positions lasting 1 year or more, mostly with benefits
titles marked (MS) require a master's degree, not necessarily an MS
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Featured Positions
Location | Title | Closes | Posted |
Colorado State University | Geospatial Data and Analysis Program Manager, Colorado State Forest Service | 3/8/21 | 2/19/21 |
University of Kansas | Lab Technician and Manager, terrestrial ecosystem ecology | 12/4/20 | 11/19/20 |
All Positions
Location | Title | Closes | Posted |
Roger Williams University | Shellfish Field Technician | 7/23/21 | 6/30/21 |
Xerces Society | Mid-Atlantic Pollinator and Beneficial Insect Conservation Planner and NRCS Partner Biologist | 7/12/21 | 6/17/21 |
University of Northern Iowa | Prairie on Farms Program Manager, Tallgrass Prairie Center | 7/9/21 | 6/17/21 |
College of William & Mary | Conservation Toolbox Program Manager (MS) | 7/6/21 | 6/17/21 |
University of Richmond | Insect research manager, Emerald Ash Borer, Michigan | 6/30/21 | |
University of Virginia | Biology Lab Preparer | 6/30/21 | |
University of Minnesota | Research Specialists, Environmental Social/Data Science | 6/28/21 | 6/17/21 |
Florida International University | Lab technician, Coastal Wetlands | 6/23/21 | 6/11/21 |
University of Georgia | Research Technician or Research Professional — Forest Ecophysiology & Ecosystem Ecology | 5/10/21 | |
Chapman University | Plant Ecophysiology Lab Technician | 4/5/21 | 3/19/21 |
Penn State University | Research Technician in Aquatic Ecology | 4/1/21 | 3/19/21 |
Triangle Land Conservancy | Land Manager, Durham, NC | 3/29/21 | 3/17/21 |
University of Alabama | Research Assistant, literature review of mitigation banking projects | 3/25/21 | |
University of Notre Dame | Ecological Research Technician | 3/25/21 | |
University of Wisconsin, Madison | Environmental Data Manager | 3/22/21 | 3/19/21 |
University of Southern California | Lab Manager and Technical Specialist in Marine Microbial Ecology | 3/19/21 | |
Jones Center at Ichauway | Senior Research Technician, Plant Ecology | 3/19/21 | |
Bryn Mawr College | Research Assistant, quantitative genetic study of trait variation, Maryland | 3/15/21 | 3/3/21 |
Colorado State University | Geospatial Data and Analysis Program Manager, Colorado State Forest Service | 3/8/21 | 2/19/21 |
Utah State University | Ecological Research Technicians, cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) invasion in the Intermountain West | 3/1/21 | 2/8/21 |
Virginia Dept of Conservation & Recreation | Regional Supervisor/Coastal Region Steward, Virginia Natural Heritage Program | 2/18/21 | 2/8/21 |
US Army Corps of Engineers | Ecological Modeling/Wetland Restoration/Oyster Restoration (3 MS/PhD positions) | 2/8/21 | |
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources | Assistant Botanist with the Heritage Trust program | 2/5/21 | 1/28/21 |
Florida State University | Botanist, Florida Natural Areas Inventory | 2/4/21 | 1/28/21 |
Dauphin Island Sea Lab | Lab technician (BS level) - benthic ecology | 2/1/21 | 1/14/21 |
USDA-ARS Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory | Agricultural Science Research Technician (Soil) | 1/29/21 | 1/14/21 |
Oak Ridge National Lab | Research Technician - Ecotoxicology and Bioaccumulation | 1/28/21 | |
Chelan-Douglas Land Trust | Data & GIS Manager | 1/24/21 | 1/5/21 |
The Morton Arboretum | Soil Ecology Research Assistant | 1/22/21 | 1/5/21 |
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center | Environmental and Geospatial Data Technician | 1/15/21 | 1/5/21 |
University of Vermont | Forest Research Technician | 12/18/20 | 11/25/20 |
Archbold Biological Station | Research Assistant on Grassland Ecosystem Services and Climate Resilience | 12/17/20 | 11/25/20 |
Washington State University | Agricultural Research Technologist, physiology and pomology in tree crops | 12/13/20 | 11/25/20 |
Colorado State University | Assistant Program Manager, Spatial Analyst and Decision Support Specialist (MS) | 12/13/20 | 11/25/20 |
University of Georgia | Project Coordinator for program engaging underrepresented scholars in freshwater science | 12/11/20 | 11/18/20 |
University of Wisconsin, Madison | Laboratory Researcher, population and community ecology | 12/10/20 | 11/25/20 |
University of Illinois | Senior Environmental Extension Scientist – Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant (MS) | 12/4/20 | 11/25/20 |
University of Kansas | Lab Technician and Manager, terrestrial ecosystem ecology | 12/4/20 | 11/19/20 |
University of Georgia | Research technician in plant population biology | 12/1/20 | 11/20/20 |
Chicago Botanic Garden | Lead Botanists (2) and Field Technicians (2), California/Nevada | 11/25/20 | |
Chicago Botanic Garden | Senior Botanist, California (MS) | 11/25/20 | |
University of Nevada, Reno | Research Technician, wood anatomy and xylogenesis measurements | 10/26/20 | |
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center | Research Technician, Molecular Ecology | 10/15/20 | 9/30/20 |
Colorado State University | Lab and Collections Manager: Conservation Genomics | 10/15/20 | 9/30/20 |
USFS Northern Research Station | GIS Specialist | 10/9/20 | 9/17/20 |
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center | Research Technician, community and ecosystem responses to global change | 10/6/20 | 9/30/20 |
Ohio State University | Aquatic Ecosystem Research Assistant (MS) | 10/2/20 | 9/16/20 |
University of Arizona | Biosphere 2 Ocean mesocosm: Life Support Systems & Water Quality Manager and Research Specialist (2 positions) | 9/30/20 | |
Battelle/National Ecological Observatory Network | Field Ecologist I – Limnology | 9/30/20 | |
Resilient Forestry | Project Manager/Forester and Forestry Technicians | 9/30/20 | |
University of Michigan | Research Associate, Great Lakes Fish Restoration | 9/4/20 | 8/11/20 |
Arizona State University | Site Manager, Central Arizona–Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research project | 8/24/20 | 8/6/20 |
Arizona State University | Education and Outreach Manager, Central Arizona–Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research project (20h/wk) | 8/20/20 | 8/11/20 |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | Diversity Workgroup Staffer | 8/9/20 | 8/6/20 |
USGS Southwest Biological Science Center | Physical Science Technician | 8/7/20 | 8/3/20 |
University of Virginia | Lab and Research Technician in infectious disease research | 8/6/20 | |
Duke University | Lab Instructor, General Microbiology (MS) | 7/31/20 | 7/16/20 |
Morton Arboretum | Research Coordinator, Soil Ecology | 7/15/20 | 6/30/20 |
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center | Technology in Ecology Data Technician | 7/15/20 | 6/29/20 |
University of California Davis | Research Data GIS Analyst | 6/30/20 |
Older listings: 2019-2020 | 2018-2019 | 2017-2018 | 2016-2017 | 2015-2016 | 2014-2015 | 2013-2014 | 2012-2013 | 2011-2012 | 2010-2011 | 2009-2010 | 2008-2009 | 2007-2008 | 2006-2007 | 2005-2006 | 2004-2005 | 2003-2004 | 2002-2003 | 2001-2002 | 2000-2001 | 1999-2000
Archbold Biological Station: Archbold's Buck Island Ranch (BIR) seeks a full time research assistant to work on a recently funded project that will address how land management and grazing regime interact to affect grassland ecosystem services under future precipitation scenarios. The research assistant will assist with the set up of the several rainout shelters and collect data on aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP), forage nutritive value, and plant species composition in response to precipitation and grazing treatments. ANPP will be measured using the moveable exclosure method. Lab work will include weighing and drying biomass, grinding biomass and preparing samples for tissue analysis. The research assistant may also assist with measurements of belowground processes (root biomass, decomposition, net N mineralization/nitrification). The research assistant will assist with the set up of an automated rainfall manipulation system (Gherardi and Sala 2013) and shelters will be removable to allow cattle grazing. The RA will maintain the rainfall shelters and ensure functionality - these include solar panels, batteries and float switches. The RA will manage the implementation of the grazing intensity treatments (low, medium, and high) defined on the basis of target post-grazing stubble heights and will close gates when target vegetation heights are reached. The RA will also manage one 6-month intern per year that will assist with RA duties. The position is located at Archbold's Buck Island Ranch, in Lake Placid, FL, a 10,500-acre working cattle ranch, which provides a unique platform for long-term agro-ecology research, with shared housing available on site. The successful research assistant will be supervised by Dr. Betsey (Elizabeth) Boughton (BIR), and will interact with Dr. Jiangxiao Qiu; and students from University of Florida. Required qualifications: A bachelor's degree in biology, environmental science, ecology, or related field; basic computer skills (MS Word, Excel). Preferred qualifications: experience in field ecology research - preferably plant related; experience working on ranches or farms; experience working with environmental monitoring equipment (solar panels, batteries, soil moisture probes, etc). Some experience with building or carpentry or willingness to learn. Experienced team leader and good written and oral communication skills. Demonstrated problem solver. Anticipated start date: January 2021. This is a full-time position for 1 year, but can be extended to 3 years if performance is satisfactory. Applicants should send 1) a letter of application, 2) a resume or CV with relevant coursework and experience, and 3) names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses for three references to Dr. Betsey Boughton at eboughton@archbold-station.org . Please put "RA for climate resilience" in the email subject line. Application deadline is Dec 17, 2020. Contact Dr. Boughton via e-mail for more information. Posted: 11/25/20.
Arizona State University: The Central Arizona–Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Program (CAP LTER) seeks an Education and Outreach Manager to coordinate related activities for an extensive, interdisciplinary, long-term project. CAP LTER has been funded by the National Science Foundation since 1997 to study the urban ecology of the greater Phoenix region and surrounding desert. The Education and Outreach Manager will be primarily responsible for educational activities associated with the Ecology Explorers program including visiting classrooms, developing and presenting teacher workshops, assisting teachers, developing material for classroom visits, working with citizen scientists, and staffing public education events. Ecology Explorers is the outreach component of CAP LTER. The Education and Outreach Manager will initiate and maintain relations with K-12 school administrators, teachers, and informal educators and will develop, schedule, and offer education and outreach programs for the K-12 and broader community. The position is 20 hours per week. Essential Duties: In collaboration with CAP LTER staff, faculty, and students the Education and Outreach Manager will develop, schedule, and offer program/event work plans in accordance with specifications, objectives, and funding limitations. - Develop urban ecology curriculum for appropriate K-12 age levels in accordance with various state and national standards. - Work directly with classroom teachers/informal educators via classroom visits and on-line/web-based support. - Supports citizen scientist initiatives. - Control expenditures in accordance with budget allocations; recommend equipment and resources for function/program. - Perform tasks related to specific functions such as sharing information via social media, developing brochures, writing reports, or other unique projects. - Represent CAP LTER at a variety of campus and community events. - Interact and maintain liaisons with students, faculty, staff and outside/community agencies in facilitating program objectives. - Develop and facilitate teacher workshops, meetings, or conferences with high impact on program and/or participants; coordinate logistics, scheduling and participant communications. - Serve as a representative to ensure all aspects of function/program are implemented and controlled according to plans. For more details and to apply search for 62184BR. Application deadline is August 20, 2020 at 3 pm. Posted: 8/11/20.
Arizona State University: The Central Arizona–Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research project (CAP LTER) seeks a Site Manager to coordinate research for an extensive, interdisciplinary, long-term project. CAP LTER has been funded by the National Science Foundation since 1997 to study the urban ecology of the greater Phoenix region and surrounding desert. The project involves faculty, post-doctoral research associates, graduate students, and undergraduates from a range of disciplines in the social, physical, biological, and engineering sciences as well as community partners from public, tribal, and private institutions. The position therefore entails considerable interaction and communication with units throughout the university, external agencies, and public and private sector representatives. Essential Duties: As a member of the CAP LTER management team, provides input on most aspects of the project. Supervises 6-10 employees depending on project activities. Manages major CAP infrastructure, including labs, offices, storage facilities, and vehicles. Processes incoming data and works with CAP LTER Information Manager to document and archive data. Secures and maintains agreements with municipalities, agencies, and other entities as required for site access and data collection. Provides primary oversight and management of 12-15 sub-projects in diverse areas, for example biotic sampling, stormwater monitoring, flux tower data acquisition, soil sampling, plant growth measurements, and pentennial surveying of the entire study area, among others. Travels to various field sites. For more details and to apply please go to https://cfo.asu.edu/applicant and search for 62036BR. Application deadline is August 24, 2020 at 3:00 pm. Posted: 8/6/20.
Battelle/National Ecological Observatory Network: Battelle is hiring a Field Ecologist I – Limnology, to be located in Tuscaloosa, AL. The Field Ecologist I is a biological sampling lead performing seasonal and periodic sampling activities and sample processing. Seasonal field sampling is conducted with the assistance of temporary field crews under the guidance of the Field Ecologist. NEON’s Domain 08 support facility is based in Tuscaloosa, home to the University of Alabama. Our core site in the Oakmulgee District of the Talladega National Forest is characterized as a fire dependent, longleaf pine ecosystem. The role of riverine flooding is also fundamental to all our seasonal monitoring and sampling efforts which are conducted directly within the swamps and bottomland hardwood forests. The Black Warrior and Tombigbee River watersheds are the primary aquatic focus for this domain. While conducting all terrestrial and aquatic sampling, teams consistently travel into three diverse landscapes with frequent overnight stays. Days and workweeks are long, with most activities conducted outside but generally balanced with laboratory time. View the full job description for details or to apply. Posted: 9/30/20.
Bryn Mawr College: The Mozdzer lab at Bryn Mawr College, located in suburban Philadelphia, is searching for a full-time Research Assistant Position. The research assistant will work on a collaborative Bridging Ecology and Evolution NSF project with colleagues at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center and the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. Our collaborative project, “C-Evo,” aims to link genetic diversity and genomic variation to measures of plant physiology and carbon cycling. The collaborative project will leverage an ongoing global change experiment at the Smithsonian Global Change Research Wetland, will initiate a new global change experiment in Maryland, and will initiate a de novo quantitative genetic study of trait variation. The initial appointment is for one year, and is subject to annual renewal for up to three additional years. The research assistant will lead a team of undergraduate students in both the field and in the laboratory measuring: greenhouse gas fluxes, plant physiology, plant functional traits, and decomposition processes. The research assistant will be responsible for maintaining the multi-year de novo quantitative genetic common garden at Bryn Mawr College, performing controlled crosses, and leading teams of undergraduate students in the measurement of plant traits, plant physiology, and decomposition processes. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and a list of references to Dr. Thomas Mozdzer as a single pdf. Please see the position description for further details. Applications received by March 15, 2021 will receive full consideration. The anticipated start date is ~April 15, 2021. Posted: 3/3/21.
Chapman University: The Goldsmith Lab invites applications for a technician to contribute to a federally-funded project focused on determining the variation in wood water storage, capacitance, and its relationships with wood anatomy. The project seeks to inform our understand of how different forest tree species may respond to projected changes in climate, particularly with respect to drought. The technician will be responsible for leading the processing and analysis of wood samples using techniques such as psychrometry to analyze capacitance and microscopy to analyze anatomical traits. There are opportunities to participate in field work and to assist with other projects as need arises. This is an outstanding opportunity for an early career scientist looking to develop new skills and expand their horizons prior to pursuing graduate school. The Goldsmith lab is housed in the brand-new Keck Center for Science and Engineering and benefits from access to significant resources for carrying out cutting-edge field, greenhouse, and lab experiments. We strive for an equitable, inclusive, and welcoming community. All students, staff and postdoctoral scientists generate individual development plans. Required Qualifications: -Hold a B.A. or B.S. in ecology, biology, environmental sciences, or a related field. -Demonstrated experience with data management (e.g. Excel/SQL). -An interest in computer science and/or electronics. -Attention to detail and excellent organizational skills. -Strong problem solving, teamwork and communication skills. -Ability to work outdoors in uncomfortable environmental conditions on uneven terrain. -Valid driver's license in the state of California. Preferred Qualifications: M.S. in ecology, biology, environmental sciences, or a related field. Demonstrated experience with electronics and programming. Responsibilities: -Coordinate with collaborators around the country responsible for data collection. -Process and analyze wood samples for their water storage capacity, capacitance, and wood anatomy. -Collate, organize and perform QA/QC on data. -Carry out occasional fieldwork for the collection of wood samples. -Contribute to maintenance and upkeep of the lab, with attention to maintaining safety. -Contribute to other ongoing lab projects as needed. Apply at https://chapman.peopleadmin.com/postings/23798 by April 5th for Full Consideration. Contact: goldsmith at chapman.edu. Posted: 3/19/21.
Chesapeake Research Consortium: Diversity Workgroup Staffer at the EPA's Chesapeake Bay Program Office. An excellent opportunity for recent graduates who are passionate about environmental justice, diversity, equity, inclusion, justice: http://chesapeake.org/positions/ Applications are due August 9th. The successful candidate will provide support to the Chesapeake Bay Program's Diversity Workgroup. The workgroup's primary goal is to meet the diversity outcome in the Chesapeake Watershed Agreement. The outcome reads: identify stakeholder groups that are not currently represented in the leadership, decision-making, and implementation of conservation and restoration activities and create meaningful opportunities and programs to recruit and engage them in the Chesapeake Bay Program's efforts to protect and restore the Chesapeake Bay and its surrounding watershed. The Diversity Workgroup also leads efforts to incorporate diversity, equity, inclusion and justice (DEIJ) into the implementation of other goals and outcomes in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement. Posted: 8/6/20.
Chicago Botanic Garden: hiring 4 contract-funded positions for 20 months, including 2 Lead Botanists and 2 Field Technicians (Ridgecrest, CA and Las Vegas, NV). For details, see https://www.chicagobotanic.org/jobs, Requisition Numbers: 797, 798, 800, and 801. Posted: 11/25/20.
Chicago Botanic Garden: hiring a contract-funded Senior Botanist position for 12 months, stationed at the BLM California State office in Sacramento, CA. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there may be opportunity for remote work for first 6 months of position. The position will involve managing and coordinating BLM California Plant Conservation and Restoration Program (PCRP) data and preparing reports, as well as working with BLM staff to help plan and implement Seeds of Success (SOS) seed collections across the state. This position will also respond to internal and external dataset and report requests, including geospatial information requests. Duties will also involve creating a geospatial layer for all seed collections and conducting a thorough analysis of the California Seeds of Success program, identifying gaps in previous collection efforts. Duties will also include aligning the California SOS program with the goals of the National Seed Strategy and monitoring progress towards those goals. The position is anticipated to start February 1, 2021, working Monday through Friday, 8:30-4:30. Qualifications and Experience Desired: Master's of science degree in botany, plant science, ecology, environmental science, or a related field Experience working with databases Experience using ArcGIS to create maps and perform geospatial analysis Experience with the national Seeds of Success protocol and associated data Excellent organization skills and ability to handle several projects and deadlines at once Experience documenting workflows and processes Experience writing concise narrative technical reports and summaries Self-starter, independent worker, able to learn quickly and adapt to challenges Experience developing scientific outreach/training materials. This is a contract-funded position, salaried at 40 hours/week and $30/hour. To Apply: Complete an application online at www.chicagobotanic.org/jobs (Requisition number: 799). Your application should include a Chicago Botanic Garden application along with a cover letter, resume, and the names of three professional references. Please send application materials to Chris Woolridge (cwoolridge@chicagobotanic.org) and Mj Kim (mkim@chicagobotanic.org). Questions about the position should be directed to Chris Woolridge. Posted: 11/25/20.
Chelan-Douglas Land Trust: CDLT seeks a Data & GIS Manager to provide important expertise to a growing and successful land conservation organization. The CDLT has a solid record of community engagement, land protection, and stewardship. We are a non-profit organization that engages communities in conserving, caring for, and accessing the natural lands and waters that sustain North Central Washington. The Data & GIS Manager (Manager) is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the stewardship and lands database, and GIS use, development, and management to support organizational priorities at CDLT. The Manager will fulfill requests from staff for accurate cartographic products for internal and public use. Good communication skills are imperative to convey highly technical processes in a way that staff with no formal GIS training can understand. See the complete job description. To Apply: Applications will be reviewed as received until 11:59 pm, Sunday, January 24, 2021, or until position is filled. Please submit a cover letter, résumé, and two work examples that showcase use of GIS technology. Email complete application to: Hanne Beener, Trails Program Manager, hanne@cdlandtrust.org. Posted: 1/5/21.
College of William & Mary: Conservation Toolbox Program Manager. The Institute for Integrative Conservation (IIC) at William & Mary is seeking qualified applicants for a Program Manager to work on our emerging Conservation Toolbox collaboration. The person in this position will be integral to the design of an online training and capacity development platform that is a product of collaborations with conservation professionals and organizations around the globe. The goal of the project is to deliver multidisciplinary and customized tools that address the needs of a broad range of conservation professionals, including managers, policy makers, and educators. In particular, we seek a social scientist who will lead several aspects of the Conservation Toolbox project: - Analyze qualitative responses to surveys that describe conservation professionals' current use and future interests in engaging with online platforms and practical conservation tools. - Conduct follow up interviews and focus groups to further define the functionality and user experience of the Conservation Toolbox platform - Coordinate the project, which involves a diverse leadership team from the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, faculty from UCLA, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, and W&M, and partners and content producers from numerous international universities and conservation organizations - Maintain the relationships in this network and coordinate among all relevant stakeholders and partners - Engage in significant grant and contract writing and other forms of fundraising to expand and sustain the Conservation Toolbox project. There may also be opportunities for the Program Manager to be involved in mentoring student researchers, depending on their interests and prior experience, and opportunities for domestic and international travel. We are looking for an individual who will thrive in a start-up atmosphere by being flexible, self-motivated, is detail-oriented, be able to manage multiple tasks efficiently, and is a team player. This position is funded for 12 months and may be extended dependent on the availability of funding. Salary range: $45-50k, commensurate with experience. REQUIRED - Graduate degree in a relevant social science or comparable education/experience - Demonstrated proficiency in social science research methods, including analyzing qualitative responses in surveys and conducting and analyzing interviews and focus groups - Demonstrated success in grant or contract writing, or fundraising - Experience with project management including projects with multiple stakeholders from several organizations - Demonstrated commitment to the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice PREFERRED - Previous experience in conservation research and/or conservation practice - Experience with using, developing, or assessing online training/learning platforms - Experience developing or creating user experience materials that are applied to online interfaces - Proficiency in languages other than English - Experience working and living in a multi-cultural environment and demonstrated cultural sensitivity. To apply: https://jobs.wm.edu/postings/42324. Review date: 7/6/21. Posted: 6/17/21.
Colorado State University: Geospatial Data and Analysis Program Manager. Salary: $62-65k. Under the direct supervision of the Associate Director of Science and Data, this position is responsible for the oversight and administration of the Geospatial Data Management and Analysis program for the Colorado State Forest Service. They will coordinate the conversion of geospatial information, remote sensing imagery, and other science based data sources into GIS databases. They are responsible for the organization and maintenance of resource information, facilitating analysis across multiple science based disciplines including but not limited to silviculture, water, wildlife, and wildland fire. In this role, they will also serve as the professional, science based point of contact and liaison for Federal, State, and local governments and other partners concerned with GIS, GPS, remote sensing and mapping. The Geospatial Data and Analysis Program Manager will be responsible for administration of a budget ranging from $750,000 to $1 million (spanning multiple years of funding) and managing contracts that support the Science and Data Division. The position will maintain and develop data management protocols for multi-disciplinary information and geospatial applications of the Colorado Forest Atlas, a web mapping tool developed and hosted by CSFS. Program leadership responsibilities include making recommendations and providing expert advice on the development and application of geospatial analysis processes, protocols and solutions to mission critical resource management issues. They will be asked to develop new and integrate already existing reporting systems to meet agency enterprise needs and local/state/federal requirements. They will manipulate and analyze geospatial data to support resource management decisions for multiple resource, jurisdictional, and ownership units spanning large geographical regions. They will compile natural resource, topographic, and cartographic data for the creation of thematic map products and presentation materials for forest resource management planning, the Forest Action Plan, and other projects supporting natural resource management decision making. The Geospatial Data and Analysis Program Manager will be expected to provide formal and informal training and support to CSFS GIS software users in the development, storage, retrieval and analysis of data, providing advice and recommendations on sources, standards, integrity, compatibility, and cost efficiency of natural resource and socio-economic information. The Manager is a member of the CSFS Management Team. The Management Team coordinates work effort across all program areas for efficiency, effectiveness and cohesiveness of program delivery and outcomes. The Management Team’s role is to allocate and manage resources to ensure agency goals and objectives are achieved on time and within budget, address operational and program issues, and ensure that policies and practices are implemented consistently. The Management Team carries out agency priorities established by the Leadership Team. The Manager is also responsible for the supervision of their assigned staff, including, but not limited to, regular performance evaluation, team building and team meetings, professional development, and conflict resolution. The Manager must be self-directed and innovative Required Job Qualifications: • A Bachelor's degree (or greater) in geospatial technology (e.g., geographic information systems; remote sensing; web, mobile and global positioning systems), geography, natural resources, or related biological or physical sciences. • Four years of experience, that includes application of geospatial technology in the management of natural resources and development of enterprise geodatabase systems. • Experience in program and budget management that demonstrates successful project planning and accomplishment. • Experience with supervising temporary and/or permanent staff. To apply and for a complete position announcement, please review https://csfs.colostate.edu/employment/ - direct link https://jobs.colostate.edu/postings/84088. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled; however, applicants should submit all application materials by 11:59pm (MT) on March 8, 2021 for full consideration. Posted: 2/19/21.
Colorado State University: The Colorado Forest Restoration Institute is now accepting applications for a full time salaried Assistant Program Manager, Spatial Analyst and Decision Support Specialist. See the position description (pdf). The Colorado Forest Restoration Institute is involved in multiple initiatives that require the customized development and application of spatial data analysis and modeling methods and tools to support stakeholder decision-making. These include quantitative wildfire risk assessments, vegetation condition analysis, watershed assessment and modeling, and spatial valuation, optimization, and prioritization modeling of potential wildfire mitigation and response actions. When developed, customized, and applied in a collaborative setting, stakeholders are often able to identify priority areas for actions. Spatial-analytical methods and tools are also used for tracking, assessing effectiveness, and communicating the outcomes of those treatments. Because of the collaborative nature of these initiatives, the incumbent also should have a general knowledge of the social and political dynamics surrounding western US forest ecology and forestry issues. The spatial analyst is expected to contribute to collaborative planning efforts and to the publication of peer-reviewed journal papers and non-technical products for diverse audiences. This Research Associate II position is specifically tasked with contributing to a program of work that advances collaborative forest restoration, integrated natural resource planning, and wildfire risk mitigation decision-making in Colorado and the Interior West with spatial data production, management, modeling, analysis, and communication. The incumbent will be responsible for spatial data production using remote sensing and field-based technologies (GPS), spatial data management, spatial analysis to support science and planning initiatives, and written and oral communication of spatial data and results of spatial analyses to diverse audiences. To Apply: To ensure full consideration, applications must be received by 11:59pm (MT) on December 13th, 2020. Please submit all application materials at http://jobs.colostate.edu/postings/81404. For more information about the position, contact Mike Caggiano (Michael.Caggiano@colostate.edu). Posted: 11/25/20.
Colorado State University: Lab and Collections Manager Position: Conservation Genomics. The Ruegg Lab at Colorado State University is seeking a highly organized, enthusiastic, and motivated scientist to fill a Conservation Genomics Lab and Collections Manager position. The successful candidate will work closely with our multi-disciplinary team of technical staff, graduate students, senior researchers, post-docs and faculty within the Biology Department at Colorado State as well as part of the multi-institutional Bird Genoscape Project. For more information on our research please see the Bird Genoscape Project as well as the Ruegg lab. You can also view this job posting as a PDF here. Duties will include, but are not limited to: - Preparing whole genome sequencing libraries. - Genotyping SNPs using Fluidigm equipment and assays. - DNA extractions from feathers, blood, and tissue, as well as museum samples. - Managing and training undergraduate volunteer and work study students. - Ordering supplies and equipment maintenance. - Curating a 200,000+ blood, feather, and tissue sample collection. - Renewing permits and submitting annual reports to appropriate agencies. - Maintaining collaborator relations, shipping sampling supplies, and receiving samples. - Maintaining compliance with environmental and safety procedures. - Organizing lab events and maintaining lab website and social media pages - Managing written protocols, Standard Operating Procedures, etc. for lab and field work. Minimum Qualifications Include: - Bachelors or Master's degree in biology, genetics or a related field is preferred. - Extremely strong organization skills and the ability to work as part of a team as well as accomplish tasks independently. - Excellent communications skills and a willingness to follow instructions and direct others when needed. - Extreme attention to detail. - Excellent and thorough laboratory notebook maintenance abilities. - Experience with basic and intermediate laboratory methods, including pipetting, PCR, gel electrophoresis, and DNA extraction. - Strong desire to learn new genomic sequencing methodologies. Also desired: - Experience with whole genome and transcriptome library preparation. - Experience with database management. Preferred start date is on or before Jan. 15, but is open to negotiation; Initially, the appointment will be for a period of 12 months, with the possibility of extending it to 2 years or more dependent upon performance and the availability of research funds. Applications: contact Teia Schweizer (Teia.Schweizer@colostate.edu) before Oct. 15. Please include a cover letter, CV, and contact information for 3 references in a single document. In the cover letter please highlight your previous laboratory experience and interest in conservation genomics. Posted: 9/30/20.
Dauphin Island Sea Lab: A full-time lab technician position is available to work with Dr. Kelly Dorgan on animal-sediment interactions. Research will focus on the impacts of infaunal organisms on the physical properties of sediments. The technician will be responsible for setting up and conducting laboratory experiments, developing and trouble-shooting methods, helping with field work, processing infauna and sediment samples, and maintaining equipment. The technician will also be responsible for general lab management, including purchasing supplies, doing paperwork, and organizing field and lab work. This position will also include some data analysis, and experience with Matlab, R, Arduino, ImageJ, or other computer programming languages would be useful but not required. I am ideally looking for a highly motivated recent B.S. graduate who is interested in gaining research experience before applying to graduate school. Applicants should have a BS in biology, marine science, or a related field, some previous research experience, and interest in marine invertebrates and/or sediment processes. Dauphin Island Sea Lab is located on Dauphin Island, AL, a barrier island on the Gulf of Mexico, ~45 min drive from Mobile, AL. This position is for a year, with extension dependent on funding and job performance. Start date: March 1 (negotiable). Application form. For any questions, contact kdorgan@disl.org. Review of applications will begin February 1. Posted: 1/14/21.
Duke University: The Department of Biology seeks applicants for the position of Instructor B for Bio212L General Microbiology lab sections. The course covers classical and modern approaches to the study of microorganisms and their roles/applications in everyday life, medicine, research, and the environment. Microbial cell structure, function, growth, genetics, metabolism, evolution, and ecology. Study of disease, infection, and immunology. Introduction to virology. The position duties include but are not limited to: attending course lectures two mornings per week; providing instruction and supervision for students in your assigned sections during the scheduled lab periods; participating in weekly prep sessions; assisting with the preparation and grading of laboratory quizzes and lecture midterm and final exams; grading the written and oral assignments of students in laboratory; and meeting with students by appointment outside of scheduled class time. This position will require an average of 35-40 hours of work per week. The hours devoted to prep work will be determined at the beginning of the semester; you should anticipate a prep workload of up to 10-12 hrs./week. The workload will vary from week to week depending on the type of lab exercise and amount of personal preparation required, the number and type of assignments to be graded, and time spent meeting with students outside of class.During the 3-week period of the Unknowns independent research project there will be night and weekend hours of supervising students working in laboratory. You will be expected to work during the hours agreed upon at the beginning of each semester for each week that the University is in session. The Instructor B is expected to teach two to three lab sections during the semester, depending upon class enrollment. The salary is $34,700 for the nine month appointment with a course load of five sections. The position is benefits eligible. The successful candidate will have at least a Masters Degree in Biology or closely related discipline and some teaching experience. Apply here. Deadline: 2020/07/31. Posted: 7/16/20.
Florida International University: We have an excellent opportunity for a young professional to conduct field research and laboratory activities in Everglades National Park, south Florida, and coastal Louisiana wetlands under supervision of Dr. Edward Castaneda. The Wetland Ecosystems Research Lab is looking for an individual to help with all aspects of research in mangrove and marsh ecosystems. Candidates with a strong background in ecology and/or coastal wetlands are encouraged to apply for this position. Candidate must have a B.S. degree in Ecology, Biology, Environmental Sciences or Earth Sciences. Candidate must be able to work efficiently both independently and as part of a team under the difficult weather conditions often found in south Florida and coastal Louisiana. Organizational and problem-solving skills are essential. Candidate should demonstrate experience operating field vehicles (trucks with trailers and marine boats) or show keen willingness to learn. The position will involve field activities working with wetland vegetation, soils, and water quality instrumentation, including multiparameter sondes, and troubleshooting equipment at remote field sites. Laboratory activities include sample preparation and processing according to standard protocols. Candidate will help with database maintenance, perform quality assurance on data, basic statistical analyses, as well as prepare and analyze data for reports and publications. Proficiency of Microsoft Office, statistical and graphical packages (e.g., R, Delta Graph), and ArcGIS are preferred. Excellent written/oral communication skills, including technical writing experience (reports or publications) is desired. This position will be based at the FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus in Miami, FL, USA. The position is expected to begin on July 15, 2021. Salary range: $30-35k commensurate with education and experience. A valid United States driver's license is required. Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply to Job Opening ID 523832 at careers.fiu.edu and must submit a short letter of interest, resume, and the names and contact information for three references who are willing to provide confidential recommendations. Application materials should also be emailed as a single pdf file to Dr. Edward Castaneda (ecastane@fiu.edu). To receive full consideration, applications and required materials should be received by June 23, 2021. Posted: 6/11/21.
Florida State University: The Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) at FSU is looking for an experienced botanist who will work, under the direction of FNAI’s Senior Botanist, on projects related to assessing the conservation status of rare and listed plants. This will be a long-term position in which the selected candidate, driven by a personal interest in botany, will develop broad expertise in the rare floral of Florida. Although some limited fieldwork will be required, this position will be largely office based. It would be ideal for this position to work out of FNAI’s office in Tallahassee, but we will consider remote work from a location within Florida for strong candidates. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Salary: ~$50k. Closing Date: February 4, 2021. Posted: 1/28/21.
Jones Center at Ichauway: The Plant Ecology lab invites applications for a temporary Senior Research Technician position. The employee will assist with many aspects of ongoing research and plant conservation, with particular emphasis on seed collection of rare plant species in southwest Georgia, vegetation sampling, and training/supervising seasonal technicians. Other duties include data entry and other lab/office work as needed. This 6-month position begins July 2021 (but has the possibility of being extended) and reports directly to the Plant Ecology Research Associate. The 28,000-acre research center is located approximately 30 miles south of Albany, Georgia. The Center's research, education, and conservation programs seek to understand, demonstrate, and promote excellence in natural resource management and conservation. The site includes 16,000 acres of longleaf pine forests, more than 1,000 acres of wetlands, and 26 miles of stream and river ecosystems. Job Requirements: Ability to conduct moderate to strenuous physical activity in the field, under demanding field conditions (i.e., heat, high humidity, and insects), and to independently follow instructions is required. Must have experience with seed collection and/or plant identification and use of dichotomous keys. Qualifications: M.S. degree in botany, plant ecology, or related field with a minimum of 2 years of fieldwork experience. Knowledge of southeastern U.S. flora and rare plant conservation preferable. Qualified applicants should send a cover letter, resume, list of relevant coursework, list of three references with contact information, and the date they are available to begin working as a single document by email to: jobs@jonesctr.org, Subject: Plant Ecology Research Technician. For specific questions or more information, contact: Lisa Giencke, Plant Ecology Research Associate by email: lisa.giencke@jonesctr.org or phone: (229)734-4706. Posted: 3/19/21.
Morton Arboretum: The Midgley Soil Ecology lab seeks a Research Assistant with soil ecology expertise to support basic and applied research on plant traits and soil functions, oak ecosystem restoration, and urban soil reclamation. Our research largely focuses tree-soil interactions: deriving the relationships between plant traits and soil biogeochemistry; identifying and understanding context-dependent responses of plants and soils to ecosystem management, restoration, and global changes; and developing ecologically-based approaches to optimize urban soils for tree growth, health, and diversity. We use observational and experimental approaches to investigate these topics on the Arboretum grounds and throughout the Chicago region. Research Assistants at The Morton Arboretum are involved in all aspects of research: designing studies, testing protocols, collecting and organizing data, performing analysis, reading scientific literature, interpreting results, and editing manuscripts. Primary activities in the Midgley lab include lab management (instrument and equipment maintenance, chemical and sample inventories, project and space organization); conducting biological, chemical, and physical soil and plant tissue analyses; maintaining field experiments; conducting sampling campaigns; and training interns, students, fellows, and volunteers. The full job description, qualifications, and application instructions are here: https://careers.hireology.com/themortonarboretum/484671/description Application Period: until filled (preferred application submission by January 22, 2021). Salary range: high 30s to mid 40s, depending on experience. Posted: 1/5/21.
Morton Arboretum: The Midgley Soil Ecology lab seeks a Research Coordinator to maintain an established prairie experiment; coordinate and undertake sampling campaigns with students, interns, volunteers, and external collaborators; and conduct root trait and soil biogeochemical analyses in the laboratory. This position supports a National Science Foundation grant, "Impacts of plants and communities on soil microbial composition and function across phylogenetic scales," a collaborative effort among Nick Barber (San Diego State University), Wes Swingley (Northern Illinois University), Trent Northern (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab), Josh Phillips (Middle Tennessee State University), and Meghan Midgley & Andrew Hipp (The Morton Arboretum). The experimental prairie was established to test whether considering phylogenetic diversity, a measure of biodiversity that takes into account evolutionary history, can advance the ability to restore diverse, highly functional, resilient tallgrass prairie communities. In this new project, we will develop a predictive, mechanistic framework to understand how phylogenetic relationships and belowground traits of tallgrass prairie plants and plant communities influence soil ecosystem functions. The full job description, qualifications, and application instructions: https://careers.hireology.com/themortonarboretum/410010/description Application Period: until filled (preferred application submission by July 15, 2020). Salary range: high 30s to low 40s, depending on experience. Posted: 6/30/20.
Oak Ridge National Lab: We're hiring a temporary (one year) lab technician position at ORNL outside Knoxville, TN to conduct laboratory work on ecotoxicology and bioaccumulation tasks associated with the Aquatic Ecology Lab (AEL) as part of the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health Group. The technician will support ongoing AEL projects by helping maintain cultures, conducting toxicity tests, and aiding general lab maintenance. The technician will support various mercury-related project by performing mercury analyses to measure the compound in water and tissue samples, culturing algae, preparing media and glassware, and taking care of freshwater mussels. The technician must have experience working in a laboratory setting and experience performing chemical analyses, culturing plankton, and/or conducting toxicological experiments will be highly valued. More information and application. Please contact Teresa Mathews (mathewstj@ornl.gov) and Louise Stevenson (stevensonlm@ornl.gov) for more information. Posted: 1/28/21.
Ohio State University: Aquatic Ecosystem Research Assistant: The Stream and River Ecology Laboratory in the School of Environment and Natural Resources seeks a skilled research assistant/technician to support multiple active research projects related to stream and wetland fish conservation, antimicrobial resistant bacteria in surface waters, nutrient enrichment/HABs, and the impacts of urbanization on streams. Duties will include a combination of field and laboratory work, laboratory analysis, data entry and analysis, and training and supervising undergraduate researchers. During peaks in fieldwork, applicants should expect long hours of physically demanding work and a 6-7 day/wk schedule. Required qualifications: 1) the ability to work independently, 2) demonstrated field experience in aquatic sampling methods, 3) statistical experience using R, 4) MSc in a related field, and 4) a valid driver's license. To apply, please send the following as a collated PDF document to Dr. Mažeika Sullivan (sullivan.191@osu.edu): 1) a letter of interest highlighting your interest, relevant experience, and dates of availability; 2) a CV; and 3) the names and contact information for three references. Deadline: 2 Oct 2020. Posted: 9/16/20.
Penn State University: Penn State's Department of Ecosystem Science and Management is seeking a Research Technologist. This is a full-time, fixed term appointment funded for one year from date of hire with possibility for refunding for a second year. The position is available starting in June, 2021. The successful candidate, who will work in Dr. Bradley Cardinale's freshwater ecology laboratory at Penn State University, will help manage the lab as well as assist with experiments that focus on the ecological impacts of biodiversity change in streams, lakes, and wetlands. Responsibilities will include (1) setting up and maintaining cultures of freshwater organisms, including various species of algae and invertebrates that are used in laboratory and field experiments, (2) overseeing employee safety training, as well as lab compliance with PSU requirements for environmental health and safety, (3) ordering and ensuring proper installation, calibration, operation, and maintenance of laboratory and field research supplies and equipment, (4) assist with the preparation, set-up, maintenance, and collection of data from laboratory and field-based experiments, (5) use of standard methods to perform a variety of limnological analyses ranging from physical and chemical characterization of water samples, to analysis and identification of biological samples of algae and invertebrates, and (6) manage project databases and assist with summaries and preliminary analyses of data. The position requires a Bachelor's degree in Ecology, Environmental Science, Biology, or a related field or higher plus one year of experience, or an equivalent combination of education and experience. Prior experience working in freshwater habitats or with freshwater organisms is desirable. Apply: https://hr.psu.edu/careers, REQ_0000011046. Once an account is created, applicants should upload a cover letter stating their experience and interest in the position, a curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information for three references. Applications are due by April 1st, 2021. Posted: 3/19/21.
Resilient Forestry: is a growing small business run by two forest ecologists. We work in all aspects of forestry, forest science, and forest management, specializing in ecological forest restoration. Our business is based in Seattle, but we work across the PNW with small and large public and private landowners on a diverse variety of projects. We are currently looking to fill one Project Manager/Forester position and two-three Forestry Technician positions. The ideal project manager/forester an experienced ecological forester who can work closely with clients to identify, plan, and execute projects. The majority of work will involve collaboration with King County to manage county-owned natural areas. Projects include inventory, layout, forest management plan development, data analysis, report writing, and presentation of results. This is a full-time, permanent position requiring residence in or adjacent to King County. In addition, we are looking for motivated folks to collect data in forests around Washington and Oregon. Upcoming projects include tree regeneration surveys and reconnaissance and layout for forest restoration treatments. There are opportunities to gain GIS and other technical skills in future projects. This is a full-time, permanent position. Workload will be 30-40 hrs/wk. This position requires significant travel: likely 70-80% of weeknights will be spent away from home. for more information, please visit www.resilientforestry.com/careers or email us at contact@resilientforestry.com. Posted: 9/30/20.
Roger Williams University: we are hiring a fulltime and permanent shellfish technician position (CEED Research Assistant I) starting this fall (preferably sometime in September). The CEED Research Assistant I works with the regional shellfish community and provides technical assistance to enhance shellfish production by participating in on-going shellfish field research, and maintaining the RWU dockside shellfish nursery and experimental aquaculture farm. Additionally, the Research Assistant I works with the CEED Shellfish Group to identify bottlenecks, design experiments and seek external funding to enhance shellfish production. Significant overlap occurs among multiple shellfish field projects. The Research Assistant I works closely with the RWU Shellfish Hatchery, including assisting in hatchery operation during the production season. Supervision and training of Student Assistants is part of the normal job duties. See the full job ad for details and to apply. We will start reviewing applications after July 23. Posted: 6/30/21.
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center: Environmental and Geospatial Data Technician. Salary: $39-48k/y. Projected Start Date: March 2021. Appointment Term: 1 year minimum, with potential renewal for a total of 2 years. The Blue Methane Project is a NASA Carbon Monitoring Systems-funded program hosted at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. Tidal wetlands have the capacity to remove massive amounts of atmospheric CO2 by forming soil carbon, but they can also produce a variable and uncertain amount of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Monitoring and forecasting the dynamics of "Blue carbon" in these ecosystems is a major priority for state and national governments, as well as the local entities that manage coastal wetlands. Our project seeks to improve short term forecasting of methane dynamics at two focal sites in Louisiana and the Chesapeake Bay, as well as improve national scale mapping of the variables we use to estimate methane emissions. We are searching for a data technician to collaborate with a multi-university and multi-agency team on developing GIS and remote sensing workflows, managing new data produced by the team, and occasionally contributing to fieldwork for new data collection. A successful candidate will have at least: A Bachelor's degree in a Natural or Physical Science Demonstrated experience with using remote sensing and GIS to answer environmental research questions Experience managing data originating from multiple sources Proficiency with open-source coding in R and/or Python Excellent organizational and communication skills An ideal candidate will have one or more of the following: A Master's degree in Geography, or other Natural of Physical Sciences Experience with Google Earth Engine Experience with using Landsat and/or Sentinel-2 Imagery GitHub Experience Experience with wetland plant ecology, carbon cycling, or soils science Research interests in rivers, estuaries, and/or coastal processes Please send a cover letter briefly outlining your how you meet any of the required or optional criteria, a CV or resume, a work sample, such as paper, report, map, figure, or link to a presentation, and the contact information for three references to Dr. James Holmquist (HolmquistJ@si.edu) by January 15, 2021. Posted: 1/5/21.
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center: The Molecular Ecology lab at SERC, led by Dr. Melissa McCormick, is recruiting a full-time federal research technician. Our lab explores ecological questions involving symbiotic associations between plants and fungi, effects of anthropogenic changes on plants, and effects of invasive species on plant communities and ecosystems. Our research projects occur in field, lab, and greenhouse settings and include ecological genetics and genomics, fungal culturing, and field-based experiments. The technician will be based at SERC and will participate in collaborative projects investigating the impacts of symbioses on the functioning of plant, fungal, and bacterial communities. The technician will also be responsible for maintaining a multi-user genomics lab. SERC is a vibrant community of scientists set within a 1,027 hectare field-site, and located near the Annapolis, MD and Washington, DC metro areas. Lab duties will include sample processing, culturing fungi and plants, routine molecular tasks (e.g., DNA extraction, PCR, DNA visualization, sequencing, genotyping), and next generation sequencing library prep. In addition, the technician will be responsible for day-to-day lab organization, maintenance, and safety under the direction of the PI, including supply inventory and ordering, maintaining lab records (hardcopy and digital), and working collaboratively with other lab members. Field and greenhouse duties will include plant population monitoring, root and soil collection, measurement of environmental parameters, seed preparation, experimental set-up and monitoring, and data entry. Occasional training of interns and other staff members in lab and field techniques is also expected. Minimum qualifications include one year of specialized experience equivalent to at least the GS-07 level in the federal service or comparable pay band system. For this position specialized experience is defined as: General academic training with a minimum of a baccalaureate in Ecology, Biology, Molecular Biology, Plant Ecology or equivalent with demonstrated professional experience in completing laboratory and field tasks as they relate to molecular and field ecology, data management, bacterial and/or fungal culturing, and ecological genetics. For details and to apply, see https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/579934400. Closes: 10/16/2020. Posted: 9/30/20.
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center: The Ecosystem Conservation lab, led by Dr. Kim Komatsu, is recruiting a full-time federal research technician. Our lab explores community and ecosystem responses to global change drivers, and the role that competition, symbioses, and trophic interactions play in shaping those responses. Our research projects occur in field, lab, and greenhouse settings and include ecological genetics, microbial culturing, and field-based species identification, often in an experimental framework. The technician will be based at SERC and will participate in collaborative projects investigating the impacts of global change drivers such as increased nutrient availability, elevated CO2, altered consumer pressure, and climate change on plant, microbial, and invertebrate communities. SERC is a vibrant community of scientists set within a 1027-hectare field-site, and located near the Annapolis, MD and Washington, DC metro areas. Field and greenhouse duties will include plant species identification and collection, measurement of environmental parameters, seed preparation, experimental set-up and monitoring, and data entry. Lab duties will include sample processing, microbial culturing, routine molecular tasks (e.g., DNA extraction, PCR, DNA visualization, sequencing, genotyping), and next generation sequencing library prep. In addition, the technician will be responsible for day-to-day lab organization and safety under the direction of the PI, including supply inventory and ordering, maintaining lab records (hardcopy and digital), and working collaboratively with other lab members. Minimum qualifications include one year of specialized experience equivalent to at least the GS-5 level in the Federal Service or comparable pay band system, at least one full year of graduate education that meets the requirements of the GS-7 level, or a combination of specialized experience and education. For this position specialized experience is defined as completing field and laboratory tasks related to community and field ecology in terrestrial ecosystems (grassland, forests), data management, bacterial culturing, and ecological genetics. We seek a candidate with strong communication and organizational skills, and the ability to work both independently and as part of a team. Applications for this position will only be accepted through https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/579587000 from 9/23/2020-10/6/2020. Questions related to this position can be addressed to Kim Komatsu, komatsuk@si.edu. Posted: 9/30/20.
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center: Technology in Ecology Data Technician. Pay: $38-47k depending on experience. Contract Period: 1-year subject to renewal depending on performance and funding. At SERC, the Technology in Ecology Lab collaborates extensively to design and support technological innovation and production to serve ecological research, experimental design and data infrastructure. We develop and support several ongoing climate change experiments such as SMARTX, and MERIT, and maintain sensor and data infrastructure for the MarineGEO chemical and physical observations program. Additionally, we have been developing open source or DIY solutions for ecological research. Ongoing work includes Arduino and Xbee- based dataloggers and feedback controllers for ecosystem manipulation experiments and developing methods for DIY measurements of CO2 and methane production in coastal wetland systems. We operate at the interface of ecology, engineering, and data programming. This position requires a BS or BA in ecology, environmental science, geography, computer science, engineering, or a related discipline, and some coding experience in programs such as R. Critical skills for this position will be independent problem solving within established workflows for data, programming and technological production. We are seeking a curious person who is a fast learner and can easily adopt new skills based on project objectives. Organizational skills are also desired as this person will also be responsible for drafting documentation and protocols as well. An ideal candidate would have several of the following skills: experience using GitHub to facilitate collaboration, some familiarity with the ecology, biodiversity, climate change, and wetland research issues, experience with R-Shiny design, experience with electronics prototype production and fabrication, Knowledge or Eagle or Autodesk, experience with Campbell Scientific dataloggers and CrBasic, or QAQC methods for water quality or other sensor data. Duties will include processing sensor data from MarineGEO network and other projects, programming components and implementing various data automation objectives in R, and producing scheduled data products. Programming on Arduino platform. Development and production of various electronics, sensors, and DIY platforms, building components for databases, web interfaces, and online tools, providing technical support for existing experiments, and contributing to the overall scientific quality of the operation. Fieldwork will be required as well. As a single PDF, please send a brief cover letter outlining how you meet the qualifications, a resume, and the names of three references to richr@si.edu by July 15th 2020. The technician will be hired as a ‘Trust Employee’ through Smithsonian’s non-profit wing. This will entitle them to health, vision, dental, and other benefits. Roy Rich PhD., Research Ecologist, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, 647 Contees Wharf Rd, Edgewater MD, USA 21037, Email: richr@si.edu. IMPORTANT: I am currently working only from home. Please use my cell phone or email to contact me. Posted: 6/29/20.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources: Assistant Botanist with the Heritage Trust program to help advance conservation programs. Responsibilities: Provides technical assistance in vegetation surveys and ecological research to be used in departmental land and species protection activities at the state and federal level. Assists with field surveys of the SC Heritage Trust Program (SC-HTP) on SCDNR properties to include date collection, data management, and evaluations. Implements rare species recovery actions including habitat management, collection of germplasm and reintroductions. Compiles and manages data to evaluate species for inclusion on the SC-HTP list of tracked species, including potential additions, re-rankings and de-listings. Assist botany program leader in field work independently to survey for and map rare plant species, map exotic invasive plant species, map vegetation, compile floristic inventories, assess threats to rare species and sensitive habitats, and evaluate land for acquisition. Implements rare plant conservation actions and performs land management tasks in sensitive habitats in collaboration with Heritage Trust and WMA site managers. Requirements: A masters degree in biology, botany, ecology, conservation biology, natural resources, or related field; or bachelors degree in biology, botany, ecology, conservation biology, natural resources, or related field and two years relevant work experience. For details and to apply, see https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/sc/jobs/2929015/assistant-botanist. Closing 2/5/2021. Posted: 1/28/21.
Triangle Land Conservancy: Job Title: Land Manager. Salary Range: $50-56k. Location: Downtown Durham, North Carolina. Deadline: March 29, 2021. The Land Manager is primarily responsible for supervising and implementing a land management program that cares for the over 6,000 acres of land and 9 nature preserves owned by TLC, 8 of which are open to the public. The Land Manager collaborates with the Conservation and Stewardship Team to set management and monitoring priorities and implements stewardship practices to attain strategic planning and management goals. The position falls under the direct supervision of the Director of Land Protection and Steward West but will work closely with the Director of Land Protection and Stewardship East and the Associate Director of Stewardship. The Land Manager supervises Triangle Land Conservancy’s land management program employees and volunteers. For details see the full job ad (pdf). Posted: 3/17/21.
US Army Corps of Engineers: Three positions requiring Master's or Doctoral Degree received within the last 60 months (or currently pursuing): Coastal and Aquatic Ecological Research -Focused on Oyster Restoration | Ecology: Wetland Restoration Research | Ecological Modeling Research. Posted: 2/8/21.
USDA Agricultural Research Service: seeking a permanent, full-time Agricultural Science Research Technician to support research on soil and water management. The position is at the USDA-ARS Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory, Sidney, Montana. Starting salary is $43k (GS 7), with promotion potential to GS-9 and includes full government benefits. Successful candidate will set up and maintain field and laboratory experiments in soil physics focused on soil and water management in irrigated and dryland cropping systems. Knowledge of crop production systems, agricultural research procedures and automated electronic equipment is desired. This is a competitive, full-time permanent appointment. U.S. Citizenship is required. Apply at https://www.usajobs.gov (announcement number: ARS-S21Y-11000943-CMB). Questions? Contact: Dr. Jay Jabro, Research Soil Scientist, 406-433-9442; jay.jabro@usda.gov. Closing: 1/29/2021. Posted: 1/14/21.
USFS Northern Research Station: The Northern Research Station plans to advertise the following 13-month TERM position renewable up to 4 years. Anticipated start date is December 2020. Biological Science Information Specialist GS-0401-11 (TERM appointment) Rhinelander, Wisconsin. The successful candidate will be a member of an interdisciplinary team of geneticists, forest and wildlife ecologists, landscape ecologists, and spatial modelers that develop and deliver scientific knowledge and tools that integrate ecological changes and resource management across scales and disturbance gradients with sustaining forests, restoring landscapes, and conserving natural resources. Starting annual salary is $64k plus benefits. The incumbent will be an integral member of an interdisciplinary research-management team conducting novel research on developing large-scale climate adaptive silvicultural strategies to save at-risk boreal wildlife species, specifically improving moose habitat in the near-term while also planning for future forest conditions in a changing climate. The incumbent will be responsible for manipulating and analyzing geospatial data to support research associated with spatially detailed ecological landscape models, specifically LANDIS-II, including coding, calibrating, aligning, regulating and substantiating models. The successful candidate will have opportunities to contribute to the development, testing and improvement of new model capabilities within LANDIS-II for use in the moose habitat study and other model applications. We are looking for candidates with (1) Knowledge of geospatial technology as related to simulation modeling; (2) Knowledge of various programming and scripting languages such as C#, Python, R, Windows API, including modular design, programming best practices, testing, debugging, version control and maintenance; (3) Knowledge of general concepts, practices, and methods of the biological sciences sufficient to interpret, evaluate, and identify forest ecosystems. To express interest in this position, please send an email to deahn.donnerwright@usda.gov by October 9th. All interested persons will be sent a link to the positions once it is advertised on www.USAJOBS.gov. Posted: 9/17/20.
USGS Southwest Biological Science Center: A Physical Science Technician position will be available in late summer/early fall 2020 at the Moab, Utah field office. The successful candidate will work on collaborative projects examining how soils, geomorphology, vegetation states, and land-use history interact to effect land resources of the Colorado Plateau and other drylands of the US. Work includes analysis of existing soil pedon observations, coupled soil-vegetation data sets, collection of new data, and extensive spatial analysis and predictive mapping. Major duties include: 1) development of data workflows and management, 2) data preparation and analysis, and 3) assist with the preparation of reports & scientific papers. Position will have a heavy focus on bridging big data (including remote sensing) and field data using R, Python and similar coding frameworks. A Master’s Degree and background in geomorphology, soil science, geography, or natural resource science is preferred. Candidate must be proficient in R and Python statistical coding languages, but experience with similar object-based languages will be considered. Prior experience with soil survey, advanced statistical analyses, GIS tools and techniques, and preparation of tables and graphs for publication is highly desired. Experience developing online geospatial user interfaces would also be preferred. Starting salary is $ 43k - position is expected to last 2 years with possibility of up to 4 years depending on funding. Interested individuals can submit a curriculum vitae or inquires to crs_jobs@usgs.gov. Applicants MUST be U.S. citizens and apply through www.usajobs.gov. Closes: 8/7/20. Posted: 8/3/20.
University of Alabama: We are seeking a Research Assistant to begin in Summer or Fall 2021. The Research Assistant will be supervised by Dr. Paige Ferguson and Dr. Nate Jones in the Department of Biological Sciences and will collaborate with local and regional restoration practitioners who are involved with mitigation banking. The Research Assistant will lead a literature review and manuscript writing focused on evaluating the utility of the performance standards and success criteria that the Army Corps of Engineers uses to evaluate the success of mitigation banking projects. The Research Assistant will (1) locate and read scientific literature, government reports, and industry white papers; (2) synthesize results about how success criteria have been applied across variable topography, climate, and biological communities and when the different success criteria can suitably assess success of the mitigation bank; and (3) write a manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed journal (the Research Assistant will be first author). This is a great opportunity for a Research Assistant to network with both academic and industry professionals, contribute to research that will make a difference in ecosystem restoration, and be the first author on a peer-reviewed publication. There is also the opportunity to work remotely or from Tuscaloosa. Applicants should have a background in many of the following: aquatic ecology, stream and wetland restoration, forest ecology, forest restoration, mitigation banking, natural resource management, environmental law and policy, environmental engineering. Applicants should have at least a BS degree or be working towards a BS degree related to the disciplines listed above (applicants with advanced degrees will be given attention, and pay will be scaled according to experience). Applicants should have experience searching for scientific literature, interpreting scientific literature, writing scientific papers, oral presentations, collaborating with scientists and industry staff. Applicants should be highly motivated, prepared to conduct independent research, experienced in prompt and thorough work, and skilled at working with diverse collaborators in a clear and respectful way. To apply, please email Dr. Ferguson (pfferguson@ua.edu) the following: 1. a cover letter describing your interest in the project, prior experiences that have prepared you for the Research Assistant position, dates you would be available to start, and whether you would work remotely or from Tuscaloosa 2. your CV 3. a sample of your scientific writing 4. contact information for 3 references Application are due April 15. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. The hourly pay will be scaled in proportion to experience, and health insurance and other benefits are included. Details can be discussed during interviews with top candidates. Posted: 3/25/21.
University of Arizona: We are pleased to announce two positions at the Biosphere 2 Ocean mesocosm: 1) Manager, Life Support Systems and Water Quality The Life Support Systems/Water Quality Manager shall assist the Deputy Director in supervising the daily operation and maintenance of all aquatic animal Life Support Systems (LSS) and Water Quality (WQ) equipment, as well as oversee animal husbandry requirements for the Experimental B2 Ocean biome. 2) Research Specialist The Research Specialist will participate in the coordination, implementation, and analysis of experimental research in the Ocean Biome. We are seeking an early career research specialist/ technician to join our interdisciplinary science team with expertise and interest in marine geochemistry, marine ecology, and ecosystem experiments. The successful candidates will join an international team of reef scientists leveraging the 2.6-million-liter ocean mesocosm to study innovative reef solutions at ecosystem scale. See the full job ads in the links above for details and to apply. Further questions can be directed to Diane Thompson (Director of Marine Research, thompsod@arizona.edu) or John Adams (Deputy Director, Biosphere 2, jadamsb2@arizona.edu). Posted: 9/30/20.
University of California Davis: The Cadenasso Landscape and Urban Ecology Lab, Department of Plant Sciences, seeks a GIS Analyst to fill a Research Data Analyst position. The GIS Analyst will work on interdisciplinary projects focused on water use and vegetation in Sacramento, CA. Within this overarching goal, the GIS Analyst will be responsible for locating, curating and analyzing datasets of urban tree inventories; mapping vegetation, parcel, and socio-demographic data; maintaining all appropriate metadata; and contributing to the documentation of methods. A basic understanding of ecology and environmental science is desired so that the candidate can meaningfully engage with the research. The successful candidate should expect to work with a variety of data and data types, be comfortable with ESRI ArcGIS, and be willing to learn new tools and techniques. The Analyst will work closely with the Principal Investigator (Cadenasso), a Post-Doctoral Researcher, and undergraduate employees and interns located at UC Davis, as well as with members of the larger collaborative team located throughout California. The successful applicant is expected to generate high quality mapping products for reports, publications, and presentations and, maintain and organize databases. They will also be expected to engage with collaborators, handle data sharing, and be able to articulate the goals of the research project to a wide range of audiences, including academic, public agency, and local community groups. The Analyst will be considered a full member of the Cadenasso Lab, and as such will be expected to be an active member of a vibrant intellectual community, preparing for and attending lab meetings and providing critical feedback to other projects occurring in the lab. Qualifications: - Bachelor's or Master's degree in ecology, or related field, with strong GIS skills; Certificate in Geographic Information Systems desired. - Experience using ESRI ArcGIS software suites, specifically the tools and functions within ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro 2.5+, ArcMap 10.7+, Survey123 (online and desktop) & Collector for ArcGIS utilizing both tabular and geographic data creatively. Experience using & maintaining these software platforms on iPad and desktop connections is highly desired. - Willingness to think about and use various spatial tools creatively. - Familiarity with spatial statistics tools within ArcGIS. - Strong data and file management skills. - Familiarity with eCognition software a plus. - Excellent written and oral communication skills; comfortable seeking data and information from other professionals by phone. - Flexibility to work both as a team member and independently. - Excited to work with diverse undergraduate interns and graduate students in the lab. - Willingness to travel to Sacramento for project meetings. This position is full time and the initial offer will be for one year with up to a 6 month extension based on performance. Start date is negotiable, but on or before 1 August 2020 is highly desirable. The position includes salary and benefits commensurate with experience and demonstrated accomplishments. To apply: Please send a cover letter highlighting your relevant experience and expertise, what interests you about the position, and career goals. Include a CV and the names and addresses of 3 professional references that can be contacted. It may be helpful to review the Cadenasso Lab website to get a better idea of the type of research we do: cadenassolab@weebly.com Email all materials as a single pdf file to Mary Cadenasso at MLCadenasso@ucdavis.edu, with "Research Data Analyst" in the subject line. Applications will also need to be uploaded to https://hr.ucdavis.edu/careers. Posted: 6/30/20.
University of Georgia: UGA’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (SREL) and Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources are seeking a Research Technician (BS) or Research Professional (MS) to provide support to studies in forest ecology, ecophysiology, ecohydrology, fire ecology, and biogeochemistry at SREL located in Aiken, SC. The selected candidate will be responsible for: assistance with the oversight and collection of data; general lab and field experiment organization and maintenance; data management, analysis, and manuscript preparation support; and assistance with other assigned tasks, including coordination of technicians, students, and collaborating scientists. A BS or MS in ecology, forestry, natural resources, biology, environmental science, or closely related discipline is required with prior experience conducting field research. The ideal candidate will have strong written and oral communication skills, strong organizational skills, and be able to work independently and as part of a team. Basic laboratory skills are required. Experience with forest measurement and ecophysiology techniques and equipment is highly desirable, including use of sap flow sensors, soil moisture sensors, thermocouples, Campbell dataloggers, infrared gas analyzers, Scholander pressure chambers, and general ability to troubleshoot problems with equipment. To apply, send the following in a single PDF: (1) a cover letter summarizing your research interests, qualifications, and career goals; (2) a resume or CV; and (3) names and contact information for three professional references to Doug Aubrey (daubrey@srel.uga.edu). Applications will be reviewed immediately and will continue until a suitable candidate is identified. Salary is $30-34K (technician) and $36-40K (professional) plus benefits with annual renewal, pending availability of funds and satisfactory performance. Posted: 5/10/21.
University of Georgia: The Peterson lab in the Plant Biology Department is seeking a full-time research technician in plant population biology. The technician will contribute to a variety of field, greenhouse, and lab experiments investigating plant population responses to climate change. Ongoing projects in the lab include 1) shifts in flowering time and plant-pollinator interactions in the Rocky Mountains, 2) demography and local adaptation to climate in arctic/alpine tundra species, and 3) population viability of granite outcrop endemics in the southeast. The position will be based in Athens, GA for most of the year but involve travel to remote field sites for specific projects, including field research at Niwot Ridge, CO in June-July. Responsibilities will include growing/maintaining plants in the greenhouse, contributing to field experiments, data management, ordering lab supplies, and routine lab work. The ideal candidate will be interested in pursuing a career in ecology, environmental sciences, or evolutionary biology, and have demonstrated abilities in critical thinking, organization, and working as part of a team. Candidates should have a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field (organismal biology or environmental science), previous field research experience, and the ability and willingness to engage in physically strenuous or uncomfortable activities (e.g., hiking at high elevation, carrying heavy equipment, working outdoors under a variety of weather conditions). Candidates from under-represented backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply! The position has an anticipated start date of January 2021, but is open to negotiation for strong candidates. Annual salary range is $30-35k depending on education level and prior experience, and includes competitive benefits. Apply here: https://www.ugajobsearch.com/postings/176643. Please contact Megan Peterson (megan.peterson2@uga.edu) with any questions about the position. Review of applications will begin December 1. Posted: 11/20/30.
University of Georgia: We seek a person with a passion for fostering inclusive environments in science, with knowledge of the field of freshwater science, and with the personal and technical skills to effectively coordinate multiple activities for program participants as part of a team. This Public Service Professional / Program Coordinator (PC) will provide oversight and coordination of a program to provide rich and impactful mentoring and learning experiences to underrepresented students and early career professionals in coordination with the Society for Freshwater Science. The PC will schedule and facilitate activities of participants, including workshops, scientific meetings, and online learning. The PC will manage the project budget, maintain all project records, oversee travel and meeting logistics for participants and activity leaders, facilitate and schedule regular communication between the project steering committee, the external advisory board, the participant selection committee, the external evaluator and other key collaborators. The PC will also lead communication efforts, including creating and maintaining a website, developing communication materials and distributing information through multiple channels, including social media. To apply, submit a Resume/CV, cover letter, names of 3 references, and a 1 page vision statement for promoting diversity and inclusion in STEM fields. The position is based at the University of Georgia, in Athens, GA, but teleworking arrangements can be considered. Preferred qualifications are Baccalaureate degree plus two years' experience, or Masters degree. Applications received by December 11, 2020 are ensured consideration. Proposed start date is February 1, 2021. Position is for one year with the potential to renew for up to 5 years, depending on performance and evaluation. Please go to https://www.ugajobsearch.com/postings/175199 for more details and information on how to apply. For additional information please contact Dr. Amy Rosemond amy.rosemond@gmail.com. Posted: 11/18/20.
University of Illinois: Senior Environmental Extension Scientist – Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant. Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant within the University of Illinois Extension is seeking an individual to expand an outreach program on Great Lakes contaminant remediation and restoration activities being conducted under the Great Lakes Legacy Act. Master’s degree related to subject matter emphasis is required. To view complete job description and apply, visit https://go.illinois.edu/137672. Closing date is December 4, 2020. For further information about the position, please contact Pat Charlebois at charlebo@illinois.edu. Posted: 11/25/20.
University of Kansas: The Billings Lab at KU seeks a Lab Technician and Manager. The Billings Lab explores terrestrial ecosystem ecology questions. The successful applicant for this position will assist the lab PI and lab personnel in the pursuit of their research. Tasks include equipment maintenance and repair, organizing and archiving samples, organizing lab spaces according to changing research needs, sample preparation, ordering supplies, preparing for and implementing field work at local and remote sites, and some data analysis depending on applicant skillsets. Occasionally, non-standard work week hours may be required. Application review begins November 30, 2020 and posting remains viable until December 4, 2020. Questions related to this position can be addressed to Sharon Billings, sharon.billings@ku.edu. Full position description and application instructions can be found at employment.ku.edu/staff/18139BR. Posted: 11/19/20.
University of Michigan: Great Lakes Fish Restoration. A 1-year Research Associate position is available for a qualified candidate to join a project funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that will assess the effectiveness of shoreline restoration projects in the Great Lakes. The successful candidate will be tasked with completing a literature review of habitat requirements for native Great Lakes fish species that are known to use coastal "shoreline" habitat for some part of their life cycle (e.g., walleye, yellow perch, lake sturgeon, lake trout, northern pike), and which are frequent targets for restoration efforts. In addition, the individual will help develop recommendations to NOAA for establishing historical or spatial "benchmarks" that represent high quality shoreline habitat for target fish species. The successful candidate will join Drs. Brad Cardinale and Karen Alofs in the School for Environment and Sustainability, who are leading a broader evaluation of Great Lakes shoreline restoration projects. The successful candidate could either join Drs. Cardinale and Alofs at U of M"™s Ann Arbor campus once COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed, OR THE CANDIDATE COULD WORK REMOTELY FROM THEIR CURRENT LOCATION WHILE MEETING WITH THE PROJECT TEAM BY VIDEO. Candidates should have a B.S. or M.S. in biology, ecology, fisheries and wildlife, or related field. Experience in fish biology or ecology is required. A background in statistics, and prior experience working on data syntheses or literature reviews is desirable. Salary $42k per year plus benefits. The appointment is for one year. Applications are due September 4th, 2020. To apply, go to https://careers.umich.edu/ and apply for job id number 188097. Posted: 8/11/20.
University of Minnesota: Do you want to do research that impacts local to global sustainability decisions? Do you take a systems focus -- and thrive when working on a team? We want to meet you. We’re the University of Minnesota Institute on the Environment (IonE), and we’re looking for multiple researchers, postdocs, Ph.D. students, and a research coordinator to join our Knowledge Initiatives team. We’re looking for multiple new team members who have a range of research and coordination skills. In the posted positions, there is an opportunity for you if you have technical skills in one or more of the following: - environmental and geospatial modeling, - advanced statistical data analysis, - mixed-methods social science approaches, - software engineering and/or coding experience in Python, Matlab, R, or Excel, - ecosystem service assessment, - life cycle analysis, - decision support science, or - science policy coordination or program management. Because we are posting multiple positions, we do not expect that you will have all of these skills (thank goodness!). Instead, we are looking for people who excel at juggling multiple research projects, proactively communicating with team members, and developing both peer-reviewed papers and impact-oriented public engagement with stakeholders to support decision-making and implementation. Additional details: https://z.umn.edu/IonE-KI-jobs. We will begin first reviewing applications for the posted research specialist and coordinator positions on Monday, June 28, with the review continuing until filled. There is no deadline for Ph.D. or postdoc applications. If you have any questions, please contact the supervisor for the position or me (makenney@umn.edu). Posted: 6/17/21.
University of Nevada, Reno: The DendroLab has an immediate opening for a Research Technician. This position is mainly responsible for wood anatomy and xylogenesis measurements, from taking microcores in the field to preparing them in the laboratory, from analyzing microscope slides using task-specific image analysis software to summarizing the measurements using a spreadsheet and/or numerical processing packages. The position complements existing research activities and will contribute to ongoing research projects as well as to potentially future ones that are currently pending. This grant-funded position will also contribute to the training of graduate students, either in the DendroLab or in other research units that focus on tree growth and its response to environmental change. Required qualifications: BA/BS in related field + 2 years of experience or MA/MS in related field + 1 year of experience or PhD in related field. Related fields include, but are not limited to, Ecology, Forestry, Natural Resources, Rangeland Science, Environmental Engineering. Experience is required in using field and laboratory tools for wood anatomy and xylogenesis measurements. Additional requirements: ability and willingness to perform field work in remote mountain areas; flexibility and capacity to adapt to various working schedules and arrangements. Application materials: Resume/CV, Cover Letter, Contact information for three professional references. Compensation includes a minimum annual salary of $42k plus benefits. Qualified individuals are encouraged to apply: full job ad. The application web site includes additional information on the position and the University. This search will close without notice when a sufficient number of applications are received or a hiring decision has been made. For additional information, please contact Prof. Franco Biondi, either by email (fbiondi@unr.edu) or through the DendroLab website. Posted: 10/26/20.
University of Northern Iowa: The Tallgrass Prairie Center is looking for a new Prairie on Farms Program Manager. The person promotes the use of prairie on farms and develops and sustains relationships with conservation professionals, farm operators, managers, and landowners, among other duties. The full consideration date is July 9, 2021. For more information, see: https://jobs.uni.edu/pands/view/52268. Posted: 6/17/21.
University of Notre Dame: Research Technician (Limited Term). We are currently recruiting for a full-time research technician position. The research technician will work with Dr. Nathan Swenson on ecological research and support undergraduate and graduate student research at the University of Notre Dame's Environmental Research Center (UNDERC)-East in northern Wisconsin. If ecological research is your passion, we want to talk to you! The research technician will work on the University of Notre Dame campus (South Bend, Indiana) for 7-8 months of the year as part of an NSF-funded project investigating intra- and inter-specific variation in tree performance. This research is critical to understanding and predicting the past, present, and future forest biodiversity distribution. For the other 4-5 months of the year, the research technician will support student research at UNDERC-East, a unique pristine area with exceptional research facilities. Housing at the UNDERC location is provided. For additional information regarding the job, qualifications and the application procedure, please visit: https://jobs.nd.edu/postings/20546. Posted: 3/25/21.
University of Richmond: Full-time insect research manager with benefits (1 year). This position is funded by a cooperative agreement between University of Richmond and USDA APHIS. The technician will be based at the USDA APHIS PPQ Field Operations, EAB Biocontrol Rearing Facility in Brighton, MI. The current contract for the position runs one year, with extensions contingent on additional funding. The position is open for immediate hire and applications will be reviewed until filled. The ideal candidate could start by the end of July. This position leads the execution of research on developing an artificial diet suitable for rearing invasive Emerald Ash Borer and tracks the successful infestation of parasitoids reared for biocontrol. This work requires the monitoring of larval growth and testing methods for presenting larvae to parasitoids in a lab environment. Responsibilities include: Conducting lab experiments with insects, cleaning and disinfecting work spaces, ordering supplies, and preparing artificial diets. This work requires knowledge of and use of stereo-microscopes, balances, laminar-flow hoods, and standard lab disinfection and hygiene practices. Responsibilities also include data entry, file management, summarizing results, and presenting findings. Must be able to work independently conducting lab experiments, while coordinating closely with the EAB biocontrol rearing team. Weekly virtual meetings communicate progress and problems with the Brighton facility director, the PI, and project manager. A Bachelor's degree is required. A completed MS degree and experience with insect rearing is preferred. Candidates that contribute to developing and supporting a diverse and inclusive workforce are strongly encouraged. Please contact Dr. Kristine Grayson (kgrayson@richmond.edu) with a letter of interest and CV/resume. Posted: 6/30/21.
University of Southern California: Lab Manager and Technical Specialist in Marine Microbial Ecology. The Fuhrman Lab at the USC Dept. of Biological Sciences is looking for someone to make measurements, perform experiments in the lab and field (shipboard and possibly marine lab on Catalina island), and help keep the 10-person lab running smoothly. For details and to apply: https://usccareers.usc.edu/job/los-angeles/research-lab-specialist/1209/5116983264. Posted: 3/19/21.
University of Vermont: The Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources is seeking a research technician to participate in research examining forest dynamics in response to climate and disturbance drivers and associated adaptive management strategies in northern New England. This position will be responsible for acquiring and processing forest ecosystem data to support of a wide variety of silviculture and forest ecology projects, including establishment and measurement of long-term experiments in natural and managed landscapes. Position will also be responsible for organizing and leading field sampling crews, data stewardship, and reporting and communication with cooperators and funding agencies. Finally, position will be responsible for coordinating and developing materials for the Northeast Silviculture Library. The position is available for Winter/Spring 2021 and includes one year of guaranteed funding with funding available for extension into subsequent years based on performance. Qualifications: B.S. in forestry, ecology, biology, environmental science or a closely related field with at least one-year experience with forest ecological data collection, including forest vegetation and soils. Applicants should be able to work independently, but also cooperatively with other researchers and managers, including coordinating sampling and data sharing across multiple sites and institutions. Applicants should also have a strong work ethic, ability to problem solve, demonstrated writing and quantitative capabilities, and a record of leadership. Apply at https://www.uvmjobs.com/hr/postings/42541 (Job Posting S2625PO) by December 18, 2020. Contact: Dr. Anthony D’Amato (awdamato@uvm.edu). Posted: 11/25/20.
University of Virginia: UVA Biology is hiring a full-time lab preparer to support introductory and upper-level labs. The department is particularly interested in someone with a background in ecology and evolution. This is a great opportunity to join a dynamic department in beautiful Charlottesville, VA. Feel free to email me (jsm4dz.virginia.edu) if you have any questions about the position. The Department of Biology seeks a Laboratory Preparer to support weekly undergraduate lab courses during the academic year as well as during Summer Sessions. Primary responsibilities include ordering, preparing, setup and cleanup of laboratory materials. Support is required throughout the duration of morning and afternoon labs. Responsibilities include: o Training teaching assistants (TAs) on lab procedures; o Coordinating the recruiting and supervising "Peer Teachers" (undergraduate students who assist the TAs); o Managing student absentee records; o Interfacing with Environmental Health and Safety staff; o Managing instructional budgets for each course;, o Maintaining an inventory of materials and equipment; and o Coordinating equipment maintenance and servicing. Small animal husbandry is required for some courses. Proficiency with word processing and spreadsheet software is essential. Other duties may be assigned. No experience in preparing laboratories for college-level courses is necessary. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Education: Bachelor's degree. Experience: 6 years of experience in a lab technician role. Master's degree may substitute for required experience. 9 years of experience accepted in lieu of degree. This position can spend extensive periods of time standing and squatting while conducting experiments or caring for animals. Also requires keyboarding and other bench work and animal procedures requiring finer finger manipulation. apply: https://uva.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/UVAJobs (search for position number R0025646). Posted: 6/30/21.
University of Virginia: The Department of Biology is hiring a Lab and Research Technician in the Gibson lab in association with a recently funded project to understand how environmental factors promote or impede the evolution of resistance. The Research Technician will be responsible for assisting with this and other ongoing projects in the lab. The Gibson lab studies the evolutionary ecology and genetics of host-parasite interactions with the goal of understanding how organisms adapt to rampant uncertainty - uncertainty in the species and strain of parasite a host might encounter and uncertainty in the environment in which that encounter will unfold. Experience performing basic molecular techniques including DNA extraction, PCR, or gel electrophoresis, and familiarity with Excel and R is also highly preferred. In addition, the qualified candidate will have excellent verbal and written communication skills and the ability to work accurately and with attention to detail. Please see the full job ad for details and to apply. Salary range $14-16/hr. Posted: 8/6/20.
University of Wisconsin, Madison: The Environmental Data Initiative (EDI) is a project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to provide professional data management, archiving and publishing to ecologists. We are hiring a full-time data manager to provide professional data publishing services to ecologists. Duties include curating and archiving a wide variety of datasets from researchers. (write metadata, quality control, annotation). Apply by 3/22/2021. See full posting at: http://bit.ly/EDIdatamanager. Posted: 3/19/21.
University of Wisconsin, Madison: Laboratory Researcher. We are seeking an outstanding applicant with a bachelor's or master's degree (or a current student who will graduate in December 2020) in an ecological or natural resource discipline for a full-time position in the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology at UW-Madison. The employee will be supervised by Professor Jonathan Pauli, and will be working on several collaborative projects. Primary duties will include preparation of samples for isotopic and genetic analyses and some administrative work. Other duties will include occasional field work and working with project collaborators at other universities as well as State, Federal, and Tribal agencies. Applicants should have strong organization skills, be detail oriented, and excel at written communication. Applicants with previous experience in working in the lab (especially with isotopes or genetics), in the field, and with natural resource agencies will be given priority. To be considered for this position, please send a current CV and cover letter outlining relevant experience and contact information for three professional references (name, email, phone, address) as either a PDF or MS Word file to preston.thompson@wisc.edu with "Research Position" in the subject line. Applications submitted by December 10, 2020 will be given full consideration. This position is structured to start on January 4, 2020 but the exact date is negotiable. It is a 12-month position in duration with the potential to extend based on performance. Annual salary of $30k. Health care is included. For more information, contact: Preston Thompson (preston.thompson@wisc.edu), Laboratory Manager, Pauli Lab. Posted: 11/25/20.
Utah State University: Dr. Peter Adler (USU) and Dr. Matt Germino (USGS) seek experienced field ecologists to implement a series of experiments focused on understanding how climate change will affect the trajectory of the cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) invasion in the Intermountain West. Two positions are available: one stationed in Logan, Utah with Adler's research group, and the other stationed in Boise, Idaho with Germino's research group. These are temporary (two year), full-time positions with annual income of at least $30k plus full benefits. Positions will begin between May and July, 2021. To apply, visit: https://careers-usu.icims.com/jobs/3287/job. To receive full consideration, please apply by March 1. Posted: 2/8/21.
Virginia Dept of Conservation & Recreation: Regional Supervisor/Coastal Region Steward. The Regional Supervisor/Coastal Region Steward is responsible for a wide range of management activities on NAPs in the Coastal Virginia Region, with a special focus on providing Division leadership and expertise with coastal resource issues. In the role of Regional Supervisor the position oversees and facilitates natural areas management in the Coastal Region by supervising the Coastal Operations Steward, the Coastal Region Stewardship Technician (wage), as well as other wage positions and volunteers. The Regional Supervisor role oversees development and revision of preserve public access plans and oversees operations projects including public access facilities improvement and maintenance. In the Coastal Region Steward role, the position writes and updates preserve management plans, conducts biological monitoring including element occurrence updating, initiates invasive species control projects, coordinates volunteer stewardship teams to accomplish various aspects of natural areas management and serves as naturalist and interpreter at a variety of Eastern Shore and Tidewater preserves. The position also provides biological resource management expertise to benefit natural heritage resources on non-DCR lands on the Eastern Shore and in Tidewater, and provides technical consultations for natural area stewardship issues to a range of clients including federal, state, local, and private land managers and owners. The candidate must be able to work independently in remote areas. Minimum Qualifications: Extensive training in natural resources management including invasive species control, biological monitoring and habitat restoration Previous work experience in natural resources management and management planning Demonstrated ability to implement natural resource management projects Strengths in plant ecology, avian ecology, coastal processes and ecological restoration Proven ability and experience in supervising others Demonstrated collaboration and public communication skills Extensive experience with use of GPS and GIS for mapping and spatial information management. See the full job ad for details and to apply. Close Date: 2/18/2021. Posted: 2/8/21.
Washington State University: This position as Agricultural Research Technologist (2) at WSU-TFREC (WSU, Wenatchee, WA) will support the research activities in physiology and pomology (apple and pear) in tree crops in Washington. The incumbent will perform a wide range of duties including field and greenhouse research, laboratory analysis, fruit sorting, and quality analysis. Applicant should feel comfortable working in adverse outdoor conditions including rain, snow, and extreme heat or cold independently or as part of a team. The incumbent must feel comfortable working on top of ladders and carry up to 50-55 pounds (25kg). Other required activities include data entry, written summary, statistical analysis, and preparation of graphics/presentations, reports and manuscripts. The incumbent will work in flower biology and thinning trials with focus on precision crop load production and final fruit quality. High level of capability in essential computer software (spreadsheets, word processing and presentation) and the ability to learn new software is required. Experience with data analysis platforms is highly desirable (e.g. SAS, R, Matlab, etc.) Job duties also include the ability to locate and purchase supplies, take care of instruments maintenance/calibration, schedule and execute activities independently, and learn new procedures and develop protocols as required. Experimental and analytical skills, precision, reliability, understanding and knowledge of research theory, excellent organizational and project management skills are required qualifications for this position. The incumbent will supervise the activities of hourly workers, assist graduate students in their projects and work with other technical staff and scientists to achieve project goals. Required qualifications include bachelor’s degree in horticulture, biological, chemical, physical or agricultural sciences and have or be able to obtain a valid driver’s license at the time of hire. Preferred qualifications include experience in microscopy and 2-3 years of field experience in horticulture. Salary commensurate on education and experience. Apply at https://wsujobs.com/postings/54287 by the closing date of December 13, 2020. Please direct other questions regarding the position to Darla Ewald at dewald@wsu.edu. Posted: 11/25/20.
Xerces Society: Mid-Atlantic Pollinator and Beneficial Insect Conservation Planner and NRCS Partner Biologist. Reporting to the Xerces Society Senior Pollinator Conservation Specialist (East Region), and in collaboration with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the Mid-Atlantic Pollinator and Beneficial Insect Conservation Planner will provide conservation planning, technical support and training to farmers, other agricultural producers, NRCS field office planners, NRCS state office staff, and other regional conservation partners with a focus on New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, and other Mid-Atlantic and southern New England states. LOCATION: Columbus, NJ. COMPENSATION: $45-52k, per year, commensurate with qualifications. JOB START DATE: August 2021. DEADLINE: July 12, 2021. Apply at: http://bit.ly/xerces-jobs. Posted: 6/17/21.