative and applied ecological research, and building a diverse and inclusive community. The FRI Ecologist reports to the FRI Director. This is a 12-month position with subsequent appointment contingent upon external funding, satisfactory performance, and the needs of the University. Responsibilities - In support of University and FRI strategic goals: o Develop and maintain field- and/or lab-based applied ecology research projects that incorporate undergraduate students as significant contributors, and disseminate the results. o Support ongoing FRI programs and projects. o Contribute to new FRI programs and collaboratively develop new projects. o Build and maintain collaborative relationships with external partners. o Undertake professional development opportunities to expand knowledge and/or skills to support ongoing or new projects. - Teach and mentor undergraduate students. o Teach up to 4 semester hours per academic year in Ecology, Biology, or Earth and Environmental Sciences. o Supervise up to 2 research students (Ecology, Biology, and/or Earth and Environmental Sciences majors) per academic year to fulfill the senior research requirement, and fulfill all departmental responsibilities associated with this role. o Supervise and mentor students in academic year and summer roles. - Contribute to the development of external funding proposals to support FRI operations. - Maintain field and lab equipment. - Direct and/or participate in outreach efforts. Closing Date: 10/3/2021. Posted: 9/9/21.

The Nature Conservancy: We are excited to be recruiting for a Forest Ecologist position with TNC to be located in Bend, Oregon. The Forest Ecologist will work in support of the Conservancy's Forest Strategy to increase the quality, pace, and scale of ecologically based forest restoration and beneficial fire use across Oregon's dry, fire-adapted forests. The Forest Ecologist provides science, technical support, and programmatic leadership within TNC and for external partners to advance this goal within Central Oregon, while also contributing toward shared goals on state, regional, and national efforts. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS - Master's Degree in ecology or conservation biology and 1 year of experience or the equivalent combination of education and experience. - Experience with current science, policies, and practices guiding forest and fire ecology and restoration, specifically for Western U.S. dry, fire-adapted forests. - Coursework or research on fire-adapted forest ecosystem processes and functions, associated species, and conservation and restoration needs. - Experience managing multiple, complex projects, including managing internal and external teams and overseeing the work of other professionals and partners. - Experience working collaboratively with diverse staff, external stakeholders, and partners, sometimes under pressure, to complete project work and goals in a timely manner. - Strong communications and interpersonal skills to simplify, explain, and disseminate scientific information to a wide range of audiences and skill levels to achieve agreement and support among partners to influence forest conservation and restoration practices. - Experience collecting, manipulating, analyzing, interpreting, and translating scientific and spatial data. - Experience preparing reports of findings. - Experience communicating with diverse groups via written, spoken, and graphical means in English and other relevant languages. Apply at, job ID 50805. The application deadline is January 26, 2022. Posted: 1/11/22.

US Army Corps of Engineers: federal hire in Environmental Laboratory of the US Army Corps of Engineers. We are looking for an ecological engineer with a primary focus on rivers. The candidate would join the integrated water resource management team with an emphasis on topics like watershed management, stream restoration, river processes, dam removal, environmental flows, ecological modeling, and socio-ecological-technical systems. Key qualifications include, but are not limited to: -A master’s or doctoral degree in water resource engineering. -Experience with hydrologic, hydrodynamic, and/or sediment modeling. Riverine expertise is particularly desirable, but experiences in coastal environments are welcome. -Strong quantitative skills, GIS capabilities, and/or programming experience (R, Python, etc.) to contribute to the development and application of numerical models integrating engineering, ecological, and social processes. -Excellent written and verbal communication skills to document research findings as reports, presentations, and associated correspondence. -Willingness to travel approximately 1 week every other month. See: Applications must be received by January 19, 2022.

US Army ERDC-CRREL: The Soil Microbiology Group at CRREL in Hanover, NH, USA is seeking a highly-motivated candidate to join an interdisciplinary research team investigating microorganisms in cold regions, terrestrial signaling in soil, soil modeling, and microorganisms used for biotechnology and bioremediation. The candidate will participate in developing experiments, conducting field work, optimizing molecular protocols, and generating and analyzing complex datasets. The candidate will be responsible for proper documentation of methods and data as well as contributing to reports and local research presentations. Candidates should exhibit a strong ability to collaborate with an interdisciplinary team. Prior experience with soils, microbiology, and/or molecular techniques is required. Candidates with experience studying microbial community composition and activity in soils are preferred. Qualifications: The candidate must have a BSc/BA or MSc in Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Science, Biology, Molecular Biology, or Soil Science. Candidates should exhibit a strong ability to collaborate with an interdisciplinary team. Strong organizational, as well as oral and written communications skills should be demonstrated. Salary Range: Post-BSc/BA or Post-MSc at $43-56k, commensurate with experience. The initial appointment will be for a one-year period, with possible conversion to a federal researcher contingent on sufficient funding. To apply, submit a cover letter describing research experience and goals, a curriculum vitae, and names and contact information for three references as a single pdf to: Robyn A. Barbato, PhD, US Army ERDC-CRREL, 72 Lyme Road Hanover, NH 03755 ( Applications received before November 12, 2021 will be given priority. We expect the candidate to start between February and June 2022. Posted: 10/5/21.

USDA-Agricultural Research Service: The Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit (East Wareham, MA), is seeking a permanent full-time Physical Science Technician. The salary for this position is $55-79k per year plus benefits. U.S. Citizenship is required. This position will be located at the University of Massachusetts Cranberry Station in East Wareham, MA. The incumbent will support research projects investigating precision agricultural practices and conducting agroecosystem modeling on active cranberry farms and ecologically restored sites. Major responsibilities will include deploying, maintaining, and troubleshooting environmental sensors and irrigation systems, and assisting with UAV flights. Additional responsibilities include collecting and analyzing soil, water, gas, and vegetation samples in the field and lab, gauging and installing monitoring wells, conducting topographical surveys, and maintaining laboratory and computational resources. The incumbent will also be responsible for managing and processing environmental data sets. Experience with R, Python, and/or GIS is highly desirable. Closes: 3/10/2022. To view the announcement and/or to apply, please go to Posted: 2/28/22.

USDA-Agricultural Research Service: Biological Science Technician (Botany) (2 positions). Series/Grade: GS - 04/05/06. Start date: April/May 2022 (flexible). Position length: Apr/May 2022 through Nov 2022 (flexible). Location: Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center - Burns, OR. The technician will assist Agricultural Research Service scientists run laboratory, greenhouse and field experiments. The focus will be on development and testing of seed enhancement technologies aimed at overcoming barriers to establishment for native sagebrush steppe species. The majority of work (70%) will be focused on lab and grow room experiments; however, there will be some field work (30%). Responsibilities for this position include installing experiments, monitoring studies, botanical data collection, data entry, and assisting with data summaries/reporting. Requirements: Undergraduate studies in range, botany, soils, agriculture, or other natural resource fields preferred; those with related experience or education will be considered. The technician must be at least 17 years of age, be a citizen of the United States of America, have a valid state motor vehicle operator's license, be able to operate motor vehicles and be able to lift objects that weigh up to 50 pounds. Proof of Covid-19 vaccination or exemption form required prior to hiring. Minimum Qualifications (GS-4): 6 months of general AND 6 months of specialized experience; OR successful completion of 2 years of post-high school study that included at least 12 semester hours in any combination of courses such as biology, chemistry, statistics, entomology, animal husbandry, botany, physics, agriculture or mathematics of which 6 semester hours of courses relate directly to the duties of the position (plant biology, range/ecology, or natural resource management). General experience: Must have demonstrated the ability to perform the work of the position or provided a familiarity with the subject matter. Specialized experience: Must have been at least equivalent to the GS-04 grade level in the Federal Service. Preferences: previous experience with seed and seedlings in a lab, greenhouse, or outdoor setting; ability to work independently, prioritize tasks and exercise time management; field or lab experience conducting research activities in sagebrush ecosystems and knowledge of common plant species; possess strong organizational and communication skills. Salary: $15.47- $19.29 per hour depending on experience and/or education. Workweek is typically 40 hours, but some longer weeks and/or weekends may be required. Housing will be provided at the research station at no charge. To Apply: Email Roxanne Rios ( with Bio Sci Tech in the subject line. Email should include: cover letter, resume, two references, unofficial college transcripts and the Declaration of Federal Employment ( For privacy purposes, leave number 2 blank on the OFO306 form. List any pertinent classes in rangeland science, botany, soils, natural resources, agronomy, etc. Posted: 2/23/22.

USDA-Agricultural Research Service: in Burns, Oregon (eastern Oregon) is hiring two permanent positions with flexible starting experience levels (GS 5/7/9) to work on a variety of ecological research studies in the northern Great Basin working with either Dr. Stella Copeland or Dr. Rory O'Connor. The positions are being hired under both public (DE) and current federal (MP) certificates. The closing date is January 6, 2022 (may be extended), and are currently open for applications. Please follow all instructions for full consideration, such as including a detailed resume in the suggested format for US federal government applications. DE - ALL US Job Announcement: ARS-S22Y-11330681-ES | MP - ALL FEDS Job Announcement: ARS-M22Y-11330909-ES. Posted: 12/29/21.

USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station: A fellowship opportunity is available with the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), Pacific Northwest Research Station (PNW) located in Olympia, Washington or Corvallis, Oregon. The PNW Research Station is a Forest Service research center that develops and delivers knowledge and innovative technology to improve the health and use of the Nation's forests and rangelands. The fellow will collaborate with a unique inter-agency team in Oregon to develop several resources related to fire and post-fire research and monitoring. The goal of these resources is to promote collaboration and leverage capacity in post-fire research and monitoring. First, the fellow will help to develop a dynamic catalog of post-fire research and monitoring activities after major fire events in Oregon over the last two years, including the historic Labor Day fires of 2020. The catalog will include research and monitoring activities in air, soil, water, and biology and will increase understanding of resource conditions, fire impacts, and recovery efforts. The catalog will allow participants to easily find where scientific information is being collected, who is collecting it, what indicators are being measured, and where the final data will be stored and shared. The fellow will collaborate with the inter-agency team to develop a post-fire "playbook", which will help users identify post-fire research and monitoring tasks and objectives immediately after a major fire event. The playbook will also will help to evaluate different agency and entity responsibilities and interests related to post-fire research and monitoring toward the goal of promoting collaboration and sharing of resources after fire events. The fellow will also help with planning and implementation of a post-fire research and monitoring symposium. The symposium will bring together a diverse group of agency, university, and non-governmental organization representatives involved in post-fire research and monitoring to share their post-fire work and make connections. The qualified candidate should have received a master's degree in a relevant field, or be currently pursuing the degree with completion by the start of their appointment. Degree must have been received within the past five years. For more information and to apply, visit: Application deadline is 2/24/2022. Posted: 1/14/22.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: A research opportunity is currently available at the EPA's Office of Water (OW), Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds (OWOW) located in Washington, D.C. The aim of this research is to reduce nutrient loads in order to improve water quality. The selected participant will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience through analysis and research with the EPA Hypoxia Team, the Hypoxia Task Force and SERA-46 (a committee of research and extension specialists at land grant universities) in the Watershed Restoration, Assessment and Protection Division, within the Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds. The participant will be trained in opportunities for evaluating, improving and communicating results that track the progress of nutrient reduction efforts through varied metrics. Learning Objectives: Under the guidance of a mentor, the participant may: - Communicate technical, scientific info to the public, stakeholders, partners, and HTF - Translate complex info to decision-makers; inform policy with technical info and analysis - Assess environmental and policy issues related to reducing nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in the Mississippi River Basin - Develop and use quantification tools and other indicators of progress - Develop and form partnerships with those striving toward similar goals - Participate in agricultural science, monitoring and modeling efforts that can help strengthen efforts to reduce nutrients in the Mississippi River Basin - Participate in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment reporting and compliance through EPA’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) - Participate in agricultural and water quality-related research conferences - Understand EPA and Clean Water Act programs to protect water quality and manage water resources. Deadline: 4/15/2022 3 PM Eastern Time. Anticipated Appointment Start Date: Spring 2022. All start dates are flexible and vary depending on numerous factors. How to Apply: Visit the full position posting to learn more about the position and to submit an application. Posted: 1/27/22.

USGS South Florida Field Station: GS09 Wildlife Biologist, Everglades invasive species work. USGS Fort Collins Science Center, Invasive Species Science Branch is seeking to fill a GS09 Wildlife Biologist position stationed at the South Florida Field Station in Homestead, FL (in Everglades National Park). This is a project-manager type position working on invasive reptile research, primarily with Burmese pythons and Argentine black and white tegus. The incumbent should have strong organizational and communications skills with the biology/herpetological knowledge to understand and predict project needs. Major duties will include the following: - Preparing, and assisting with preparation of, annual proposals and reports to funders, including summarizing incoming data, producing basic figures, and writing text for selected sections of these documents. - Ensuring that all permits and ACUC protocols are up to date and that all associated reports are submitted on time. - Providing QA/QC over incoming data on a weekly basis, ensuring that all databases meet our quality standards. - Maintaining close communications with partner contacts and assisting with meeting scheduling, preparation, etc. - Preparing and presenting public and scientific outreach articles, interviews, and presentations. - Working closely with GS12 (Research Ecologist) and other senior staff in project planning, implementation, and reporting while helping to oversee the activities of GS07s (Biological Science Technicians) on the project. - Providing second-level oversight (after GS07) of our intern program (usually 4-6 interns at a time, variously employed by USGS, NPS, or U. Florida), including some training/directing new interns on project protocols, producing weekly work schedules, and otherwise keeping them on task. - Ensuring that project property and vehicles are managed, overseeing supply inventories and purchasing, leading safety protocols and checks, etc. - Some fieldwork - checking traps and cameras, radiotracking pythons and tegus, erecting enclosures, etc. Other general duties include: - Collecting Burmese Pythons and other invasive reptiles in the Greater Everglades Ecosystem, conducting euthanasia and necropsies, identifying reptiles, conducting field radiotelemetry, and collecting field data. - Constructing, deploying, and troubleshooting traps, reptile enclosures, and other control tools. - Providing information on the ecological impacts and management of Burmese Pythons and other invasive giant constrictors to a variety of interested parties. - Managing daily activities of student workers, interns, volunteers, and lower-graded colleagues in fieldwork and data reporting. - Using a variety of general software (e.g., MS-Excel, MS-Word, etc.) to track and manage project information. - Compiling data, preparing summary tables and figures, and preparing reports for funding agencies and cooperators. - Communicating research results and invasive species issues to a range of audiences in both oral and written form. Apply: Deadline: 20 Jan 2022. Posted: 1/11/22.

University of California, Berkeley: The Stephens Lab is hiring a new full time researcher and are looking for a person with a MS degree or somebody with BS and quite a bit of experience. Work includes projects in forests, woodlands, and shrublands including analyzing historical datasets, measuring the effects of prescribed fire and managed wildfires, and developing remotely sensed fire severity metrics in areas outside of conifer forests. Applicants can now apply here: The initial review date is 12/30/2021 but we will add an additional review date of 1/18/2022 since we are in the holiday season. Posted: 12/21/21.

University of California, Irvine: Research Specialist position. A team from the Department of Earth System Science at UC Irvine, as well as collaborators from UC Riverside and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, are expanding UC Irvine’s KCCAMS radiocarbon measurement capabilities with a new spectrometer (MIni CArbon DAting System – MICADAS) and a series of peripheral instruments. The new MICADAS lab will enable the joint analysis of radiocarbon and carbon and nitrogen isotopic and elemental composition of terrestrial and atmospheric samples for climate change and air pollution research. Apply at Posted: 3/7/22.

University of California, Los Angeles: The Kraft Lab in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology is searching for a full-time technician in plant ecology to join our research group. The focus of the position will be running field experiments focused on plant community ecology, functional ecology and species coexistence at the nearby Sedgwick Reserve in Santa Barbara County, part of the University of California Natural Reserve System. While the position will be based on UCLA campus, the technician would be expected to spend multi-day stretches of time working at the reserve with members of the lab and staying in on-site researcher housing during busy times of the year. We seek someone who is detail oriented, reliable, and enthusiastic about working with a diverse group of annual plants in a beautiful but rustic field setting. This is an ideal position for a recent college graduate seeking to gain research experience before applying to graduate school. A background in plant ecology, field botany, or related fields is highly desirable. The initial hire will be through summer of 2022 (~1 year), though additional years of funding may be available. To apply, please upload a cover letter, CV and names of at least two references at under position #34416. The position is classified as Lab Assistant II, with a starting salary of $20.06 per hour plus benefits. If you have questions about the lab or the position, please contact Nathan Kraft ( Deadline: 9-24-2021. Posted: 9/9/21.

University of California Riverside: Applications are open for a full time Assistant Director at University of California Riverside's James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve. Position Name: Museum Scientist. For details and to apply, see: Job Number: 25644521. Under the general direction of the Reserve Director (also known as a Reserve Manager), assists with daily operational aspects of the Reserve Sites; James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve and Oasis de Los Osos, including administration and user management, building and vehicle maintenance, facilities and information systems, database management, museum collections, public outreach activities, and research and educational programs. Education Requirements: Graduation with BS degree with specialization in biology, botany, zoology, geography or comparable field and one year experience, and curatorial work or equivalent combination of education and experience. Preferred: M.S. degree in biology, botany, zoology, geography or comparable field. Experience: Proven experience in collecting, analyzing and publishing scientific data. Working knowledge of statistical software. Computer experience with word processor, spreadsheet and database operating systems and commonly used office applications (e.g., Word, Excel, Filemaker Pro, PowerPoint, Internet, email). Preferred Experience - Basic understanding and experience in trail construction and maintenance - Computer knowledge and experience to develop and manage Reserve website - Previous experience in reserves management - Previous budgetary analysis experience Minimum Requirements - Basic understanding of state and federal agencies and regulatory policies that apply to research and land management issues. Ability to learn names of plants, animals, geological formations, places and basic natural history of area surrounding the reserves. Knowledge of management of museum data collections. - Demonstrated abilities in writing for basic science and general subjects (e.g., articles, letters, brochures). - Must be able to work independently with little direction. Ability to guide volunteers and others in reserve work. - Must have a valid driver's license, and must be able to drive manual transmission vehicles, and tractors. - Ability to perform work outside, under adverse weather conditions. Knowledge of basic maintenance techniques for electrical, plumbing, fencing, roads and physical plant. Able to stay overnight at reserve site when necessary. Must be able to operate and/or willing to operate all kinds of equipment needed to perform duties. - Skills in interpersonal communication and oral presentation. Posted: 3/22/22.

University of California, Santa Barbara: The Marine Science Institute seeks a Junior Specialist to assist in experimental field marine ecology within a Marine Ecology Laboratory. The Junior Specialist will assist in laboratory work and field work in the Burkepile Lab and the Moorea Coral Reef LTER. This work will include a significant amount of subtidal fieldwork in Moorea, French Polynesia. Research will include SCUBA diving via small boats to gather data on fish and coral communities and to set up ecological experiments. This position will entail significant detailed analyses of videos on fish foraging and photographs of coral communities to quantify the identity and abundance of organisms (e.g. coral, algae, etc.), which requires specialized knowledge and expertise in fish behavior, the taxonomy of fishes, corals, and algae, and specific computer programs for video and photo analyses. The Junior Specialist will also be responsible for data processing and analysis. The Junior Specialist will be expected to participate in field expeditions without the PI. Basic qualifications (required at time of application) Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in aquatic biology, marine science, ecology, environmental management or related field, or relevant Associate's degree plus 2 years research experience at the time of application. Additional qualifications (required at time of start) • Must provide proof of training in research SCUBA diving with AAUS certification or equivalent. View this position: Next review date: Wednesday, Sep 1, 2021. Posted: 8/11/21.

University of California San Diego: Research technician in river ecology to work in the Jackrel Lab in Ecology, Behavior and Evolution. Spring/Summer field season in the Olympic Peninsula of Washington (ideally May through August), including Olympic National Park, Olympic National Forest and private logging lands. Aquatic and terrestrial microbial communities are capable of rapidly degrading local species and even local genotypes of plants more rapidly than non-local plants. Our research investigates the underlying drivers and consequences of this Home-Field Advantage of leaf decomposition. How does land use, including intensity of logging operations, effect the HFA? What are the effects of the HFA on the aquatic carbon cycle, carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions, and aquatic food webs? Individual will be given substantial intellectual freedom and opportunity to launch side projects. Must have prior ecological science research experience in field environments, a valid driver's license, and bachelor's degree. Mileage will be reimbursed if using personal vehicle, otherwise rental will be provided. Knowledge of and enthusiasm for occasional back country camping preferred. Housing for most of the field season can be arranged at a field station. Depending on interests, this position could be short term or there may also be opportunity for longer term employment that would include lab microbial ecology research at UCSD. Position is flexible, applicants with more or less experience are encouraged to apply. Applications will be reviewed starting immediately with a preferred start date in Winter/Spring 2022, prior to the Summer field season. We are currently hiring at multiple levels, so please see advertisement for postdoctoral researcher. Please submit a cover letter and CV to Posted: 1/13/22.

University of Florida: Research technician in spatial eco-epidemiology of tick-borne diseases. The Quantitative Disease Ecology and Conservation Laboratory (QDEC Lab) in the Department of Geography and Emerging Pathogens Institute is seeking a research technician with expertise in quantitative ecological modeling, spatial analyses, or related data analysis skills, to work on spatial models of ticks and tick-borne diseases, as part of a multi-institutional collaborative NIH R01 funded Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (EEID) grant “Spatial Eco-Epidemiology of Tick-Borne Rickettsial Pathogens”, and collaborative projects within the CDC funded Southeastern Center of Excellence in Vector Borne Diseases. Working with existing data sets on tick locations and infection status, this position will contribute to analyses and publications of spatiotemporal occupancy patterns, niche modeling approaches to understand tick-host patterns on the landscape, and exploring validation approaches for existing suitability models. Qualifications: Required: - Interest and enthusiasm for studying systems of tick-borne pathogen transmission as part of a collaborative research team - At minimum, a masters in geography, ecology, biology, biostatistics, epidemiology, mathematics, or a related field, with emphasis on quantitative training (e.g. modeling, ecoinformatics, and/or statistics). - Familiarity with the R programming environment, or similar - A willingness to learn and apply methods of quantitative and spatial analysis. Desired: - Experience writing code in the R programming environment, or similar - Experience with data management or working with georeferenced databases, e.g. for ecoinformatics work, or GIS projects - Familiarity with niche modeling/habitat selection models/geospatial stats - Publication and/or presentation experience with willingness to contribute to lab publications - Prior experience working in a collaborative research team, knowledge of professional etiquette in group situations. Compensation: This position is $20/hr, with benefits, full time. Start Date: 8/16/21 (or when filled). Will start reviewing applications 8/10/21. To apply: please send an email (to, subject line Tick Research Technician Position), including a cover letter of interest, a current CV, and contact information for 3 references. Please be sure to emphasize qualifications. Full job ad. Posted: 8/11/21.

University of Georgia: The GCE LTER program seeks a Research Professional to assist with coastal ecology research on the Georgia coast. This person will serve as lead technician and manager of a field crew in performing research in a wide range of disciplines including water quality, remote sensing, soils, climate, and wetland plants and animals. The Research Professional will serve as the primary contact for visiting researchers, oversee maintenance and operations of equipment, manage data submissions, and perform other research administration tasks. The position requires at least a baccalaureate in a related field but those with a master's degree and relevant experience will be the most competitive. Ideally, the candidate will have prior experience with small boat operations, field research, scientific instrumentation, drone piloting, and personnel management. Physical Demands: The position will occasionally require strenuous physical activity and irregular hours. Much of the work is done outdoors in hot, muddy, and buggy conditions. Work Hours: Generally, 8:30-5 M-F; although field work may require early or late hours and occasional weekends. Apply by May 31 for full consideration. Salary: $38-43k commensurate with experience. Posting number: S08442P. Apply: For questions concerning this position: Jacob Shalack - Posted: 5/11/22.

University of Georgia: The Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (SREL) and Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources are seeking a Research Technician (BS) or Research Professional (MS) to provide support to studies in forest ecology, ecophysiology, ecohydrology, fire ecology, and biogeochemistry at SREL located in Aiken, SC. The selected candidate will be responsible for: assistance with the oversight and collection of data; general lab and field experiment organization and maintenance; data management, analysis, and manuscript preparation support; and assistance with other assigned tasks, including coordination of technicians, students, and collaborating scientists. A BS or MS in ecology, forestry, natural resources, biology, environmental science, or closely related discipline is required with prior experience conducting field research. The ideal candidate will have strong written and oral communication skills, strong organizational skills, and be able to work independently and as part of a team. Basic laboratory skills are required. Experience with forest measurement and ecophysiology techniques and equipment is highly desirable, including use of sap flow sensors, soil moisture sensors, thermocouples, Campbell dataloggers, infrared gas analyzers, Scholander pressure chambers, and general ability to troubleshoot problems with equipment. To apply, send the following in a single PDF: (1) a cover letter summarizing your research interests, qualifications, and career goals; (2) a resume or CV; and (3) names and contact information for three professional references to Doug Aubrey ( Applications will be reviewed immediately and will continue until a suitable candidate is identified. Salary is $32-36K (technician) and $38-42K (professional) plus benefits with annual renewal, pending availability of funds and satisfactory performance. Posted: 3/15/22.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: A field research specialist position is available in the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). This position is part of a SMARTFARM research project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, System of Systems Solutions for Commercial Field-Level Quantification of Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrous Oxide Emission for Scalable Applications (SYMFONI). The goal of SYMFONI is to create field-scale, affordable methods for quantifying soil carbon and nitrous oxide fluxes based on high spatial and temporal resolution measurements of these fluxes and their driving variables. The field research specialist will work with Drs. Wendy Yang and Evan DeLucia to study controls on soil greenhouse fluxes and soil nitrogen transformations in maize-soybean agroecosystems. They will assist two postdoctoral researchers. One postdoctoral researcher is investigating controls on temporal variability in soil nitrous oxide emissions using automated chamber measurements of soil nitrous oxide emissions and soil sensor measurements of potential driving variables. The other postdoctoral researcher is investigating controls on spatial variability in soil nitrous oxide emissions at the field scale using stable isotope pool dilution and tracer techniques in the field and laboratory to partition nitrous oxide production and consumption as well as nitrous oxide source processes. The SYMFONI project is a highly collaborative research effort that involves working closely with other ecosystem ecologists, microbial ecologists, ecosystem modelers, ecohydrologists, and others. The project team is committed to creating an inclusive and diverse work environment. Career development for the field research specialist will be supported through participation in lab and project meetings, and professional development opportunities at UIUC. See the full details about the position to apply. Official deadline is July 4, 2022, but position may be open longer. For applications after 4 July 2022, please contact Evan DeLucia directly at Posted: 6/27/22.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: seeking a Field Research Specialist in Biogeochemistry. Position starts as soon as possible and is a year-round appointment. DUTIES: - Install, operate, and troubleshoot automated systems for measuring gas fluxes from soil - Assist with organizing, compiling, and analyzing data - Collect plant, soil, gas, and water samples from field sites; process and analyze plant, soil, gas, and water samples in the laboratory - Assist with stable isotope tracer experiments and laboratory assays for carbon and nitrogen cycling processes - Supervise undergraduate students assisting with this project, including training, assigning work, and tracking work performance and deliverables EDUCATION: Required: A bachelor’s degree in biology, environmental science, chemistry, or related field. Alternate degree fields will be considered/accepted depending on depth and breadth of experience and skills as related to this position. EXPERIENCE: Required: Research experience in the laboratory and in the field related to biogeochemistry (e.g., above and belowground plant sampling, trace gas flux measurements, soil sampling, wet chemistry, gas chromatography). Experience may include time in student status if relevant. Preferred: Experience running analytical instrumentation for soil, water and gas samples (gas chromatograph, isotope ratio mass spectrometer). Experience with field measurements of plant gas exchange and biomass allocation or laboratory assays for soil carbon and nitrogen cycling processes. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Applications must be received by February 2, 2022. Posted: 1/27/22.

University of Kentucky: The Department of Forestry and Natural Resources is looking for a research analyst to work on herp and aquatic ecology projects in Kentucky and throughout the Southeast US. This is a full-time position (with benefits) on department funding. This is a great position for someone that just completed a MS degree. This position will support research activities related to aquatic ecology, wildlife (especially amphibians and reptiles) and other areas including forest hydrology and watershed management. The research analyst will conduct both field and lab research as well as provide education support for faculty and graduate students. Candidates are sought with 1) demonstrated expertise in wildlife research using multiple field and lab methods that include GPS radio- and PIT- telemetry, animal capture and the use of standardized techniques to process animals, camera trapping, operation of 4x4 vehicles and ATVs, basic vegetation measurement (forestry plots, plant ID, laboratory analysis of field vegetation samples); 2) database management skills, including MS Excel, Word, Access; 3) ability to conduct analysis of research data, write research manuscripts, and be an active participant in the preparation of grant proposals. Must have a strong record of success conducting research and scholarly activities, including publication in peer-reviewed journals. Advanced knowledge of R and ArcGIS software is required. More information at or contact Steve Price at Posted: 1/14/22.

University of Louisiana at Lafayette: Research Laboratory Technician with expertise in phytoplankton ecology. The Research Laboratory Technician will work as part of the collaborative LO-SPAT project which seeks to gain a better understanding of how stressors in the estuarine environment (e.g., low salinity) impact the ecology and physiology of oysters with the goal of producing more stress tolerant oysters for coastal restoration. The specific role of the Research Laboratory Technician will be to maintain laboratory phytoplankton cultures in the lab, assist in field and lab-based experiments and lab management, assist with data management and archiving, and assist in preparation of data for presentations and publications. The Research Laboratory Technician will be supervised by Dr. Beth Stauffer in the UL Lafayette Department of Biology, but will also work with the project team, including academic collaborators, private industry, and state agencies. The position will require travel and may require working and traveling on weekends. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. This will be a 12-month, benefits-eligible staff position with an initial appointment of 1 year. Continuation of the appointment beyond the initial year is possible up to 3-5 years and will be based on availability of funds and performance. The ideal candidate would possess: M.Sc. (preferred) or B.Sc. in Marine Biology, Oceanography, Microbiology, or other relevant discipline Experience culturing or working with cultures of marine or freshwater phytoplankton or algae using aseptic technique Familiarity with laboratory analyses for phytoplankton biomass (e.g. via fluorescence) or composition (e.g. flow cytometry, microscopy) High degree of organization, strong communication skills, and ability to manage undergraduate students in the lab. Informal inquiries about the position can be sent to Dr. Beth Stauffer ( Formal application must be submitted via The application should include: 1) a cover letter describing interest, relevant background and qualifications, 2) full curriculum vitae or resume, and 3) contact information for three professional references. The start date is flexible. The position is expected to be filled by September 1, 2021. Posted: 7/23/21.

University of Maryland: The Fagan lab in the Biology Department is seeking a Statistical Programmer/Research Technician to assist with global-scale analyses of multispecies animal tracking datasets. The position can begin immediately and can continue to 31 May 2023. Extension beyond this period is possible pending available funding and satisfactory performance. The opportunity features a competitive salary plus benefits. The successful candidate will be part of an established animal movement analytics research team. Building on a long-term research program in animal movement analytics (e.g., Mueller et al. 2013. Science; Fleming et al. 2015. Ecology; Noonan et al. 2019. Ecological Monographs; Mallon et al. 2021. Movement Ecology), this position will focus on leveraging existing multispecies tracking datasets to compare and contrast patterns of animal space use across species. Specific tasks will be to: - Examine how various aspects of movement behavior vary with phylogeny and body size, across different habitat types, and as a function of other covariates; - Work with our team to identify appropriate empirical examples for demonstrating the performance of novel analytical methods. - Contribute to publications in academic, peer-reviewed journals; Required: - M.S. (preferred) or B.S. degree in statistics, quantitative ecology, data science, or a related field. - Excellent programming skills in R. - Advanced data analysis and statistical modeling skills. - Excellent communication skills in English. Preferred: - Experience with animal movement analysis is advantageous. To apply, send a CV / resume and a statement of interest to Bill Fagan ( Posted: 1/13/22.

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science: The UMCES Integration and Application Network seeks a Science Communicator for its regional, national, and international projects. The successful candidate will support a variety of science communication products that meet the goals and objectives of the projects assigned to them. Specific tasks will include graphic design, data visualization, use of content management systems, and social media support. Specific tasks include layout and design of printed products (newsletters, report cards, reports, books), data analysis (R studio, Microsoft Excel, ArcPro), and teaching science communication courses and workshops. Support (note taking, scheduling, etc.) for workshop planning, organization, and facilitation, stakeholder engagement, and office administrative tasks is expected. Excellent communication skills, a strong work ethic, and attention to detail are required. Overnight travel to project meetings and conferences is expected. The Integration and Application Network is a global leader in scientific synthesis, science communication, and ecosystem health report cards, with ongoing projects in the US, Australia, Asia, Africa, and Europe. Our projects seek to engage stakeholders and scientists to create solutions to difficult environmental problems. We are seeking a detailed oriented, productive individual that can help advance these types of projects through effective visual science communication and excellent data analysis. Minimum Qualifications: Candidates should have a Bachelor of Science degree in biology, chemistry, or environmental science with at least three years of professional experience. Technical skills using relevant software programs (Adobe Creative Suite, ESRI ArcMap or ArcPro, Microsoft Office, R Studio, etc.) to develop print and digital media as well as to analyze complex, disparate datasets are required. Excellent communication and organizational skills are necessary. Ability to work in a fast-paced environment with little supervision is a must. Self-directed work is a large portion of the work time. Ability to work both in-person and virtual or a hybrid is required. Preferred Qualifications: Master’s Degree in a natural science or environmental science related field. Minor in art or artistic prowess is a great advantage. Advanced experience using Adobe Creative Suite, ArcPro, and or/R Studio is helpful. Familiarity with teaching college-level or professional courses is preferred. Location: Annapolis, MD or Cambridge, MD Salary: $45-55k plus benefits. Applications received by August 16, 2021 will receive full consideration. Documents should include a cover letter, resume, and contact information for three (3) references, and a writing sample. A web address or PDF attachments of previous work is preferred. Apply today: For questions please email Alexandra Fries, Posted: 8/12/21.

University of Michigan: The Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research (CIGLR) is looking for a candidate to join our research team working on food web ecology in the Great Lakes. The Food Web Laboratory Analyst will perform field sampling and laboratory analyses related to zooplankton, larval fish and Mysis ecology in the Great Lakes. Routine tasks assigned to you will include: (1) assisting aboard research cruises (net tows, sample processing, acoustics instrumentation), (2) sorting organisms within samples, (3) performing quantification of zooplankton, mussel veligers, and larval fish; (4) processing fisheries acoustics data, and 5) data analysis. The appointment will be with CIGLR, which is part of the University of Michigan's School for Environment and Sustainability located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. CIGLR is a collaboration between the University of Michigan and NOAA that brings together experts from academia and government research labs to press problems facing the Great Lakes region. You will spend the majority of your time at NOAA's Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) in Ann Arbor. Responsibilities - Implement routine laboratory operations including sorting, identification, enumeration, and measurement of zooplankton and larval fish - Process acoustics data - Maintain datasets, laboratory records, sample inventories, and standard operating procedures - Participate as team member on multi-day cruises to conduct surveys on the Great Lakes - Organize and analyze data from field collections, instrumentation, and laboratory analyses. Required Qualifications - A Bachelor’s degree in ecology, limnology, oceanography, or aquatic environmental science - One or more years of experience working in an environmental research laboratory - Experience analyzing zooplankton, larval fish samples, and fisheries digital signal processing using Echoview software in a laboratory setting - Experience conducting field-intensive research - Ability to focus on details and ensure accuracy - Ability to work both in a collaborative environment and independently - Ability to communicate and work effectively with diverse constituents and colleagues. Desired Qualifications - Master’s degree - Demonstrated experience contributing to peer-reviewed papers - Experience working on research vessels in large bodies of water under various weather conditions - Experience with identification of zooplankton and fishes in the Great lakes, including estimating daily age growth of larval fish - Experience working with relational databases to organize results and R for data visualization and analysis. For more information and to apply, visit The application deadline is September 2, 2021. Posted: 8/11/21.

University of Michigan: The Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research (CIGLR) is looking for you to work with the ecological and physical modeling teams at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab (NOAA GLERL). Under the direction of the Project Principal Investigators, the Modeling Data Analyst will work with CIGLR and GLERL scientists to 1) develop experimental ecological forecasts linked to the hydrodynamic models of the Great Lakes Operational Forecast System, and 2) evaluate model performance through statistical comparison of modeled and observed water quality, biological, and physical variables. These models simulate and forecast harmful algal blooms, hypoxia, biogeochemical processes, and species interactions, among other ecological and limnological processes within the Great Lakes. The appointment will be with CIGLR, which is part of the University of Michigan's School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. CIGLR is a collaboration between the University of Michigan and NOAA that brings together experts from academia and government research labs to address Great Lakes environmental challenges. You will spend the majority of your time working with NOAA GLERL in Ann Arbor on projects led by Dr. Mark Rowe. Because of the remote work policy at both the University of Michigan and NOAA, there is the possibility for this position to be performed remotely for at least the first year. Responsibilities: - Run numerical hydrodynamic, ecological, and biophysical models of the Great Lakes (e.g., FVCOM) using a high-performance computing system. This may also include some model revision and development - Evaluate the performance and skill of ecological and hydrodynamic models of the Great Lakes by statistical comparison of modeled versus observed water quality, biological, - and physical variables using R or Python - Conduct model transition to real-time forecasts in collaboration with CIGLR, GLERL, and external partners - Present data findings to our audiences and contribute to the publications in scientific journals. Required Qualifications: - A bachelor's degree in the natural sciences, engineering, or related field - One(1) or more years of experience in ecological data, modeling and professional activities (e.g., large gridded data sets from model output or remote sensing) - Experience analyzing data, measuring uncertainty, and reporting results promptly - Experience discreetly handling sensitive sampling data - Ability to work both in a collaborative environment and independently. Desired Qualifications: - A Master's degree or Ph.D. - Experience handling ecological and geophysical data in multiple formats such as ASCII, NetCDF - Experience running Fortran-based scientific models in a linux/unix computing environment - Experience with hydrodynamic/ocean modeling - Experience in aquatic ecology and limnology - Experience with scripting data analysis software such as R, IDL, Python, or Matlab. For more information and to apply, visit The application deadline is August 21, 2021. Posted: 8/11/21.

University of Missouri-Columbia: To apply for this position, please visit the MU web site at and look for job opening ID 39093. The primary function of this position is management of the day-to-day laboratory and field activities of the MU Limnology Lab. We monitor water quality in Missouri's reservoirs through two long-term projects, the Statewide Lake Assessment Program (SLAP) and a community science effort, the Lakes of Missouri Volunteer Program (LMVP). This position is multi-faceted, involving water chemistry analysis, field research, data management, training and supervising of hourly employees working in the lab and field, and interacting with volunteers. Water chemistry analysis- Employee will be responsible for conducting analyses on water quality samples from Missouri water bodies. Previous chemistry lab experience is required. Analyses include colorimetric measurement of nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) in water, fluorometric measurements of algal biomass, and gravimetric analysis of suspended solids. Good laboratory hygiene is required. Conducting field research - This position requires the applicant to conduct field sampling/research from water bodies via a canoe or motor boat, while also training/supervising others in that effort. Given this is outdoor work, they should expect exposure to heat, rain, etc. Employee will be responsible for collecting and processing water samples, operating water monitoring equipment, and driving to monitoring sites at a variety of reservoirs in Missouri. Some overnight stays are likely. Data entry and management- This position will be required to upload data (entered in Excel by technicians they supervise), to a central ACCESS database and manage that database. They will also assist with conducting Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QAQC) of water quality data. Personnel management- On a daily basis, they will need to make decisions that require professional judgment and assume a position of responsibility in the lab. There is a tremendous amount of communication necessary between this person and others while supervising lab and field technicians and coordinating their activities. Our citizen science program- LMVP- requires close communication with volunteers throughout the state. Employee should have advanced people/soft skills and be a team player. Salary Range: $15-20/hour. Minimum Qualifications: A Bachelor's degree or an equivalent combination of education and relevant experience and at least 1 year of experience from which comparable knowledge and skills can be acquired is necessary. Preferred Qualifications: Previous chemistry lab experience. Valid driver's license. Experience with software such as Microsoft Excel, Word, Access, and R. Other Information: Some heavy lifting (~40 lbs). Posted: 12/1/21.

University of Montana: We are seeking an energetic and motivated person to work on a field research project on mycorrhizal networks and forest ecophysiology in Western Montana. The project, funded by the Department of Energy, seeks to understand the role of stress and mycorrhizal networks in modulating ponderosa pine responses to drought. This is a full time position for a minimum of 12 months. The successful candidate will start as early as possible in 2022, but not later than February 15th, 2022. They will help coordinate the project, conduct field work, and process samples in the lab. Ideally, the candidate will also engage in data analyses and publication. Field work will start in March-April 2022 and will continue through the spring and summer 2022. The project will involve ecophysiological measurements in trees in the field, as well as sample processing in the lab. We envision this position as an ideal springboard for candidates interested in gaining in-depth research experience prior to a longer term commitment to research. Minimum Qualifications • Bachelor degree in Biology or related field • Independent research experience • Demonstrated ability to work independently • Ability to conduct physically demanding field work • Coordination, management and people skills Preferred Qualifications • Graduate degree in Biology or related field • Experience in tree ecophysiology techniques • Experience in soil and fungal biology • Experience in data management and organization • Strong writing skills • Quantitative/analytical skills Interested candidates should send via email: 1) a cover letter briefly explaining their prior experience, interest and qualification for the position; 2) resume; and 3) names and contact information of three people willing to provide a letter of recommendation, to: Anna Sala, Professor Division of Biological Sciences University of Montana ( Here's a video explaining previous work we did on this topic for context. Posted: 11/23/21.

University of Nevada Reno: We have an opening for a paid field and lab technician at the Blaszczak Watershed and Aquatic Ecosystem Ecology Lab. This position can last for four months (June - September 2022) or 1.5 years (June 2022 - October 2023) depending on the interest and availability of the applicant. The technician will assist with projects investigating 1) cyanotoxin production in rivers in northern California (summer to early fall 2022), and 2) nitrogen cycling in the Lake Tahoe Basin (fall 2022 to fall 2023). In collaboration with graduate students and under the general direction of the PI, the technician will provide support for field projects and laboratory research. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: Sampling a range of aquatic environments from wadeable streams, rivers, and boat accessible lake shorelines for water, sediment, and benthic (streambed) biofilm samples Aquatic sensor (e.g., miniDOTs) maintenance and data processing Conducting field work in a wide range of weather conditions at local and regional sites with potential for occasional overnight camping at field sites Assisting with the set-up, takedown, and maintenance of experiments Oversee preparation of samples for chemical analyses, including filtering, drying, grinding, and weighing samples. Analysis of water samples for nutrient and ion concentrations Analysis of benthic mat samples for anatoxins, chlorophyll-a, organic matter Identification of algae and and cyanobacteria in benthic mat samples Maintain lab research databases and laboratory records, including interfacing with collaborators Ensure the proper ordering of inventory and supplies and maintain orderliness of the research lab. Ensure all laboratory protocols and procedures adhere to chemical and general safety requirements. Coordinate undergraduate student assistance and ensure they have taken proper lab safety training courses. Curate and manage undergraduate schedules in the lab, and oversee undergraduate research protocols. Perform data entry and summarize data using computer spreadsheets and technical software (e.g., R). The technician will have their housing at a field station cabin and research-related travel expenses covered for the summer and early fall in northern California. The technician will be based out of Reno, Nevada (or the surrounding area) for the duration of the Lake Tahoe research. Hourly pay ranges from $15-18 per hour based on relevant experience. The ideal candidate for the position has previous research (lab and/or field) and data analysis experience (e.g. R, statistics coursework) and has a strong interest in being a part of a collaborative team. Our lab strives to maintain a inclusive environment and welcomes all applicants regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender-identity, physical ability, or socio-economic status. To apply, email Joanna Blaszczak at with subject line "2022 Blaszczak Lab Technician" and attach 1) a max 1-page cover letter explaining your interest in the position and availability, 2) a resume or CV, and 3) names & contact information of 3 references. Review of applications will begin March 21. Posted: 3/9/22.

University of New Mexico: The Museum of Southwestern Biology (MSB) invites applications for a Senior Science Museum Collection Manager for the Herbarium, a full-time, 12-month staff position. The University of New Mexico Herbarium (UNM) is centrally located on the main campus in Albuquerque, a city with a rich cultural heritage in a biodiverse, scenic landscape. The MSB develops and maintains natural history collections for use in research and education, benefiting the university, science, and society at large. The UNM Herbarium holds over 133,000 vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens, and fungi representing the deep history of botany in the southwestern United States. It is the oldest and most comprehensive herbarium in New Mexico, yet it has modern infrastructure, ample expansion space, and the majority of its specimens have digital and image data. The mission of the Herbarium is to support collections-based research, discovery, and education by collecting, documenting, preserving, and curating specimens and their data. Through these activities, the Herbarium provides unique learning opportunities for field and museum-based botany, enhancing scholarship and outcomes for undergraduate and graduate students at the University of New Mexico. Looking forward, the Herbarium is seeking new ways to implement extended (holistic) specimen models, to utilize its historical collections for the study of change over time, and to provide experiential learning for students. We seek applicants with a strong commitment to the mission and vision of the Herbarium. The Collection Manager will be one of eight Collection Managers in the MSB. The position offers opportunities for mentoring, outreach, and career development, including research within the context of curatorial priorities. Education and Experience:A Master's Degree with at least 5 years experience with preparation and care of plant specimens and management of a plant collection is required. Salary Range: $3,553-4,629 Monthly (benefits eligible). Visit UNM Jobs (req16008) for more information. The following will be required: 1) A Cover Letter for this position should address any and all of the preferred qualifications that you meet for this position; 2) Curriculum vitae; 3) Names and contact information of three references; 4) Unofficial Transcripts (official transcripts will be required before date of hire); 5) Up to two representative publications or other products. For full consideration, submit materials by August 30th, 2021. The position begins in September 2021, or as soon as possible after that. Please contact the Herbarium Curator, Dr. Hannah Marx (hmarx[at], with any questions. Posted: 8/12/21.

University of New Mexico: The UNM Sevilleta Field Station (SevFS) is hiring a full-time Facilities Services Manager who will perform a broad range of duties associated with daily operations. SevFS is located just west of Interstate 25 (Exit 169), approximately 60 miles south of the UNM main campus in Albuquerque, New Mexico. SevFS hosts a diversity of research activities, courses, workshops, and conferences. The SevFS campus includes several residence houses, laboratories, conference rooms, storage facilities, and more, as well as a fleet of vehicles that includes passenger vans, trucks, and heavy equipment. Additionally, SevFS-managed research infrastructure extends to numerous sites distributed across the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge. These remote research sites include solar-powered systems, long-term weather stations, and a large-scale wireless communication network- all of which involve periodic construction, repair, and maintenance. Specific duties of the Facilities Services Manager will involve maintenance, hands-on repair and construction, and ensuring compliance with UNM, state and federal policies and regulations regarding safety. In addition, the Facilities Services Manager will coordinate with and supervise a large group of diverse outside contractors, UNM physical plant personnel, housekeeping crew, research technicians, student employees, and volunteers engaged in activities associated with the operations of SevFS as well as extensions of SevFS infrastructure in and beyond the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge. Experience with field instrumentation (e.g., photovoltaic systems, Campbell dataloggers, sensor networks, wired and wireless computer networks) or a strong willingness and capacity to learn is an important preference. Approximately 75% of the duties will be performed on the SevFS campus with the remaining 25% associated with remote field infrastructure. Detailed information about the position and how to apply. Best Consideration Date: 8/18/2021. Posted: 8/12/21.

University of North Carolina Greensboro: The Aquatique lab at UNCG is seeking a research technician. The successful candidate will join an ongoing project exploring environmental drivers of food chain length in river networks. The task will include (1) assemble stable isotope and environmental data from published papers, (2) help prepare and format GIS layers. Background knowledge on stable isotopes, R, and/or GIS is a big plus. We are working in a team - so I am particularly interested in recruiting a candidate who enjoys working in a team environment. The candidate must reside in or willing to move to North Carolina. If you are interested, please send me a cover letter with a brief statement of your research interest, your CV, and contact information for three references to a_terui at See: Posted: 10/5/21.

University of Saskatchewan: The entomology program in the Department of Plant Sciences in the College of Agriculture and Bioresources is hiring a full-time technician for a period of one year. The technician will primarily contribute to studies of insect biodiversity and plant-insect interactions. The technician will contribute to other project as time allows and as required. Primary duties will include the maintenance of plant and insect colonies, sorting and managing field samples, and testing for pathogen infection via PCR. Other tasks may including various lab aspects of lab management such as purchasing and updating safety records. Qualifications: Post-secondary training at the diploma or degree level in agriculture, biology, entomology; or grade 12 with substantial experience in entomology and ecology. Experience with insect identification and specimen preparation is highly preferred. Must be eligible to operate university vehicles. Must be willing to work outdoors and work flexible hours during the summer field season. To apply, please send application via email, including the following three components: a cover letter, resume and names and contacts of three references as a single PDF document to: Dr. Sean Prager (, Dept. of Plant Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, 51 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 5A8 or apply via (req8098). Posted: 4/7/22.

University of Vermont: The Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC) is a long-term forest health, environmental monitoring and research program formed by a partnership New York and New England forestry agencies, The University of Vermont, and the USDA Forest Service. The FEMC provides monitoring, coordination and data management services to cooperators across the Northeast. The Monitoring Coordinator reports to the Director, and is part of a close-knit and dynamic team working together with key partners in the region to deliver the program. This position is also a part of the Rubenstein School for Environment and Natural Resources research staff. The Monitoring Coordinator fills a critical role within the small organization by maintaining data collections and resources that are critical to tracking and reporting on long-term changes in the region's forests. To do this, the Monitoring Coordinator oversees several high-quality field-based monitoring programs, along with associated, data management and data analysis services, that are a hallmark of the organization. The Monitoring Coordinator works with key partners to design, plan and oversee the delivery of FEMC monitoring programs for forest health monitoring, montane meteorology, forest soils and air quality. This work includes planning field campaigns and maintenance visits, writing data collection protocols, hiring and supervising monitoring technicians, providing QA/QC for data collections, and developing new and upgrading existing programs. The Monitoring Coordinator will also support FEMC staff and cooperators through data analysis, the production of information products based on monitoring, documenting and archiving monitoring data, assisting in the preparation of grant proposals, administrative reports, presentations at program and professional meetings, and other assigned field and office duties. Learn more and apply at Posted: 12/9/21.

University of Wisconsin - Madison: The North Temperate Lakes Long-Term Ecological Research (NTL-LTER) Project has been studying the ecology of lakes for the past 40 years as a part of the US National Science Foundation's LTER network. We are seeking a research specialist to oversee the water chemistry laboratory, which produces many of the critical data sets underpinning this long-term research program. Duties include: [1] Laboratory Oversight and Sample Analysis: Lead water sample analysis efforts using instrumentation such as a nutrient autoanalyzer, organic carbon analyzer, ion chromatograph, and inductively coupled plasma spectrometer. Oversight also includes sample tracking, data entry, writing or updating protocols for laboratory and data entry procedures, performing routine maintenance of equipment, and ordering supplies. [2] Quality Assurance and Data Management: The incumbent will oversee quality assurance and implement quality control procedures in the lab, including bi-annual proficiency testing. They will also assist in managing project data by coordinating with NTL-LTER research staff at the Center for Limnology's Trout Lake Station in northern Wisconsin and with the NTL-LTER Information Management staff in Madison. [3] Operational Guidance and Supervision of Staff: The incumbent will be in charge of hiring, training, scheduling, and supervising student employees who will assist with laboratory analyses and data entry. The research specialist will also assist faculty, graduate students, and post-doctoral researchers with LTER-related water chemistry projects, including training of individual researchers as needed on equipment and methods. Effective collaboration and communication abilities are essential. [4] Participation: As part of the NTL-LTER and UW-Madison Center for Limnology (CFL) communities, the incumbent will attend monthly NTL-LTER science meetings and bi-annual all CFL meetings, and be an active member of 1-2 standing committees responsible for different routine CFL operating functions. QUALIFICATIONS: - Bachelors degree in Biological, Geological, Chemical sciences or related disciplines - 1 year of experience working in a water chemistry laboratory - Experience operating analytical equipment for environmental sample analysis - Knowledge of quality assurance and quality control procedures - Experience with laboratory data management. See the full job ad for more information and to apply. Closes: Jan 25 2022. Posted: 1/18/22.

University of Wyoming: The Merkle Research Group at the University of Wyoming and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department are jointly seeking a Wildlife Data Analyst to organize, manage, analyze, and visualize spatial data related to wildlife ecology and management. The Analyst will carry out their work by developing and maintaining code-based workflows. The Analyst will synthesize results into reports for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and, where appropriate, into peer-reviewed publications. One of the main duties is to lead the data management components of a statewide mule deer monitoring project. The Analyst will also provide analytical, technical, and research support to build the computational capacity in, and provide a key science connection to, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. The analyst will work in collaboration with the Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and our state, federal, and NGO partners. Minimum qualifications include: - Master's degree in Wildlife Ecology, Quantitative Ecology, or related field. - Proficient with R and ArcGIS. - Excellent written, verbal, and interpersonal communication skills. - Strong career interest in conducting research and data science to support state wildlife management - Extensive experience working with GPS collar data and remote sensing data - Experience working with messy datasets, and analyzing a variety of data types - Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines and produce products in a timely manner Desired qualifications include: - Experience managing GPS collar data from relatively large-scale research projects - Experience working directly with state agencies on their data and research needs - Experience coordinating analytical teams, and field biologists and wildlife managers - Experience with database programs (e.g., Movebank) and mapping or visualization tools (e.g., shiny). The following documents are required to apply: online application form (link below), detailed cover letter, CV, and contact information for four work-related references. The Analyst will be a University of Wyoming employee and must relocate to Laramie, WY. Salary will be $48-58k depending on experience and includes full University of Wyoming benefits. Five years of funding have been secured. The preferred start date is September 2022. Review of applicants begins 24 May 2022. Please direct questions to Dr. Jerod Merkle (UW; AND Dr. Embere Hall (WGFD; Posted: 5/12/22.

University of Wyoming: The Monteith Shop is hiring a full-time, year-round technician to assist with projects across our research group. Broadly, our research is focused on how animals make a living in their respective environments, and we approach this topic using a nutritional ecology framework and comprehensive field studies. Examples of projects in our research group include how mule deer populations respond to harsh winter conditions, the interplay between nutrition and disease and bighorn sheep populations, the influence of recreation on bighorn sheep populations, sex-specific behavior in moose, and more. We are seeking a technician to plug in with assorted needs across our various projects. Potential tasks will include a variety of field and office-based activities, including picking up mortalities from collared animals, behavioral classifications in the field and from video, completing vegetation transects, evaluating camera trap footage, and validating and entering data. Because of the varied tasks that the technician will be expected to complete, we seek applicants that have completed multiple seasonal technician positions and possess a demonstrated track record of learning new skills quickly. This position is well-suited for someone who is interested in transitioning to graduate school soon and is passionate about ungulate ecology and management. Pay for this position is $1800/month, and the position will run from September 2021 to September 2022, with the possibility for extension. This technician will be based out of Laramie, Wyoming, although will be expected to frequently travel around the state for field work. The technician will not have to use their personal vehicle for any work-related travel. Housing is not provided for this position, although we can help find suitable housing in Laramie. Required qualifications: - A completed bachelor's degree in wildlife management or closely related field - Demonstrated ability to strictly follow protocols, record detailed data, be organized, and work independently or in small teams - Demonstrated detail-oriented nature while working in an office setting (e.g., entering data for multiple hours in a row) - Willingness to work odd hours to meet project needs (e.g., 12-hour days or weekends, depending on the situation) - Previous work experience with members of the public (e.g., landowners, hunters) and project partners - Previous work experience working in dangerous country (e.g., grizzly country, rugged mountains, extremely remote locations). Preferred qualifications: - Previous experience classifying behavior from camera footage or in the field - Knowledge of R and ability to clean GPS collar data in R - Previous experience with data management To apply, please submit a 1-page cover letter and resume/CV (no page restriction) to Rhiannon Jakopak at by August 20. Please attach the cover letter and resume/CV as a single document (PDF preferred) and put the subject of the email as "Monteith Shop technician". Applications will be reviewed as they are received, and the position may be filled before the closing date. Please include phone number and relationship to at least 3 professional references; please select references that can speak to your ability to work independently or in small teams and learn a variety of tasks quickly. Posted: 8/11/21.

Virginia Commonwealth University: The Biodiversity Research Lab seeks a Senior Research Technician for Proyecto ALTA (Altitudinal Transects across the Americas) beginning March 2022 (flexible start date) based in Richmond, Virginia. Proyecto ALTA is a distributed and coordinated long-term mountain biodiversity monitoring program which provides baseline data for tracking shifting species distributions. A primary goal of ALTA is to develop and deploy low-cost solutions for biodiversity monitoring and build strategies for diverse outreach and engagement. The Senior Research Technician will be responsible for planning, organizing, and conducting biodiversity monitoring across temperate (Virginia and Tennessee) and tropical (Puerto Rico and Costa Rica) forests and potentially other locations in the future. This project will require the Senior Research Technician to travel for fieldwork, with laboratory work conducted primarily in Richmond, VA. The anticipated hire date is March 25, 2022 (flexible). The Senior Research Technician will join the Biodiversity Research Lab at VCU as a full-time employee with employment benefits. The position is available for at least 3-years with renewal based on satisfactory annual performance. Senior Lab and Research Technicians possess a greater knowledge of lab and research techniques and protocols, distinguishing them from Lab and Research Technicians. They are further distinguished by the complexity of assigned work; an ability to identify options and develop solutions for unique or unprecedented situations; greater decision-making authority; and the judgment, resourcefulness, and ability to identify issues and/or areas that should be addressed differently. They are resources for others, participating in mentoring, coaching, and training. Tasks include: - measurement of woody and herbaceous long-term forest dynamics plots. - collection of plant material for functional trait analyses. - collection of plant physiological measurements. - installation and collection of microclimatic dataloggers. Other specific tasks include: keeping lab records, ordering supplies, maintaining field and laboratory equipment, data entry, basic statistical analysis, supporting and assisting graduate and undergraduate students, and generating outreach products (blog posts, story maps, etc.). At a minimum, knowledge of conversational Spanish, or a willingness to learn, is preferred. In addition, the position will cover Wilderness Safety Training costs and travel to/from field sites, and other related expenses. Minimum Hiring Standards: M.S. degree in Ecology, Environmental Science, or related fields OR equivalent experience Capacity to work independently Comfortable working in the field A valid U.S. driver license and passport VCU requires COVID vaccination (with booster). Preferred Hiring Standards: Prior fieldwork in tropical or temperate forests Familiarity with data management and analysis in R Ability to drive or learn manual transmission Conversational in Spanish (or willingness to learn) Fieldwork involves light to moderate lifting (rarely heavy lifting > 50 lbs); extended periods of hiking; working outdoors in variable environmental conditions; average paced tasks that may be completed alone or with other people; requires spatial awareness, general reasoning, and logic and evaluation of variable risks in the field (e.g., when to return to base camp due to changing weather). Laboratory work would occur in a general office setting, with sitting and repetitive motions. Salary Range: $32-33k. See the full job ad (req444) for details and to apply. For questions, please email Dr. Hulshof with 'ALTA technician' in the subject line. Posted: 1/18/22.

Virginia Tech: The Haas lab in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, is hiring a research associate to manage multiple projects and databases, support graduate students and other researchers on ongoing projects, interact with land owners/stakeholders, conduct field research, write permits and reports, as well as supervise undergraduates and field technicians. This position's main role will be centered on data management and will include, but not be limited to, updating and maintaining data management protocols, ensuring all lab members are up to date on any data management training, and that lab members adhering to data management protocols. Understanding the field data collection process including use of automated loggers will be essential to success. We are in search of a candidate who can hit the ground running as the busy part of the field season begins in early fall. Candidate will need to travel for 1-6 weeks at a time between research sites in Florida and Virginia and probably to research locations in other states in the south and northeastern US. As there are multiple concurrent projects, successful candidates will need to demonstrate an ability to handle multiple demands within their respective deadlines. This position will also involve ensuring communication between remote field crews and Blacksburg crew. Required qualifications: M.S degree in wildlife science, ecology, or related field. Experience managing field projects and large databases. Experience with flatwoods salamanders and/or longleaf ecosystems. Experience with bog turtles and/or Appalachian fens. Experience installing hydrological monitoring wells instrumented with automated pressure transducers. Preferred qualifications: Experience with terrestrial salamanders and/or Appalachian forests. Research experience with insects. Experience with vegetation and invertebrate surveys Experience with handheld GPS units, Microsoft Access, operating 4WD vehicles, R or other statistical program language. Formal training in data management. Coursework or experience with management and policy issues related to threatened and endangered species including familiarity with Endangered Species Act. Outreach experience (including public speaking). Apply at, click on Apply Now, and search for job number 516754. Posted: 8/11/21.

Washington State University: Molecular Lab Manager - tree and ornamental plant health. The Ornamental Plant Pathology laboratory at the WSU Research and Extension Center in Puyallup, Washington seeks applications for a Molecular Lab Manager (Agricultural Research Technologist 3). See the full job ad for details and to apply (still open despite screening date in ad). Posted: 1/13/22.

Washington State University: This position is a Agricultural Research Technologist (2) at WSU-TFREC (WSU, Wenatchee, WA) and will support the research activities in physiology and pomology (apple and pear) in tree crops in Washington. The incumbent will perform a wide range of duties including field and greenhouse research, laboratory analysis, fruit sorting, and quality analysis. Applicant should feel comfortable working in adverse outdoor conditions including rain, snow, wind, smoke and extreme heat or cold independently or as part of a team. The incumbent must feel comfortable working on top of ladders for an extended period and carry up to 50-55 pounds (25kg). Other required activities include excel spreadsheet preparation for data collection, data entry, written summary, statistical analysis, and preparation of graphics/presentations, reports and manuscripts. The incumbent will work in apple fruit set experiments (WA 38), thinning trials (Honeycrisp and Gala), and rootstocks trials with focus on strategies to maximize pollination window to improve fruit set, study the productivity and return bloom on different types of wood and assess yield and final fruit quality. Moreover, the incumbent will work also in a pear field evaluation trial focused on assessing performances of novel cold-hardy quince rootstocks for Anjou and Bartlett. High level of capability in essential computer software (spreadsheets, word processing and presentation) and the ability to learn new software is required. Experience with data analysis platforms is highly desirable (e.g. SAS, R, matlab, etc.). Required qualifications include bachelor’s degree in horticulture, biological, chemical, physical or agricultural sciences. Preferred qualifications include master’s degree in horticulture, biological, chemical, physical or agricultural sciences, experience in gas exchange analysis, tree organography, microscopy, and 2-3 years of field experience in horticulture. Requirements include the ability to locate and purchase supplies, handle instruments maintenance/calibration, schedule and execute activities independently, and learn new procedures and help the supervisor in modifying/developing new procedures to accomplish research goals. Experimental and analytical skills, precision, reliability, understanding and knowledge of research theory, excellent organizational and project management skills are required qualifications for this position. The incumbent will supervise the activities of hourly workers, assist graduate students in their project and work with other technical staff and scientists to achieve project goals. Salary commensurate on education and experience. Apply here by the closing date of 2/3/2022. Please direct other questions regarding the position to Darla Ewald at Posted: 1/11/22.

Western Washington University: Shannon Point Marine Center Laboratory Manager. This is a full-time, 12-month position that reports to the Director of Marine and Coastal Sciences and works closely with that position to support day-to-day operations at the marine center in Anacortes, Washington. The Manager fills a primary support role for faculty, staff, and students working at SPMC and is responsible for promotion of SPMC research, teaching, and outreach missions; development and implementation of SPMC programs; development and implementation of university policies and procedures at SPMC; and management and maintenance of SPMC facilities. See: Application review begins March 30. Posted: 3/9/22.

Woodwell Climate Research Center: Research Technician - Arctic Eddy Covariance Flux. Falmouth, Massachusetts. We seek a Research Technician to contribute to the establishment of a new Arctic Carbon Monitoring Network, which will include the establishment of new eddy covariance monitoring sites across the Arctic-boreal region and coordination and support for existing flux sites. The Research Technician will work closely with collaborators and Woodwell scientists to develop the Monitoring Network, including establishing new flux sites, maintaining new and existing sites, and downloading, quality checking and analyzing data. This position is part of a larger project to monitor and project Arctic-boreal carbon fluxes. The successful candidate will work within a highly collaborative environment and be supported by a strong project team including process modelers, remote sensing experts, field scientists, a project manager, and communications and policy experts. To apply see: Review will begin on January 15, 2022. Posted: 12/20/21.

Woodwell Climate Research Center: Woodwell seeks a research assistant (RA) with a strong background in remote sensing and environmental science. This project focuses on monitoring rangeland vegetation productivity, ecosystem CO2 exchange, and soil carbon storage across the western United States. The RA will assist the project postdoc and other project researchers with data preparation, image processing (including QA/QC), calibrating and validating carbon models at various scales using in situ data, and satellite data fusion for high resolution soil moisture mapping. Other tasks include working with soil data and eddy covariance observations; assisting with development of a web-based application within Google Earth Engine; working closely with project stakeholders to share project results; presenting research at project meetings and workshops. There may be some opportunities for field research in Montana and/or Colorado. Qualifications include M.S. (granted or expected soon) in Remote Sensing, Earth System Science, Ecology, or a related discipline. Resume review will begin on August 20, 2021, applications will be accepted after this date. Desired Start Date: September 2021, This is a full-time, salaried, fixed-term, exempt position. The salary is $50k. This is a one-year fixed-term position with the potential to extend. Woodwell offers a very generous benefits package. Location: Remote or Falmouth, Massachusetts. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Posted: 8/11/21.

Xerces Society: Inland Northwest Pollinator Habitat Specialist (Food Industry/Supply Chain). The ideal candidate would be located or willing to relocate to Central Washington state or North Central Oregon (Spokane, Tri-cities, Yakima or Wenatchee, WA preferred). COMPENSATION: $50-53k per year. JOB START DATE: June 2022. DEADLINE: April 25, 2022. APPLY: We are seeking a skilled native plant habitat restorationist with experience working in or around agricultural lands. You’ll be joining a growing team of professionals working to conserve some of the world’s most important animals. The Pollinator Habitat Specialist Inland NW (Food Industry Supply Chain Projects) will support Xerces private-sector partners in designing and implementing cutting-edge conservation systems for bees and beneficial insects on farms across the Pacific Northwest. Supervised by Xerces’ Western Pollinator Habitat Specialist Lead, this position will collaborate closely with farm managers, as well as key staff at some of the largest food companies in the world to implement conservation practices on farms that serve the manufactured food, fresh pack and retail industries. Posted: 4/7/22.

Xerces Society: Come join a growing team of conservation professionals at the Xerces Society who are dedicated to protecting some of the world’s most important animals. (1) Endangered Species Conservation Biologist – Arizona Wild Bees LOCATION: Tucson, AZ preferred; other AZ locations may be considered. COMPENSATION: $46-53k per year, commensurate with qualifications. JOB START DATE: January-February 2022 DEADLINE: December 10, 2021. (2) Endangered Species Conservation Biologist – Fireflies LOCATION: Preferably in the Southeast or Mid-Atlantic region, other Eastern US locations may be considered COMPENSATION: $46-53k per year; starting, commensurate with qualifications. JOB START DATE: January 2022. DEADLINE: November 30, 2021. Apply here: Posted: 11/19/21.

Yard Stick PBC: Soil Carbon Field Specialist. Yard Stick is an early-stage soil carbon measurement startup on a mission to stop climate change with agriculture. Scientists and farmers alike know that climate-friendly agricultural practices have the potential to remove atmospheric CO2 at gigaton/year scale. When these practices are adopted, more carbon is stored in soils, improving soil health and fighting climate change. But significant measurement challenges have held soil carbon efforts back - until now. By reducing the cost of soil carbon measurement by 90%+, Yard Stick will dramatically expand the opportunities for evidence-based regenerative practices to simultaneously improve ecosystem health, increase farmer income, and combat climate change. About The Role: We’re looking for our first Soil Carbon Field Specialist to help us fight climate change. This role is one of Yard Stick’s boots-on-the-ground leads in the Midwest, deploying our soil carbon measurement technology on fields across the region. This is one of our first full-time hires, and therefore we need someone highly entrepreneurial, reliable, and committed to building a mission-driven company alongside Yard Stick’s co-founding team. This Soil Carbon Field Specialist role is all about representing Yard Stick in the field as we bring our novel spectral probe to market. More detail on the role, along with instructions for how to apply. Note we're also hiring for a senior Manager role (whom this role will report to). Posted: 8/22/21.